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Answering the call for Texas' children []

If you follow child welfare news at all, you know Texas has been overhauling and prioritizing changes to their foster care system. As the Texas Legislature grapples with how to fund child welfare, they are considering statewide performance-based contracting for the child welfare provider network, which serves the majority of children placed in Texas foster care. Two new bills will include provisions to strengthen the Texas child welfare system, as well as focus on trauma-informed care and...

A grandmother learns to be a mom again []

One Friday afternoon, as Jana was on her way to pickup her grandson from school , she received a very disturbing call. The police had come to her daughter’s apartment the night before, arrested her for drug involvement and taken her grandson, David, into the custody of Marin County’s Child Protective Services . After meeting with CPS, she was able to obtain temporary custody of D avid and take him home with her to Napa. She was not prepared to instantly become a mother again . David’s father...

State, University researchers seek solutions to disproportionate foster placements among Native kids []

Minnesota has put more Native American children in foster care than any other state in the nation. Despite being one of the least-represented minorities in Minnesota, nearly one in every 10 Native children is in the foster system, compared to only one in every 100 white children. One of key individuals who has spearheaded research into this issue is Professor Priscilla Day, director of the Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Day has focused on...

Report Looks for Ways to Better Engage Young Fathers in the Child Welfare System []

When fathers are involved with their children, a strong base of research shows that there are considerable benefits to the health and well-being of children, mothers and even the fathers themselves. The issue of engaging fathers has been the focal point for federal efforts like the Responsible Fatherhood Grants and the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse. But in the effort to emphasize the importance of paternal parenting, young fathers and those who are involved with the child...

Proposed task force to identify needs for trauma services []

When Jessica Kluck signed the adoption papers in 2015, she was on her own. Kluck, a single woman living in Bismarck, adopted five Native American children, ages 5 to 16, all siblings, after serving as their foster parent through PATH foster care agency. Kluck said she was certain she was destined to help these kids, who were traumatized while living with their parents on a reservation in North Dakota. "It's been a hard road, but I've never regretted it," said Kluck, 37. Her kids received...

Kinship care families: New policy can guide pediatricians to address needs []

A growing body of evidence suggests that children who cannot live with their biological parents fare better overall when living with extended family than with nonrelated foster parents. Acknowledging the benefits of kinship care arrangements, federal laws and public policies increasingly favor placing children with family members rather than in nonrelative foster care. Despite overall better outcomes, families providing kinship care endure many hardships, and the children experience many of...

Manchester's Childhood Trauma Response Program Attracts International Interest []

A delegation of law enforcement and public health workers from Wales visited the Manchester Police Department Tuesday. They were there to learn about a city program that connects children who have experienced trauma with mental health services. The program (ACERT) trains police officers in the effects of trauma on child development, and coordinates with social workers to help recruit affected families into trauma-therapy and other programs. To read the article, click here . ACERT stands for...

Documentary on Florida's troubled foster care system draws big St. Pete crowd []

A new film focusing on Florida’s troubled foster care system drew a large crowd at a screening in Gulfport Wednesday night. ‘ Foster Shock ’ is a documentary highlighting the ills of the state’s child welfare system showed how a government body had completely turned over the responsibility and care of children to contracted, for-profit companies, who, in turn, contract out the work to other companies, exposing minors to dangers such as violence, drugs, sex trafficking and criminalization.

Texas lawmakers begin to reform Child Protective Services []

The Texas Senate and House of Representatives unanimously voted to pass bills for reform of Child Protective Services. During the State of the State address, Gov. Greg Abbott noted “over one hundred deaths” of children in foster care services within the last year. A CPS reform was one of the four policies Texas Gov. Greg Abbott listed as emergency items for the legislative session. “You will cast thousands of votes this session. Few will involve life or death decisions. Your vote on CPS is...

La Crosse County aims to tackle childhood trauma within foster care system []

Building on the momentum of sharing her message during Gov. Scott Walker's 2017 State of the State Address, first lady Tonnette Walker is continuing to promote her initiative "Fostering Futures." The idea behind the program is to aim to understand the effects of trauma in childhood and ask what happened to a child rather than what's wrong with them. "We started in 2013 really taking a closer look at training our foster care providers, adoptive parents and birth parents who have kids that...

For parents grappling with addiction, Family Drug Court offers a way out []

In communities across the country you can find family drug court programs doing good work to support the very large cross-section of child welfare cases involving issues with chemical dependency. Usually it’s one person, maybe a chemical dependency professional, a child welfare manager, or in this case, a judge. One person with a vision and a driving passion to serve this child welfare cross-section in a different way. From that, a family drug court is born, bringing together a...

Temporary County Jobs Offer Former Foster Youth Pathway to Employment (

“Finding good full-time employment is a key factor in reducing the pipeline from foster care into homelessness,” said Wende Nichols-Julien, CEO at Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Los Angeles. On February 14 th of this year, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors moved to expand such opportunities with the Temporary Services Registry pilot project. Proposed by supervisors Hilda Solis and Janice Hahn, the pilot project creates a registry that connects residents facing barriers...

Fostering care for others []

This article provides a nice example of how communities can support children and families through donations to their local child welfare agencies. In my opinion, child welfare systems can’t run effectively without caring and compassionate support from the communities these systems serve. There are many organizations in communities across the country who provide hygiene supplies, bags and suitcases, pajamas, clothing, comfort items and other essentials to be provided to children entering the...

Proposed bill would require more training for foster parents in Arizona []

Advocates for Arizona's House Bill 2476 are hopeful it will be read in the Senate by today. This legislation would put in place additional trauma-based training for foster parents.. "You can't parent [a child exposed to trauma] the way that you parent your biological kids..." Just as child welfare social workers deserve training and opportunities for professional development to ensure they are able to serve children and families to the best of their ability, foster parents also deserve...

LA lacks foster care families for infants, toddlers []

One of the most effective ways to compound the negative effects of trauma and adversity on the littlest, and most vulnerable served in child welfare are multiple placements. When any child in foster care is moved from placement to placement, it is traumatic. When infants and toddlers are moved from placement to placement, it can have a much greater impact on development because placement changes unstable primary attachments. For our littlest people, the relationship with a primary caregiver...

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