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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Tagged With "economic support"

Ask the Community

Welcoming Communities for New Americans & People on the Margins TiCong Linear Plan

Kimberly T Konkel ·
Hello All,   Attached is first draft Linear Plan for Building Welcoming Communities.  Please edit away and track changes then send your edits to Kimberly dot Konkel at hhs dot gov and I will incorporate them.   Shalom, Kimberly
Blog Post

9 New Communities Join ACEs Connection

Christine Cissy White ·
ACEs Connection Hawai'i Hawai'i is a place of natural beauty, multicultural heritages and practicing cultural arts that provides wellness and healing. However, cultural, historical & generational trauma has lead to an imbalance in our ahupua'a or ecosystem. Join us as we educate, empower & celebrate wellness and resilience building in our communities using trauma and culture aware strategies. Mahalo Community Manager: @Daniel Goya Northeast Region Hawaii Carey's
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A Florida ACEs Tour

James Encinas ·
RADICAL GRACE – WHAT I LET GOD SEE AND ACCEPT IN ME ALSO BECOMES WHAT I CAN SEE AND ACCEPT IN MYSELF. AND EVEN MORE, IT BECOMES THAT WHEREBY I SEE EVERYTHING ELSE. ~ RICHARD ROHR For the past three months, I’ve been driving through various parts of Florida witnessing events and gatherings of communities committed to creating safe, loving, trauma informed, and trauma healing spaces. On Friday February 22nd, I was in Tarpon Springs, attending the monthly gathering of Robin Saeger’s...
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A New Documentary About Breaking the Cycle of Trauma is Launching This Fall!

Charlotte Graham ·
We are thrilled to announce the premiere of Wrestling Ghosts , a documentary about breaking the cycle of trauma, at the LA Film festival on Sept. 27th. “Incredible. Haunting and strange and beautiful and incredibly moving.” -Dan Cogan, Founder Impact Partners Wrestling Ghosts follows the epic inner journey of Kim, a young mother who, over two heartbreaking and inspiring years, battles the traumas from her past in order to create a new present and future for her and her family. In this...
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A New Resource on ACE

Denice Colson ·
While research shows that being a part of a faith-based community increases emotional and even physical health, church members are neither exempt nor automatically healed from the impact of childhood and adult adversity. I have written an new book, Break EVERY Stinking Chain! Healing For Hidden Wounds , available on which discusses ACE in detail and integrates Christian scripture and faith as a means of recovery. It is currently available as an ebook and in paperback. I have been...
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ACEs Science Champion Dr. Angela Bymaster: This Faith-Based Physician Integrates ACEs Science with Healing Arts

Sylvia Paull ·
Dr. Angela Bymaster, a family physician at Washington Elementary School in San Jose, CA, operates her clinic in a portable unit on the school property. Because the unit faces students as they are dropped off by their families, she gets to “pick up the kids” before they are sent to the clinic, practicing “upstream medicine.”
Blog Post

Action needed today by trauma advocates to urge Congress to address mental health and trauma in current COVID-19 legislation

The follow is a message from Dan Press, Legal Advisor to the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice ), about the need to contact Congress regarding a COVID 19 funding bill being considered this weekend. He is urging ACEs science/trauma advocates and leaders to send emails to their U.S. Senators and Representatives immediately to address the mental health and trauma implications of this pandemic. All – I hate to bother you on a Sunday, but we urgently need you to contact Congress to...
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Adult Sunday school curriculum exploring trauma-informed ministry now available!

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
UPDATE! As of 3/27/17 all copies of the first run of this curriculum have been purchased or reserved. We hope to have a second printing/production run done soon, though the budget to provide free copies has been exhausted. Those requesting the materials from this point forward will need to submit the $60. required. I have also had some requests for a "preview" of the curriculum in order to see if it is appropriate for your ministry setting. I have attached the print portion of Week 2 so you...
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Advocating for Rachel, Part One - insights from Intermountain Board member and friend, Crystal Amundson

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Note: Crystal Amundson LCPC, RPT-S runs a private practice in Helena, Montana, where she works as a child play therapist. Crystal specializes in Play Therapy, working with children ages 2-12, alongside their caregivers. She is a previous employee and current board member at Intermountain. Her passion and expertise is in the field of early childhood mental health. Crystal prepared this case study with accompanying prompts for action by faith-based groups and community groups that hope to make...
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At Border, San Diego Bishop Offers Prayer of Hope, Defiance (

Recalling Mary and Joseph as “illegal immigrants” seeking shelter, San Diego’s Roman Catholic leader made a pilgrimage to the border Saturday to share words of hope and solidarity. “We are praying and hoping that the policies which emerge from the new administration will be focused upon deporting those who have committed crimes,” Bishop Robert McElroy said, “and that they will not begin mass deportations of young people that have lived their lives here and know nothing other than that.”...
Blog Post

Beyond Faith: How One Community Raised 70 Kids from the Texas Foster Care System []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Diann Sparks hadn’t planned on adopting, until one of her sisters asked her to attend an adoption class in a town 120 miles away from her home in Possum Trot, part of east Texas’ Shelby County. At the time, Sparks had one biological daughter and was a single parent working a full-time job at a chicken plant. Possum Trot, a deeply religious black Baptist community in a mostly white county, doesn’t show up on Google maps. It has no streetlights, no post office, no grocery store and a lot of...
Blog Post

Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) launches new grassroots initiative to engage and educate Congress

CTIPP (Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice) today announced the launch of the National Trauma Campaign , calling for federal action to prevent and address childhood trauma and build resilience through educating and engaging Congress. Its widely circulated communication invited people from around the country to join the new grassroots initiative. The campaign provides ways for everyone to get involved by joining the effort, becoming a Local Liaison to take the lead in every state...
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CDC's New EvaluACTION from VetoViolence

Former Member ·
EvaluACTION is designed for people interested in learning about program evaluation and how to apply it to their work. Evaluation is a process, one dependent on what you’re currently doing and on the direction in which you’d like go. ...
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Chaplain Chris Haughee Interview

Teri Wellbrock ·
To quote a friend who just gave her testimony at our church about her own struggles with mental health misdiagnosis and recovery, she was told after her first hospitalization, “This won’t be the first time you deal with this.” Our trauma is always with us.
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Checklist for Evaluating Current Investigation Teams

Catherine Thompson-Darnell ·
  Checklist for Evaluating Current Investigation Teams   1) All credible allegations of criminal abuse are reported to Yes No a)  Appropriate law enforcement in the country in which the abuse occurred ☐ ☐ b)  Appropriate law...
Blog Post

Clergy embrace trauma informed training in Greater Philadelphia region

Carolyn Smith-Brown ·
An exceptional all-day “Trauma-Informed Training for Clergy” event was held in Philadelphia in May 2017, organized by JSR Educational Enrichment Strategies, Inc. Founder and President Doris Smith-Ribner, Retired PA State Appeals Court Judge. Judge Smith-Ribner recognized the need for this training particularly for those on the front lines of dealing with the impacts of trauma and its prevalence within Philadelphia—the Clergy. Here is her report from that meeting. Highly-regarded trauma...
Blog Post

Conference offers clergy training in child trauma [The Oaklahoman]

Karen Clemmer ·
Several faith organizations and other agencies are joining forces to offer a special clergy training conference. The "Faith Communities Protecting Children: Recognizing and Responding to Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference" is set for April 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m . at Metro Tech Business Conference Center, 1900 Springlake Drive. "We strongly believe that faith-based organizations can and do play an important role in the prevention and healing of children who have experienced...
Blog Post

Consider a Resolution in 2017 worth keeping: Advocacy

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
2017 is here, and it’s the season when most of us consider New Year’s resolutions and even the most cynical among us dares to think that with a little will power we might do any number of things: lose weight, eat healthier, watch less TV, get that promotion, or repair damaged relationships. This year, I’d ask you to consider a resolution that will make the world a better place and will give you a sense of purpose in 2017: be an advocate. An advocate is someone who speaks on behalf of someone...
Blog Post

CRI is hiring an Associate Director!

Tara Mah ·
Community Resilience Initiative is seeking an innovative and passionate individual to join our organization as an Associate Director (AD). The AD reports to the Executive Director and to the Board of Directors. Job Overview The role of the Associate Director is to sustain the resilience-based, trauma-responsive capacity building work at the local, regional, state and national stage for which CRI is recognized. Success in this position will be evidenced by recognition of its exceptional...
Blog Post

Drawing connections, building empathy and resilience in traumatized children

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
At Intermountain's residential services, we have spent a lot of time this past month focusing on thankfulness, gratitude, and recognizing how richly we have been blessed. This has allowed me, as their chaplain, to encourage empathetic responses to the needs of others while also building a positive self-image as each child recognizes that they have something to give others. Woven into this narrative was a recognition of our interdependence and that it is not a sign of weakness to acknowledge...
Blog Post

During COVID-19: The need for your skills. Self-care resources. Share your TI responses? Thank you!

Mimi graham ·
Dear Trauma F riends and C olleagues: The COVID 19 pandemic offers a critical opportunity to share your unique skills in coping with stress and trauma. Many of us and the families we serve may be shifting through the stages of change and grief----denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance---about this pandemic. You may be adjusting to telehealth and virtual visits but know that our families need your reassurance and help in regulating and coping. Hope you’re all practicing self-care while you...
Blog Post

Elevate Montana - Helena Affiliate and "trial run" of new trauma-informed curriculum for churches

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
To date, over 80 copies of the curriculum Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks: a six week study of trauma-informed ministry and compassionate care for children from hard places and situations have gone out around the country. Released this past spring, most have ordered it to preview the materials prior to utilization this coming fall. So, while feedback has been positive, there have been few users with specific comments related to how their teaching experience has gone (because, well... they...
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Empowered To Connect - worth forwarding

Steven Dahl ·
As a parent of 4 young children and career education professionals working in special education - my wife and I embarked on an "adoption journey" through a number of events several years ago. In addition to reading books, talking with other adoptive...
Blog Post

Faith and Mental Health: Creating a culture of encounter and friendship

Curtis Ramsey-Lucas ·
My article “Faith and mental health: Creating a culture of encounter and friendship” has been published in the May issue of Review & Expositor: An International Baptist Journal. Article introduces the Mental Health and Faith Community Partnership which the Interfaith Disability Advocacy Coalition helped launch with the American Psychiatric Association and focuses on how congregations and faith leaders can work with psychiatrists and the mental health community to reduce stigma and...
Blog Post

Five things your congregation can do to support criminal justice reform []

Pamela Denise Long ·
The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world, with over 2.4 million people currently behind bars. Poor people and people of color are incarcerated at vastly disproportionate rates. Many prisoners are held in solitary confinement or denied adequate medical care and educational opportunities, and few resources are invested in reentry or community programs. AFSC works to end mass incarceration, improve conditions for people who are in prison, stop prison...
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Following MLK’s Example Means Ending Our ‘Whatever’ Mindset []

Jane Stevens ·
  I am often deeply disturbed by our remorseless witness. We are all implicated; we share responsibility for our witness of well-defined evil. We don’t protect our most vulnerable children; we value people according to arbitrary standards...
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Footprints comforts children in grief []

Jane Stevens ·
  Footprints, a local children’s grief ministry, has been founded in order to help those age 6 to 18 cope with the death of a loved one. “It actually started out of a [Nurture Committee] at First United Methodist Church,” said Jim Ruth, one of the non-profit’s leaders. “We got a lot of things in place and rolling when we were a ministry of the church.” That ministry actually began in 2011 and more recently evolved into a full-fledged non-profit. Ruth...
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For those that ordered... the trauma-informed curriculum for churches is headed out the door this week!

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
It's been a labor of love more than a year in the making, and it is exciting to see the curriculum come together and head out to those that will give this first version a "test drive" this spring and (hopefully) give me some great feedback so I can make improvements over the summer and make the curriculum better! It is called "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks: a six week study of trauma-informed ministry and compassionate care for children from hard places and situations." The study is...
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GABOR MATÉ JOINS EP. 3 on May 21 with Darrell Hammond and Filmmaker Michelle Esrick. []

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Got time for a little brainstorming with ACEsConnection?

Jane Stevens ·
On Friday, March 20, 2020, you're invited to join me to talk about how we, as a community, can continue to guide and educate ourselves about to deal with the effects of the spread of Covid-19, and how to continue those efforts with people who don't yet know about ACEs science. And, given this last week, how we can provide more support to stay in the front of our brains instead of feeding our amygdala.
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Growth through Trauma-Informed Strategies: Coaching and Consultation with Rick Griffin

Tara Mah ·
There is a Chinese proverb that states, “If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people." The benefits are evident, yet the real question becomes, “how do you grow people?” This Big Idea Session, CRI’s Trauma Coaching and Trauma Consultation Training, answers this question. Schools, organizations, and parents are discovering that the traditional “command and control” style of working with...
Blog Post

"Helping Kids Heal" Five Minutes with Chris Haughee from Covenant Companion

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Five Minutes with Chris Haughee: Helping Kids Heal /2018/04/16/five-minutes-with-chris-haughee-helping-kids-heal/ By Guest Author April 16, 2018 Chris Haughee Chris Haughee is a Covenant chaplain working at Intermountain Residential, an intensive residential program for children who demonstrate behavioral challenges with campuses in Helena and Kalispell, Montana. Chris and his family attend Headwaters Covenant Church in Helena. He writes about the ministry at...
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HHS Releases New National Health Security Strategy – The Nation’s roadmap to protecting health

Kimberly T Konkel ·
Hello All,   I wanted to be sure you were one of the first to get this information. Our work in building community resilience is responsive to this plan.  So, today, we are pleased to announce the latest strategy and implementation plan to...
Blog Post

How One Farm Saved This Tiny Town’s Survival Rate (

By the summer of 2005, the Reverend Richard Joyner of Conetoe Chapel Missionary Baptist Church realized he was conducting funerals twice a month—a startling number given his town’s tiny population. Nearly 300 souls call Conetoe (pronounced “ka-‘nee-ta”) home. The predominantly African American hamlet is situated in North Carolina’s Edgecombe County, where a quarter of households live below the poverty line and heart disease kills more 
20- to 39-year-olds than do car accidents. “I’ve closed...
Blog Post

Introducing myself, Morgan Vien & NEW Practicing Resilience Community

Morgan Vien ·
Hello! I’m a Community Manager for the Practicing Resilience for Self-Care & Healing community. This is an introduction to me and this new community. I graduated with a B.S. in Public Health from Santa Clara University June 2017. And I’m interested in preventing chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, at the community and population level by addressing biological, psychological, and social factors that affect chronic disease outcomes. As the...
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Investments in New Hanover County’s Resiliency Paying Off During Time of Pandemic

Mebane Boyd ·
Cliff Barnett, Wilmington city council member; pastor at Warner Temple AME Zion, and chair of the Family Faith and Community committee for the New Hanover Resiliency Task Force (RTF), shares experience in using sign language during a regularly scheduled RTF meeting. (Other photos are from recent monthly RTF meetings). With training, community’s front lines are proving resilient to and aware of trauma’s impact WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA April 7, 2020 Two years ago, the Resiliency Task Force...
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Iowa ACEs 360 collaboration with faith-rooted organizations

Brianne Fitzgerald ·
Iowa ACEs 360 invited Rev. Kirsten Preachy to Des Moines with goal to learn about the development and future plans of the Chicagoland Network, and discuss opportunities in Central Iowa.
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July TiCong Meeting Notes

Kimberly T Konkel ·
TiCong Monthly Meeting June 30, 2016 2:30-4:00PM ET View the recorded webinar here: Register here: Welcome and Introductions -- Kimberly Konkel, HHS IEA/Partnership Center Best Practice/Emerging Model: Robin Saenger – Director and Founder of Peace4Tarpon . Robin was the Vice-Mayor of Tarpon Springs, FL when they decided to build a trauma informed community. They have lead the way in this effort, and we are thrilled to have them...
Blog Post

Linear draft plan

Jane Stevens ·
  Here's the draft version of the Trauma-Informed Congregations Community of Practice Linear Plan that Kimberly put together. You obviously can't read this screen-grab image, so open the document (the pdf is below), and add your feedback in the...
Blog Post

Methodist teens rejected their memberships before the entire congregation to protest its anti-LGBT policies. (

The United Methodist Church (UMC), which claims over 7 million members in the U.S., is heading towards a fracture after a controversial decision last February that banned LGBT-inclusive practices. The decision has created a schism in the church with some UMCs flying gay flags, performing same-sex weddings, and withholding payments to the main offices in protest. On Easter Sunday at the First United Methodist Church in Omaha, Nebraska, at group of eight 13 and 14-year-old UMC youth stood up...
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My Tears in His Bottle: prayers from the heart of a special needs’ mom

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Pat Hays has written a devotional book that gives wonderful insight into the joys and struggles that parenting a child with emotional special needs presents. Her book, My Tears in His Bottle: prayers from the heart of a special needs’ mom , contains excerpts from her personal prayer journal as she worked through the last fifteen years of balancing her calling to be an adoptive parent with the roadblocks she encountered in her neighborhood, friendships, school district, marriage, and church...
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New and improved 2nd edition of the "Bruised Reeds & Smoldering Wicks" trauma-informed curriculum for churches now available!

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
I am pleased to announce that a NEW, 8-week version of the study, "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks," is now available. This 2nd edition includes input I received from the ACEsConnection community and others which resulted in two additional weeks of material. You still get the movie, "Paper Tigers," and the licensing to show it to up to 250 in an educational or religious setting, but there is much more... And, while a number of edits have gone into this second edition of the curriculum, my...
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New Mexico Catholic Bishops’ Open Letter: Children Come First []

Alicia Doktor ·
Commentary: Yesterday, I received an open letter from some of our state legislators related to the support the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops continues to give to the NM HJR1 2018 (Land Grant Fund Distributions). Since the letter is directed to the Conference, we three undersigned Catholic bishops of New Mexico are responding today. “ ‘Little children, let us not love in word or speech, but in deed and in truth’ (1 Jn 3:18). These words of the Apostle John voice an imperative that...
Blog Post

New Trauma-informed curriculum for training ministries available as an instant digital download!!

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
I have been blessed by the response to the curriculum "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks," now having sent it out to ministries in 26 States and the District of Columbia. I have already received a little feedback and made some minor changes to content, but what I am most excited about is that t he curriculum is now available in a downloadable digital format! For those that have not seen previous posts on the curriculum, the study is for adult small groups or classes and is laid out into the...
Blog Post

Notes from January 14, 2015 Trauma Informed Congregations Community of Practice conference call

Jane Stevens ·
Kimberly Konkel put together the notes from the call and asked me to post:   22 people participated:   ·       Doug Ronshiem  -- American Pastoral Counselors...
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