Tagged With "treatment"
Calendar Event
Traumatic Incident Reduction Facilitator Training
Re: Traumatic Incident Reduction Facilitator Training
Hello, I am surprised that one of the options to receive notifications isn't Weekly. Is "as it occurs" the only option? Thanks! Dale Dale Fletcher, M.S. President & Executive Director Faith and Health Connection Ministry Teaching Biblical Truths for Health & Wholeness www.faithandhealthconnection.org 803-802-3210 Connect on LinkedIn Join me on FaceBook or Google + to receive encouragement Receive daily affirmations using scripture on Twitter Share my Pins on Pinterest
Blog Post
A Promising Treatment for Hidden Wounds from ACEs
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is an emerging trauma therapy for the hidden wounds resulting from Adverse Childhood Experiences. Research to date shows ART for traumatized adults is quick, effective, safe, and well-tolerated. Consistent with new understanding of the brain and body-centered treatment approaches, ART primarily targets trauma images and associated physical and emotional sensations, creatively and efficiently using eye movements and strategies from other trauma treatments.
Blog Post
Important Steps to Optimize Your Brain and Mood after ACEs
After a difficult childhood, many effective strategies can facilitate recovery and elevate mood and brain health.