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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Tagged With "F.A.I.T.H"

Ask the Community

Welcoming Communities for New Americans & People on the Margins TiCong Linear Plan

Kimberly T Konkel ·
Hello All,   Attached is first draft Linear Plan for Building Welcoming Communities.  Please edit away and track changes then send your edits to Kimberly dot Konkel at hhs dot gov and I will incorporate them.   Shalom, Kimberly
Blog Post

Advocating for Rachel, Part One - insights from Intermountain Board member and friend, Crystal Amundson

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Note: Crystal Amundson LCPC, RPT-S runs a private practice in Helena, Montana, where she works as a child play therapist. Crystal specializes in Play Therapy, working with children ages 2-12, alongside their caregivers. She is a previous employee and current board member at Intermountain. Her passion and expertise is in the field of early childhood mental health. Crystal prepared this case study with accompanying prompts for action by faith-based groups and community groups that hope to make...
Blog Post

California bishops: The mental health care system is broken (

The Catholic bishops of California on May 1 released “ Hope and Healing ,” a pastoral letter on the care of those who struggle with mental illness . “People who suffer from severe and persistent mental illnesses are among the most misunderstood, ignored and unjustly stigmatized members of our society,” the bishops write in the passionate and strongly worded statement. “For them, our communities and parishes should be places of refuge and healing, not places of rejection or judgment.” “There...
Blog Post

During COVID-19: The need for your skills. Self-care resources. Share your TI responses? Thank you!

Mimi graham ·
Dear Trauma F riends and C olleagues: The COVID 19 pandemic offers a critical opportunity to share your unique skills in coping with stress and trauma. Many of us and the families we serve may be shifting through the stages of change and grief----denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance---about this pandemic. You may be adjusting to telehealth and virtual visits but know that our families need your reassurance and help in regulating and coping. Hope you’re all practicing self-care while you...
Blog Post

Following MLK’s Example Means Ending Our ‘Whatever’ Mindset []

Jane Stevens ·
  I am often deeply disturbed by our remorseless witness. We are all implicated; we share responsibility for our witness of well-defined evil. We don’t protect our most vulnerable children; we value people according to arbitrary standards...
Blog Post

Free Resource! A "Trauma Informed" Jelly Bean Easter Poem

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
First thing you may ask is What?? and then, perhaps, Why?? Well... The story of Jesus’ arrest, trial, death, burial and resurrection can be difficult for many people, but none more so than the victims of abuse or neglect, or for anyone especially affected by violence. We want to be sensitive to the special needs of those that have endured trauma, but still remain truthful to the gospel. So, what is a parent, children’s minister, or pastor to do around Easter? It’s a tough situation. If you...
Blog Post

Growth through Trauma-Informed Strategies: Coaching and Consultation with Rick Griffin

Tara Mah ·
There is a Chinese proverb that states, “If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people." The benefits are evident, yet the real question becomes, “how do you grow people?” This Big Idea Session, CRI’s Trauma Coaching and Trauma Consultation Training, answers this question. Schools, organizations, and parents are discovering that the traditional “command and control” style of working with...
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Healing our Communities through Trauma Informed Ministries

Thirteen faith leaders, behavioral health providers, and community leaders gathered on August 12 in City Heights for an introduction to the science and practice of adverse childhood experiences, and to hear about an upcoming series of workshops about mental health services in their communities. The series, which is led by Pastor Jesus Sandoval, chair of the Faith Based Academy, intends to bring together 25 Hispanic and 25 African American ministries with staff from San Diego County's Health,...
Blog Post

Linear draft plan

Jane Stevens ·
  Here's the draft version of the Trauma-Informed Congregations Community of Practice Linear Plan that Kimberly put together. You obviously can't read this screen-grab image, so open the document (the pdf is below), and add your feedback in the...
Blog Post

New Trauma-informed curriculum for training ministries available as an instant digital download!!

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
I have been blessed by the response to the curriculum "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks," now having sent it out to ministries in 26 States and the District of Columbia. I have already received a little feedback and made some minor changes to content, but what I am most excited about is that t he curriculum is now available in a downloadable digital format! For those that have not seen previous posts on the curriculum, the study is for adult small groups or classes and is laid out into the...
Blog Post

Peek Inside a Classroom: Jose

Daun Kauffman ·
                    Photo credit Max Klingensmith at  flickr . Jose was one of the calmest, quietest, most peaceful boys in the classroom.  The kind of boy everybody loves.    ...
Blog Post

Personal stories from witnesses, U.S. representatives provided an emotional wallop to House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on childhood trauma

Room erupts in applause for the grandmother of witness William Kellibrew during July 11 House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing. The power of personal stories from witnesses and committee members fueled the July 11 hearing on childhood trauma in the House Oversight and Reform Committee* throughout the nearly four hours of often emotional and searing testimony and member questions and statements (Click here for 3:47 hour video). The hearing was organized into a two panels—testimony from...
Blog Post

Population-Based Analysis of Temporal Trends in the Prevalence of Depressed Mood Among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Youths From 1999 Through 2017 []

By Alexandra H. Bettis, Richard T. Liu, Jama Pediatrics, October 21, 2019 Depression in adolescence is highly prevalent and associated with negative long-term outcomes.1 Despite decades of research on treatment for adolescent depression, sexual minority youths remain a particularly at-risk group.2 Temporal trends inform progress in addressing the need to eliminate health disparities among sexual minority populations.3 To our knowledge, this study presents the first population-representative...
Blog Post

Some 350 Florida Leaders Expected to Attend Think Tank with Dr. Vincent Felitti, Co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study; Expert on ACEs Science

Carey Sipp ·
Leaders from across the Sunshine State will take part in a “Think Tank” in Naples, FL, on Monday, August 6, to help create a more trauma-informed Florida. The estimated 350 attendees will include policy makers and community teams made up of school superintendents, law enforcement officers, judges, hospital administrators, mayors, PTA presidents, child welfare experts, mental health and substance abuse treatment providers, philanthropists, university researchers, state agency heads, and...
Blog Post

The Soulful Journey of Recovery: A Guide to Healing from a Traumatic Past for ACAs, Codependents, or Those with Adverse Childhood Experiences

Mary Beth Colliins ·
A groundbreaking new book from Tian Dayton, PhD, and the publisher of the New York Times bestseller Adult Children of Alcoholics …The book that started it all! T ian Dayton picks up where Janet Woititz author of Adult Children of Alcoholics left off…..for those who have grown up in a family with addiction, mental illness, or other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the heartache and pain doesn’t end when they grow up and leave home. The legacy can last a lifetime and spread to generations...
Blog Post

This is Us - Meet Peace4Tarpon - Connie McDonald!

Robin Saenger ·
Connie has lived in Tarpon Springs for over forty years. During that time, she has served as Interim Director of the Chamber of Commerce and “cut the ribbon” for many new businesses. It was here that she came to know and love the people of Tarpon Springs and developed a heart for both the youth and elderly. As one of the founders of “Wellness Ministries”, Connie works with folks experiencing homelessness by providing food, clothing, medical and spiritual support. She volunteered for over...
Blog Post

Tools and how to use them is focus of second webinar on Community Resiliency Model, May 14, 2020

Carey Sipp ·
The second of two free Community Resiliency (CRM) webinars with Elaine Miller-Karas , key creator of the CRM, will be held Thursday, May 14, from 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET, (10 a.m. CT; 9 a.m. MT, and 8 a.m. PT) and will include the practical application of tools of the model. CRM is an ACEs science-based biological model for helping individuals become emotionally regulated during natural disasters and other dysregulating times. Miller-Karas will be joined by CRM trainers from Wilmington, NC:...
Blog Post

Trauma Conference

Clay Rojas ·
Tickets Still available. CEU's TBA. %50 student discount.
Blog Post

Understanding Addiction, Trauma and Recovery Conference

Clay Rojas ·
If you want to be part of educating the faith community about Trauma, ACEs, Addiction and Recovery, then please consider attending this dynamic one day conference in Auburn, CA with Dr. Jessica Rodriguez. CEUs available. Please contact Clay Rojas with any questions:
Blog Post

USD Kroc Insight newsletter - Look Both Ways: Religous Leaders and the Challenge of Engaging Community and Police

Across the United States, including in San Diego where the Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (Kroc IPJ) launched the Building Trust Partnership (BTP), relationships between communities and law enforcement are strained and plagued by mistrust. To build relationships and restore trust between police and communities while confronting difficult, emotionally and politically charged issues, religious leaders must engage with both sides and remain neutral, even when speaking to one may be...
Ask the Community

Addiction Linear Plan of TiCong

Kimberly T Konkel ·
Hello All,   Attached is first draft Linear Plan on Addiction.  Please edit away and track changes then send your edits to Kimberly dot Konkel at hhs dot gov and I will incorporate them.   Shalom, Kimberly
Ask the Community

Building Resilience and Expanding Health Linear Plan

Kimberly T Konkel ·
Hello All,   Attached is first draft Linear Plan on Building Resilience and Expanding Health.  Please edit away and track changes then send your edits to Kimberly dot Konkel at hhs dot gov and I will incorporate them.   Shalom, Kimberly
Ask the Community

Decreasing Violence and Addressing Toxic Stress and Trauma in our Communities TiCong Linear Plan

Kimberly T Konkel ·
Hello All,   Attached is first draft Linear Plan on Violence, Toxic Stress, and Trauma.  Again, please edit away and track changes then send your edits to Kimberly dot Konkel at hhs dot gov and I will incorporate them.   Shalom, Kimberly

Re: Linear draft plan

Former Member ·
My suggestions to the linear plan from Kimberly for tomorrows discussion from our most recent email: A. Under mission and Values: Create trauma-informed congregations that are able to address the co-occurring epidemics of Violence Against Children (ACEs) , adult violence, untreated mental illness... etc.... VALUES Prevention as Young as Possible ( T h ere needs to be a statement here somewhere as to preventing ACEs --- it needs to be specific.... such as our values are to protect the rights...

Re: Building Resilience and Expanding Health Linear Plan

Dale Fletcher ·
See my suggested edits, attached.

Re: The Need for Trauma-informed Education During Seminary

Dale Fletcher ·
Hi Kimberly, no, I am not a member. Is this a different Group here on the ACES Connection or a separate community elsewhere?


Jane Stevens ·
Blog Post

Trauma-informed policing: Learn how three highly experienced community leaders strengthen ties between police and community

Carey Sipp ·
ACEs initiative participants in communities where there is tension between the community and law enforcement will want to join Becky Haas in a compelling conversation on law enforcement, ACEs science, COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement and protests. Haas is a nationally recognized adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) science initiative builder and trainer. She and colleagues Renee Wilson-Simmons, the head of the ACE Awareness Foundation of Memphis, Tennessee, and Maggi Duncan,...
Blog Post

A Transition(August 8th, 2020) A Tribute.

James Encinas ·
Blog Post

The Intersection of Systematic Racism, the Pandemic, and SDoMH: Reality Mandates Change

Ellen Fink-Samnick ·
Systematic racism is at the core of mental health disparities and social determinants of mental health (SDoMH).Upstream factors obstruct patient access to needed and appropriate assessment, timely intervention, with treatment for these populations often reflecting poorer quality, and ending prior to completion of treatment. COVID-19 and the recent pandemic have only amplified meso and micro-level gaps in care. considered, provided, and reimbursed.
Blog Post

ACEs Connection/CTIPP Southeastern Leaders’ call: State updates, funding information, and “mind-blowing” information about helping people out of poverty

Carey Sipp ·
Southeastern ACEs Connection and national CTIPP leaders on the quarterly leader call welcomed guest speaker Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz (top left) for their quarterly call. Also among those present were (top row l-r) Carey Sipp, Jesse Kohler, Jesse Hardin, (second row, l-r) Patti Tiberi, Mebane Boyd, Jen Drake-Croft, Dan Press, (third row, l-r) Mimi Graham, Christopher Freeze, Margaret Stagmeier, (fourth row, l-r) Emily Marsh, Liz Peterson, Alyssa Koziarski and Janet Pozmantier. Also present was...

Re: SPEARS: The Essence Space. A Therapeutic Tool Bridging Faith and Science

Tracey O'Neal ·

Re: SPEARS: The Essence Space. A Therapeutic Tool Bridging Faith and Science

Tracey O'Neal ·

Re: SPEARS: The Essence Space. A Therapeutic Tool Bridging Faith and Science

Tracey O'Neal ·

Jim Sporleder

Jim Sporleder
Blog Post

2011-2021—A decade of steady growth in ACEs and TI laws and resolutions in the states

In 2019 and 2020, dozens of states enacted nearly 60 laws and resolutions that reference adverse childhood experiences or trauma. In this post, there's an interactive map that shows them all.
Blog Post

Historical Trauma in the American Midwest Event Recap

Alison Cebulla ·
On September 16, 2021, PACEs Connection hosted our second event in our Historical Trauma in America series . This event was led by Ingrid Cockhren, the director of the PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities; and Porter Jennings-McGarity, our community facilitator of the Midwest Region. It featured guest speaker Agnes Woodward who is Plains Cree from Kawacatoose First Nation, Saskatchewan, Canada. To download the slide deck from this presentation, click here. Then click "download file".
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Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: Linda's Perfect Landing: Turning from Crime to Christ on Apple Podcasts (Linda Ketterer)

Please click the link below for Linda Ketterer's Podcast on T ouched by Heaven Everyday Encounters with God. podcast/touched-by-heaven- everyday-encounters-with-god/ id1363568651?i=1000535058841
Blog Post

A Trauma Informed Approach to Vaccine Fear

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
PLEASE SIGN ON TO THIS MEMO TO SUPPORT OUTREACH ALONG THESE LINES TO THE ADMINISTRATION! If the goal is to impact meaningful change, it might prove helpful to view vaccine fear through a trauma informed-lens. There is an intentional shift from the use of the word “hesitancy” and instead using the more specific and appropriate term “fear”. We are more likely to change that which we better define and understand. The following memo has been developed with input from an interdisciplinary team of...
Blog Post

Georgia Reads "What Happened to You?" and Parent Leadership Month

Deborah Chosewood ·
Since late 2021 and into 2022, the Georgia Essentials for Childhood Initiative has been encouraging parents, caregivers, professionals, all those who work with or around young people, and all those who may have experienced their own trauma to read the book "What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing" , coauthored by Oprah Winfrey and Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD. The inaugural Georgia Reads initiative was launched in November 2021 with a webinar hosted by the Georgia...
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Tackling Trauma Together Summit

Antonio Clinkscales ·
Engage with Dr. Alauna and Pastor Clinkscales for an intimate encounter on a personal journey of enlightenment through life-altering teachings that will help you heal mentally and emotionally - once you are FREE mentally, you are FREE INDEED! Business owners, business professionals, educators, faith leader or anyone seeking clarity and peace of mind in order regain balance in their life, this summit is for you. We all are wounded healers; you can't encourage wholeness if, you, first aren't...
Blog Post

Spirituality and Health in Our Federal Government

Dale Fletcher ·
I’m dismayed that our federal government’s health-related initiatives and websites do not include spirituality in their frameworks for health and wellbeing. Consequently, the spiritual dimension of health is not recommended as a resource to improve individual health and wellbeing and the nation’s public health.
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