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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Tagged With "Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"

Ask the Community

Trauma Informed Congregations - A Strategy Document

Dale Fletcher ·
Hi Folks, I have recently been trained as an ACE Master Trainer through the Children's Trust of South Carolina . In the training we received materials from ACE Interface . My special interest is working with churches and ministries to educate and equip them to be better trauma-informed and to increase the resilience of members of their congregation and of the communities members they serve. Myself and another Master Trainer have presented information on ACEs to a small group of people at a...
Ask the Community

Welcoming Communities for New Americans & People on the Margins TiCong Linear Plan

Kimberly T Konkel ·
Hello All,   Attached is first draft Linear Plan for Building Welcoming Communities.  Please edit away and track changes then send your edits to Kimberly dot Konkel at hhs dot gov and I will incorporate them.   Shalom, Kimberly
Calendar Event

TiCong Monthly Meeting

Blog Post

12 Myths of the Science of ACEs

Jane Stevens ·
The two biggest myths about ACEs science are: MYTH #1 — That it’s just about the 10 ACEs in the ACE Study — the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study . It’s about sooooo much more than that. MYTH #2 — And that it’s just about ACEs…adverse childhood experiences. These two myths are intertwined. The ACE Study issued the first of its 70+ publications in 1998, and for many people it was the lightning bolt, the grand “aha” moment, the unexpected doorway into a blazing new...
Blog Post

2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference Series - Why Take Course One and Course Two?

Tara Mah ·
Community Resilience Initiative is officially launching a new series of blog posts, building to our 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers conference on June 25th - 27th. We’ll cover a range of topics relevant to conference material, events, and inspirations. In addition to the regular conference, CRI is offering two training add-on options on Tuesday June 25, 2019 prior to the conference: Resilience-Based Trainings, Course One and Two . “A group of...
Blog Post

6 Critical Questions Parents & Teens Should Ask Today (

Image: Thank you to ACEs Connection San Diego State University Group member, Maralisa Deguzman, for sharing this article. As a former teacher-turned-youth director, I can attest to the power of sharing ideas among trusted co-workers. Why re-invent the wheel when you can steal great ideas from others and apply them to your own situation? I had the opportunity to do just that recently when I sought ways to improve communication between my high school youth and their...
Blog Post

6 min CBN News Interview on Sexual Abuse and the Church

Lisa Compton ·
Blog Post

A call for help: suicide in children

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
This is the second in the series on children and suicide. The  first post  asked the question, “Do elementary age children seriously consider suicide?”   It is important to understand all you can about suicide in young...
Blog Post

A Faith Based Organizations Paragraph on the New Wikipedia Site

Dale Fletcher ·
I have just added new content in the Forum area on this topic.    Those interested in improving the Faith-based Organizations paragraph on the Wikipedia site, please connect with me.  Better yet, please comment on that Forum post....
Blog Post

A program to Teach ACEs concepts/Importance of Avoiding Toxic Stress to Parents at our Local Lutheran Church. Ideas?

Former Member ·
Hi everyone. I wanted to get some input. Our Lutheran Church has asked if I might be interested in working with mothers at risk due to ACEs in their own childhood's for negative outcomes in their children and to work with the church to develop a...
Blog Post

A "Trauma-informed Lord's Prayer" by & for children, written in chapel at Intermountain

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
In a previous post , I explained that this fall I worked with the children on understanding and interpreting the Lord's Prayer. The Lord's Prayer, or "Our Father," posed many interesting opportunities to discuss themes that each and ever one of us struggle with. It was a challenge preparing a lesson for children with emotional disturbance dealing with complicated teachings in scripture. It was an exercise in combatting "Christian-ese" and the simple Sunday school answers (you know... when in...
Blog Post

ACEs & African Americans Community on ACEs Connection

Ingrid Cockhren ·
ACEs Connection envisions a resilient world where ALL people thrive. We are an anti-racist organization committed to the pursuit of social justice. In our work to promote resilience and prevent and mitigate ACEs, we intentionally embrace and uplift people who have historically not had a seat at the table. ACEs Connection celebrates the voices and tells the stories of people who have been barred from decision-making and who have shouldered the burden of systemic and economic oppression as the...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champion Dr. Angela Bymaster: This Faith-Based Physician Integrates ACEs Science with Healing Arts

Sylvia Paull ·
Dr. Angela Bymaster, a family physician at Washington Elementary School in San Jose, CA, operates her clinic in a portable unit on the school property. Because the unit faces students as they are dropped off by their families, she gets to “pick up the kids” before they are sent to the clinic, practicing “upstream medicine.”
Blog Post

Action needed today by trauma advocates to urge Congress to address mental health and trauma in current COVID-19 legislation

The follow is a message from Dan Press, Legal Advisor to the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice ), about the need to contact Congress regarding a COVID 19 funding bill being considered this weekend. He is urging ACEs science/trauma advocates and leaders to send emails to their U.S. Senators and Representatives immediately to address the mental health and trauma implications of this pandemic. All – I hate to bother you on a Sunday, but we urgently need you to contact Congress to...
Blog Post

Add the ACEs Connection “shortcut” to your phone and help make the world more ACEs Science aware. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Carey Sipp ·
Stay current with ACEs Connection -- and easily share stories via social media and email -- by accessing ACEs Connection and/or your community’s home page on your phone. Adding an ACEs Connection shortcut to your phone works for iPhone and Android systems and makes staying logged in, checking in, and sharing out quick and easy, on-the-go! Community managers: Share this post with community members, as using the shortcut is a great way to help your members stay abreast of what’s going on! On...
Blog Post

Advocating for Rachel, Part One - insights from Intermountain Board member and friend, Crystal Amundson

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Note: Crystal Amundson LCPC, RPT-S runs a private practice in Helena, Montana, where she works as a child play therapist. Crystal specializes in Play Therapy, working with children ages 2-12, alongside their caregivers. She is a previous employee and current board member at Intermountain. Her passion and expertise is in the field of early childhood mental health. Crystal prepared this case study with accompanying prompts for action by faith-based groups and community groups that hope to make...
Blog Post

An ACES Presentation as a Sermon

Dale Fletcher ·
My 45-minute Understanding ACES teaching was delivered on Sunday to a church in Rock Hill, South Carolina. This will be followed by a special weekly series that addresses the Christian/biblical solution to the many spiritual risk factors that stem from early life trauma.
Blog Post

Be trained to lead a Life Changing Small Group Study!

Phil Schmauss ·
Exciting 2 Day Training | August 23 & 24, 2019 Who should attend? Pastors, Church Leaders, Sunday School teachers, foster/adoptive parents, and anyone interested in a faith-based approach. If you minister to the hurting, learn how trauma informed practice can help you reach and impact lives with a powerful combination of scientific and biblical principles. Participants will gain an understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) and how traumatic events affect how a person...
Blog Post

Beyond Faith: How One Community Raised 70 Kids from the Texas Foster Care System []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Diann Sparks hadn’t planned on adopting, until one of her sisters asked her to attend an adoption class in a town 120 miles away from her home in Possum Trot, part of east Texas’ Shelby County. At the time, Sparks had one biological daughter and was a single parent working a full-time job at a chicken plant. Possum Trot, a deeply religious black Baptist community in a mostly white county, doesn’t show up on Google maps. It has no streetlights, no post office, no grocery store and a lot of...
Blog Post

Building a Resilient Community (United Way of East Central Iowa)

Former Member ·
ACES: Building a Resilient Community Childhood trauma has affected the majority of people in our community.  Specific family problems as well as child abuse and neglect (summarized as Adverse Childhood Experience, or ACEs) have been shown to...
Blog Post

Building a Trauma-Informed Nation - Be a Part - Become an Amplifier Site

Former Member ·
Home Background REGISTER  to participate in person REGISTER  to participate via webcast REGISTER  to participate at an amplifier site (webcast downlink) REGISTER  to host an amplifier site Amplifier Site (webcast downlink) Speakers...
Blog Post

Building community by facing collective trauma with hope

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
It was a sunny fall afternoon a few years ago. A friend posed a very interesting question as we ate our dinner on the deck at a local restaurant. “What do you think, Chris, about the possibility of a whole group of people experiencing a reaction to trauma? Like, maybe our whole nation is still traumatized from 9-11-01, or Katrina, or maybe just a whole host of cascading traumatic events?” We spoke at some length about what a reaction to trauma would look like in a society at large, and it...
Blog Post

Can kids in single parent homes become successful contributing adults to society when they grow up?

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
There are a lot of negative statistics about children in divorced homes. While these stats may be true, they may lead you to conclude that the children who come from these homes are set up for failure. It doesn’t have to be that...
Blog Post

Chaplain Chris Haughee Interview

Teri Wellbrock ·
To quote a friend who just gave her testimony at our church about her own struggles with mental health misdiagnosis and recovery, she was told after her first hospitalization, “This won’t be the first time you deal with this.” Our trauma is always with us.
Blog Post

Cultivating Deliberate Resilience During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic []

By Abby R. Rosenberg, JAMA Pediatrics, April 14, 2020 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is affecting our health care community in unprecedented ways. As a pediatric oncologist who studies resilience in the context of illness, I started thinking about what this pandemic means for our professional resilience a few weeks ago, when the first US patient with fatal COVID-19 died in my home city of Seattle, Washington. Promoting resilience among health care workers and organizations starts with...
Blog Post

Developing Super Powers: Using Resilience Strategies to Cope with Negative Experiences. Introducing CRI's Newest Book!

Tara Mah ·
“I believe that everyone, especially a child, deserves to know how their brains are shaped by environment, to then understand their capacity for building proactive protective factors. We all deserve to be super heroes as we do the best we can to consciously live life well. ” - Teri Barila The superheroes we learn about in comics, movies, and TV shows swoop in to save the world with their incredible powers, to shield people from harm. But in our world, no matter how much we wish to protect...
Blog Post

Did you know you can post a blog on ACEs Connection?

Former Member ·
Did you know you can post a blog on ACEs Connection? Have you been wanting to share a news article? Tell us your story? Explain what you're doing in the ACEs world? Look below for videos & link to blog posts on how to post a blog! Plus, videos on how to add photos, documents, and videos to your blog post. Please leave questions or comments below! How-To: Post a Blog Add a How-To: Add a Title Image to your Blog Post How-To: Insert a Video into a Blog Post How-To: Add a Document to a Blog...
Blog Post

Do elementary age children cut or self-harm?

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
I posted a three part series on this subject. Rather than post the content of the three post I'm going to post the links to the three posts. Thanks to all of you who helped me with this research. Unfortunately elementary age children are becoming more...
Blog Post

Donna Jackson Nakazawa Chats Live with Jane Stevens & You: Nov. 14th

Christine Cissy White ·
Featured Guest: @Donna Jackson Nakazawa Topic: Well-Being, Self-Care & ACEs Date: November 14th, 2017 Time: 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST Where: Here / Chats Donna Jackson Nakazawa is an winning researcher, writer and public speaker on health and family issues. She explores the intersection between neuroscience, immunology, and the deepest inner workings of the human heart. Her most recent book, Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal , examines...
Blog Post

Donna Jackson Nakazawa on bringing down the stress-threat response

Christine Cissy White ·
Cissy's note: Donna Jackson Nakazawa has graciously allowed me to cross-post some of her current and future Facebook page posts here in the Practicing Resilience for Self-Care and Healing community on ACEs Connection . Hello Friends. As a SciComm journalist with 30 years of reporting and 6 books under my belt, which focus on how our stress response governs our immune health, I’ve been thinking about what I have learned, and how I might help you quiet your body and mind during this # pandemic...
Blog Post

Drawing connections, building empathy and resilience in traumatized children

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
At Intermountain's residential services, we have spent a lot of time this past month focusing on thankfulness, gratitude, and recognizing how richly we have been blessed. This has allowed me, as their chaplain, to encourage empathetic responses to the needs of others while also building a positive self-image as each child recognizes that they have something to give others. Woven into this narrative was a recognition of our interdependence and that it is not a sign of weakness to acknowledge...
Blog Post

During COVID-19: The need for your skills. Self-care resources. Share your TI responses? Thank you!

Mimi graham ·
Dear Trauma F riends and C olleagues: The COVID 19 pandemic offers a critical opportunity to share your unique skills in coping with stress and trauma. Many of us and the families we serve may be shifting through the stages of change and grief----denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance---about this pandemic. You may be adjusting to telehealth and virtual visits but know that our families need your reassurance and help in regulating and coping. Hope you’re all practicing self-care while you...
Blog Post

Elaine Miller-Karas Helps Bring the Dalai Lama's Vision to Light

Lindsay Vos ·
Elaine Miller-Karas, executive director and co-founder of the Trauma Resource Institute, has been invited to attend the launch in New Delhi, India, of a special program initiated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Miller-Karas is one of the key developers of the Trauma Resiliency Model® (TRM) and the Community Resiliency Model® (CRM) – biological-based models designed to help people recover from toxic stress. Miller-Karas has shepherded the Trauma Resource Institute since its birth in 2006 into...
Blog Post

Elevate Montana - Helena Affiliate and "trial run" of new trauma-informed curriculum for churches

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
To date, over 80 copies of the curriculum Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks: a six week study of trauma-informed ministry and compassionate care for children from hard places and situations have gone out around the country. Released this past spring, most have ordered it to preview the materials prior to utilization this coming fall. So, while feedback has been positive, there have been few users with specific comments related to how their teaching experience has gone (because, well... they...
Blog Post

Emotional Well-Being and Coping During COVID-19 []

From Weill Institute for Neurosciences, UCSF, May 2020 These are unprecedented times. We need to work extra hard to manage our emotions well. Expect to have a lot of mixed feelings. Naturally we feel anxiety, and maybe waves of panic, particularly when seeing new headlines. A recent article by stress scientist and Vice Chair of Adult Psychology Elissa Epel, PhD, outlines the psychology behind the COVID-19 panic response and how we can try to make the best of this situation. Our anxiety is...
Blog Post

Faith and Mental Health: Creating a culture of encounter and friendship

Curtis Ramsey-Lucas ·
My article “Faith and mental health: Creating a culture of encounter and friendship” has been published in the May issue of Review & Expositor: An International Baptist Journal. Article introduces the Mental Health and Faith Community Partnership which the Interfaith Disability Advocacy Coalition helped launch with the American Psychiatric Association and focuses on how congregations and faith leaders can work with psychiatrists and the mental health community to reduce stigma and...
Blog Post

Finding healing after trauma: Elizabeth Smart (courtesy of Goalcast)

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
One of the most common questions I get from the trauma-affected children I serve is, "Why did God allow [insert really awful, tragic experience] to happen to me?" I imagine it's a question that most pastors, ministers, chaplains, and those Christians who share their faith with others face. It's fundamentally a relational question, not a theological one... and that's important to remember. The question is seeking the reason why a God who is Love could allow something that is experienced as...
Blog Post

For those that ordered... the trauma-informed curriculum for churches is headed out the door this week!

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
It's been a labor of love more than a year in the making, and it is exciting to see the curriculum come together and head out to those that will give this first version a "test drive" this spring and (hopefully) give me some great feedback so I can make improvements over the summer and make the curriculum better! It is called "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks: a six week study of trauma-informed ministry and compassionate care for children from hard places and situations." The study is...
Blog Post

From Trauma-Informed to Asset-Informed Care in Early Childhood []

By Ellen Galinsky, Brookings Institute, October 23, 2019 The focus on “toxic stress,” ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), and trauma-informed care have been game-changers in the field of early childhood development. They have helped us recognize the symptoms of trauma, provide appropriate assistance to children, and understand that prolonged adversity in the absence of nurturing relationships can derail a child’s healthy development. Just look at the media’s and the public’s reaction to...
Blog Post

HATE, VIOLENCE, AND TRAUMA: TALKING WITH CHILDREN - From Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)

Gail Kennedy ·
I was looking for information about an upcoming interfaith walk happening in my community and I landed on this post in a Unitarian Universalist Bulletin: Explaining Traumatic Events to Children and Youth: The past season, we have witnessed many tragedies: from the devastation of multiple hurricanes and fires, to the violence in Las Vegas, and multiple alarms about legislation. Each new emergency begs for our compassion and resources. It may seem simplistic, but one way to keep emotional and...
Blog Post

Healing our Communities through Trauma Informed Ministries

Thirteen faith leaders, behavioral health providers, and community leaders gathered on August 12 in City Heights for an introduction to the science and practice of adverse childhood experiences, and to hear about an upcoming series of workshops about mental health services in their communities. The series, which is led by Pastor Jesus Sandoval, chair of the Faith Based Academy, intends to bring together 25 Hispanic and 25 African American ministries with staff from San Diego County's Health,...
Blog Post

How Severe, Ongoing Stress Can Affect a Child’s Brain

Dale Fletcher ·
Today I received an email from The Center on the Developing Child, a Harvard University initiative. One of the articles within the email was titled- How severe, ongoing stress can affect a child's brain . I found it to be a very well written article with many references and resources, as well as mention of the ACES Study. Just wanted to pass it along to the group. Have a blessed day!
Blog Post

Hungry hearts have no ears

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Churches can't expect to meet spiritual needs if physical needs are not being met first.   “Hungry hearts have no ears.”   This was a phrase that Ms. Kennedy, an elementary teacher, used to tell the parents of children in...
Blog Post

Hurricane Dorian’s on the way. Florence taught us how to be resilient!

Mebane Boyd ·
As we prepare for the arrival of Hurricane Dorian's effects later this week, certainly there are feelings of anxiety and confusion. Already? We haven't even finished recovering from Hurricane Florence! Let's choose to remember all the things we have learned from one another about being resilient in the face of stress over the course of the past year. We have learned about the body's response to stress and trauma, and that adding "stressors" and triggers to these can cause us to feel even...
Blog Post

Influencer's Church of Cumming, GA Hosts Strategic Trauma and Abuse Recovery: A Detailed Map for Healing

Denice Colson ·
Strategic Trauma and Abuse Recovery is an evidence-informed, spiritually integrated, structured process for conducting ACEs (trauma) recovery education and treatment. The Backbone of S.T.A.R. is The 3 Progressive Phases of Trauma and Abuse Recovery. These 3 phases are further broken down into 12 stages, which provides for transitions and breaks down the process in a simpler fashion. The stages provide a strategy for moving through the healing process, much like a map. It gives both providers...
Blog Post

Intermountain hosts trauma-informed ministry training and workshop

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Chaplain Chris Haughee of Intermountain's Residential Services in Helena, Montana, hosted an all-day training and workshop on trauma-informed ministry on September 15th, 2016. The day started off with introductions and then it was time for Brie Oliver, ACE Master Trainer, to give the group the basics in adverse childhood experiences, the science behind life-long health effects from childhood trauma, and share the possible ways faith communities could help build resiliency in children and...
Blog Post

Intermountain Video Podcast: How Kids Navigate a Pandemic

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Meegan Bryce, MSW, began her work at Intermountain with children and families as a Direct Care Counselor in 2004. She has since been a Cottage Supervisor, Child and Family Therapist, the Residential Manager and now serves as the Residential Director. Meegan is a Montana native and enjoys all the outdoor activities that Montana has to offer, especially river rafting. In this video podcast, she speaks with Development Officer Tyler Zimmer about how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the...
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