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Teen Dad Balancing Baby and Books This Father’s Day (

We know that 200,000 teen girls give birth every year in the U.S., but what about the other half of the equation – the 200,000 fathers? Unfortunately, only about 33 percent of fathers under 18 stick around to help raise the child. When you consider that 70% of those teen moms don’t graduate – it’s not hard to imagine why. Meet Ricky C., 19, who brings his 4-month-old son to school with him every day. He is on track to graduate later this year and grateful that Learn4Life has a dedicated...

ACEs Connection launches Cooperative of Communities

The ACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities launches today. We want to continue to contribute to the ACEs movement for as long as it takes to create a worldwide healing-centered culture based on ACEs science. We want that to take hold in this world in the same way electricity has — we only notice it if it isn’t there. First, a clarification: Nothing on changes! Membership remains free! Everything our current 300+ communities use stays free, and remains free for new ones.

How to Practice More Compassion at Work During COVID-19 and Beyond (

In this time of great uncertainty in the world, a new approach to leadership is needed: one that recognizes the paramount importance of compassion . As workers face new challenges they’ve never encountered before, expressions of empathy from leaders — as well as other colleagues — have been critical to employee well-being and productivity. And as stay-at-home orders lift and more companies open their doors to their workforce, offering kindness and support to teammates is key to a smoother...

Communities on ACEs Connection, By Interest & Location

Interest Based: ACEs & African Americans ACEs and Nourishment ACEs Connection for Birth Workers ACEs Connection Resources Center ACEs in Early Childhood ACEs in Education ACEs in Foster Care ACEs in Higher Education ACEs in Maternal Health ACEs in Medical Schools ACEs in Nursing Science ACEs in Pediatrics ACEs in the Criminal Justice System ACEs in the Faith-Based Community ACEs in Youth Justice ACEs In Youth Services Balancing ACEs with HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences)...

Trauma-Sensitive Remote Learning: Maintaining Predictability, Consistency and Belonging (

Trauma-sensitive educators told us that no matter how the remote learning is taking place across the district, (from direct instruction online as a class group, to remote learning with no face-to-face contact with a teacher or peers, etc.), having a regular time several times a week set aside for students to talk with their teachers —whether it be face to face, on a device or voice only on a phone— is critically important to buffer the traumatic impact of the current situation. Being able to...

Workplace Changes We’re Hoping to See in Our Next Normal (

From a greater emphasis on mental health to a shift toward more compassion and empathy, here's what we're predicting will change about culture once we return to work. As we start to think about what our offices and businesses will look like once we begin the re-entry to work (our “next normal”), it’s becoming clear that we won’t return to business as usual, not after what we’ve been through and learned as a result of COVID-19. “The pandemic has made it all too clear that we cannot continue...

Can the Lockdown Push Schools in a Positive Direction? (

Here are five ways COVID-19 can change education for the better. The COVID-19 crisis has closed over 124,000 schools in America. Most will be closed until next fall, with many likely experiencing roving blackouts throughout the year. Since the rise of compulsory schooling in America a century ago, there has never been this level of school shutdown. Not during the Spanish Flu of 1918 or World War II, or after 9/11. Looking at the American education system in particular, the post–Civil War era...

Parenting Students Get Extra Help During Remote Learning (

Every year, 25,000 teens give birth in California – and 70 percent of teen moms don’t graduate high school. About 1,300 of Learn4Life students are pregnant or parenting, so we are doing everything we can to keep these young mothers engaged in school and learning parenting skills – even during remote learning. Before COVID-19 forced remote learning, parenting teens could bring their babies to school while they studied and took tests. A separate child-friendly area ensured they didn’t disrupt...

KTLA5 News – Learn4Life providing remote learning and baby supplies to teen parents during COVID-19 (

HOPE Program Coordinator Staci Roth was featured on KTLA 5 Morning News! Staci talked about how Learn4Life is supporting our students – especially our parenting-students, through home deliveries, virtual parent-circles and so much more. The HOPE program is Helping Parenting Students Excel . To read more of the Learn4Life article, please click here.

Here’s How a Trauma-Informed Approach to Remote Teaching Can Help Students Succeed (

Many students have had difficulties in life and have struggled to keep up in traditional high school. They have endured challenges such as homelessness, foster care, hunger, abuse, bullying, illness and even human trafficking. Eighty percent are low-income, many are pregnant or parenting teens, and most enroll with us after dropping out, more than a year behind in credits, and reading at lower than a fifth grade level. All school leaders can educate teachers on a trauma-informed approach to...

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Through Coronavirus []

Experts from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network share their recommendations for educators supporting students during the COVID-19 crisis. By TEACHING TOLERANCE STAFF MARCH 23, 2020 L ast week, as schools across the nation closed their doors to slow the spread of the coronavirus, TT reached out to our community to learn what support you needed at this time. Among the most common responses was a call for trauma-informed practices to support students over the coming weeks and months.

Building Trust While Working Remotely (

Many teams around the world are making a quick transition to remote work right now. With a team of 17 people working from 12 countries, we’ve been honing what works–and what doesn’t–for nine years of being a virtual workplace. At the core of feeling good as individuals and as a team, and at the core of doing good work, is trust. Below are a few things that can go a long way towards doing just that in a remote environment. Key Ingredients for Trust-Filled Remote Teams 1. Dedicated space for...

Tips for Creating an Inclusive Virtual Space (

The COVID-19 global pandemic has forced many organizations to adapt their content and services for virtual spaces. Unfortunately, much work still needs to be done to mend the digital divide that leaves many people without internet access. However, we can all ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion are centered in our digital engagements—our webinars, podcasts, and other digital meetings and convenings. As you develop digital content for your programs, consider the following reminders...

Launching a Revolution (Harvard Public Health)

"Ultimately, she wants all primary care—for both children and adults—to be “trauma-informed care.” “One basic of trauma-informed care is having the entire clinical team trained to support patient safety, confidentiality, and privacy, in order to avoid triggering or retraumatizing patients. Another basic is supporting and connecting patients and families to resources. And another is understanding the principles of self-care,” she says. Ideally, every pediatric or primary-care practice would...

Teachers Are Anxious and Overwhelmed. They Need SEL Now More Than Ever. (

At the end of March, our team at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence , along with our colleagues at the Collaborative for Social Emotional and Academic Learning , known as CASEL, launched a survey to unpack the emotional lives of teachers during the COVID-19 crisis. In the span of just three days, over 5,000 U.S. teachers responded to the survey. We asked them to describe, in their own words, the three most frequent emotions they felt each day. The five most-mentioned feelings among...

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