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Early childhood programs can reduce the effects of trauma []

Connecting very young children who've experienced adversity with high quality early childhood programs can provide both the child and the family with the tools, support, protective factors, and resources to address the effects of trauma on the child and the family. I've seen first hand the benefits early childhood programs can bring to families and communities. Often times, families who encounter child welfare don't need an extensive, court-involved child welfare intervention, and can be...

'I know they are going to die.' This foster father takes in only terminally ill children (

Of the 35,000 children monitored by the county’s Department of Children and Family Services, there are about 600 children at any given time who fall under the care of the department’s Medical Case Management Services, which serves those with the most severe medical needs, said Rosella Yousef, an assistant regional administrator for the unit. There is a dire need for foster parents to care for such children. And there is only one person like Bzeek. “If anyone ever calls us and says, ‘This kid...

Toxic Childhoods []

Often times, a pediatrician or medical professional well-versed in the effects of ACEs or toxic stress can be the initial bridge to services, support, and building resilience for children, youth and families served by child welfare. It's exciting and encouraging to read about more and more pediatricians grounding their medical practice within ACEs framework. A toddler came into my examination room recently at Bayview Child Health Center in Bayview Hunters Point, an underserved, largely...

HSC holds symposium on childhood adversity []

The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center recently held a symposium to generate ideas for the state to address childhood adversity. As reported in this piece, New Mexico ranks 49th in the Nation for child well-being, and many of the ideas generated at this symposium focused on improvements to working with families experiencing adversity. Hsi said he feels the childhood protective system would benefit from “sustaining funding for a decade to see if we can make a difference,” as...

A Call to Action: Hire Older Foster Alumni to Speak []

As it stands , foster and emancipated youth agencies and non-profits that seek a youth perspective hire alumni between the ages of 18 and 24. This standard practice makes sense, given that more states are extending foster care services , they rely on federal money to serve this particular population and people find raw stories from fresh-faced youth emotionally compelling and conductive to their life’s work. What services are working, not working and why? Also, young people are a hypnotic...

Failed by Montana's foster care, man succeedes despite long odds []

Schylar Canfield Baber remembers everything about the moment he was taken away from his family. “I can remember the police raid on our trailer,” Schylar said. “I can remember my footie pajamas, the feel of my feet along the ground as I walked to the police car. I can remember my mother being placed over another police car and being handcuffed, and she got smaller as the car pulled away.” He was 6 years old. One of his few photos from that period, showing him and his little brother smiling...

Preventing Further Traumatization of Foster Children: ADVOKIDS

Foster children typically enter child welfare as the result of numerous ACEs. Unfortunately, being part of the system can cause even more trauma. California child welfare laws require putting the best interests and the wellbeing of a child first, and yet dependency courts often do not have all the information they need to make trauma informed decisions. Advokids, a California nonprofit, works to ensure that foster parents, clinicians, pediatricians, child advocates and many others have the...

Invest in Foster Children Today for a Better Tomorrow []

According to federal data , there are more than427,000 in U.S. foster care and nearly 112,000 waiting to be adopted. Those of us committed to ensuring safety and security for these children are anxiously waiting to see what President-elect Donald Trump has to say about child welfare. Children in care didn’t come up during Mr. Trump’s campaign, as he focused on the economy, security, and immigration. As the country moves toward a government controlled by one party — the party that often...

Crow Wing Energized: Growing Resilience []

The focus of community education on Adverse Childhood Experiences has been to understand their long-term impact and to protect young people from as many of these events as possible. But what do we do to help those who have experienced adversity or are currently being impacted by one of life's really tough experiences? The answer is to help them build resilience. The answer is correct, but usually neglects to tell how, and knowing how makes all the difference. This is the first of a series of...

Fostering open house Jan. 19 in Jamestown (New York) []

A foster parent should be someone who wants to make a difference in a child’s life, is flexible and capable of handling challenging situations, understands developmental needs of children, is trauma informed or willing to learn more about trauma, and can support and provide guidance to birth parents. If you've ever been curious about foster parenting and live near Jamestown. NY, or you know somebody who does, you may be interested in attending the open house sponsored by the Chautauqua...

Unfinished business: Bipartisan help for child vicitims of the opiod crisis []

I found this post to be a helpful focus on important federal health legislation as we face a potential transition in priorities to address trauma-informed approaches to the opioid crisis. The author encourages bipartisan support to keep up momentum gained by successful programs and grants already serving communities and researching further solutions. Opioid addiction is undeniably a public health concern we know impacts multiple systems. Why not focus on increasing cross-systems support to...

After 20 Years, California Man Leaves Foster Care on His Own Terms []

When Noel Anaya was just 1 year old, he and his five brothers and sisters were placed in the California foster care system. He has spent nearly all of his life in that system and has just turned 21. In California, that’s the age when people in foster care “age out” of the system and lose the benefits the system provides. That process becomes official at a final court hearing. Anaya, along with Youth Radio, got rare permission to record the proceeding, where he read a letter he wrote about...

7 Ways Childhood Adversity Can Actually Change Your Brain []

The following article provides a short, yet concise list of seven ways in which adverse experiences can impact neuro-development. Described in user-friendly terms, the author draws on a lot of the current work in neuroscience and provides many helpful links for those who want to read further. Today, in labs across the country, neuroscientists are peering into the once inscrutable brain-body connection, and breaking down, on a biochemical level, exactly how the stress we face when we’re young...

Becoming a trauma-informed child welfare agency -- the Waupaca County (WI) journey []

In March 2016, Waupaca County Department of Health and Human Services shared the events and conditions that created the context and need to move an entire human services agency to a trauma-informed approach to human service practice and administration. Presenters shared the the nine principles of trauma- informed care that Waupaca County DHHS developed. They modeled and demonstrated concrete examples of how these principles were successfully incorporated into the environment and operations...

Can a Separate Department Reinvigorate Chid Welfare? []

Early in December an article from was shared with the group about Washington State merging children and family services into one Department. As with many States, leaders in Washington State are looking to advances in brain-science, trauma-informed practices, the impacts of ACEs, and focus on the developing child to provide scaffolding for the framework of this new Department. Click here to download the final report and read more about the Blue Ribbon Commission – the group...

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