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There Is No Vaccine for Grief (

Anticipatory grief is a well-documented phenomenon in grief counseling, said Dr. Katherine Shear, the founder and director for the Center for Complicated Grief at Columbia University. But usually researchers study anticipatory grief in environments like hospices , where loss is imminent. What many of us are experiencing right now is more nebulous. Dr. Shear cautioned that spiraling into anticipatory grief for a loss that may not even happen is likely to be unhelpful. Of course, even if you...

Seeking Middle School and High School Youth Leaders!

We are looking for Middle School and High School student leaders for two new student-led initiatives with the 16 Strong Project. The time is now. Given the raging COVID-19 pandemic that has upended all of our lives, our youth are struggling. It is imperative that we engage and listen to students about their needs. We need to educate them on what it means to face adversity and more importantly, how we can overcome it and thrive despite that adversity. Arguably every single young person now...

How Some Mistakes Can be Generative for Teachers and Students Alike (

With all of the papers, homework and tests that cross a teacher’s desk, you’d think that a healthy relationship to mistake-making would come easy, but it’s not that simple. Messing up does not come naturally for most people, especially teachers who are constantly under the scrutiny of students, guardians, colleagues and administrators. And because teachers are tasked with making an estimated 3,000 non-trivial decisions everyday , it makes sense that some of those decisions will end up being...

Five Things We Get Wrong (D'OH) with SEL

SEL. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). My lil’ ole school counselor heart should be beaming with joy. SEL is FINALLY receiving the limelight it has long deserved in education. Most everyone everywhere is proclaiming the importance of SEL! So why do I want to smack myself upside the head (Homer Simpson style – D’OH) most every time I read about, hear about, or see an SEL effort in a school. Because we keep getting it WRONG! So before I start in with all the ways in which we are screwing it up,...

To Reduce Child Poverty, Increase Family Incomes (

Children are more likely to live in poverty than any other age group in the United States. Poverty undermines children’s development and threatens their long-term prospects. In 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, 12 million children lived in families with incomes below the federal poverty level; another 15 million lived in families that were one economic shock away from slipping into poverty. The COVID recession has since swelled the ranks of both groups. Money—especially in the form of a...

Lockdown study finds undiagnosed mental health crisis among new mothers []

By Vicky Fallon, Sergio A. Silverio, and Siân Macleod Davies, The Conversation, February 5, 2021 New mothers experienced worryingly high rates of depression and anxiety during the first lockdown, our new research has revealed. One of the major contributing factors to them feeling this way was the psychological impact of social distancing measures. Our study examined the psychological and social experiences of over 600 women with babies between birth and 12 weeks old during the first UK...

Depression, anxiety 'extremely high' among new mothers since start of social distancing []

By Joe Gramigna, Healio News, February 19, 2021 Prevalence rates of clinically relevant depression and anxiety have been “extremely high” among postnatal women during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to study results published in Journal of Psychiatric Research. “There had been no data published examining mental health in new mothers during COVID-19 at the time of study,” Victoria Fallon, FHEA, CPsychol , of the department of psychology at the University of Liverpool in the UK, told Healio...

Why We Need to Pay More Attention to the Youngest Children and Their Parents (

Throughout the coronavirus outbreak, nearly everyone connected to children has raised the alarm about pandemic learning loss . Parents, educators, physicians and politicians — they might disagree on solutions, but they’re all concerned about how the current educational upheaval will affect K-12 students. By contrast, little attention has been paid to the pandemic’s effects on even younger learners. “There aren’t a lot of people out there screaming ‘what about the infants?’” said Jack...

State Policies that Support Healthy Schools (

California The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in partnership with ASCD, developed the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) framework to highlight the need for schools to address all aspects of children’s physical, mental, and social well-being to help them learn and thrive . In 2019, Child Trends, the Institute for Health Research and Policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and EMT Associates, Inc. released the first comprehensive analysis of state statutes...

Why Covid School Schedules Are Better For Some Students (

Prior to Covid, the majority of K-12 schools were running on schedules that didn’t serve students well. In the latter half of the 20th century, school start and end times were designed around bus schedules. To use the same fleet of buses for all students, schools in suburban areas created schedules with high school students as the first arrivals. Yet study after study shows that early school starts don’t work best for adolescent sleep needs. Data supports the fact that later start times...

Dear Parents: A digital well-being resource from teens to parents (

Together, we can do better. All students, school districts, families and communities have equitable access to rich resources to improve student learning, strengthen families and create healthier communities. School and community partnerships are empowered and connected in meaningful ways, problems are solved and resources are used effectively. To view the 12-page digital well-being resource from Community Schools, please click here.

Black Lives Matter at School: An Uprising for Educational Justice (

Book — Non-fiction. Edited by Denisha Jones and Jesse Hagopian. 2020. This collection of writings offers lessons from successful challenges to institutional racism that have been won through the grassroots Black Lives Matter at School movement. Black Lives Matter at School offers the wisdom of lessons learned through the Black Lives Matter at School movement, which began at one school in 2016 and has since spread to hundreds of schools across the country. This book will inspire many hundreds...

Freedom Reads: Anti-Bias Book Talk Series (

In response to the overwhelming number of requests for recommendations of anti-bias children’s books, we are launching the Freedom Reads: Anti-Bias Book Talk series. Beyond just sharing booklists, we want to share how we select high-quality, anti-bias books so that parents and teachers can do the same. Teaching for Change associate director Allyson Criner Brown is producing the series for parents, teachers, and librarians. She explains, Freedom Reads: Anti-Bias Book Talk is part anti-bias...

COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (

Why are some racial and ethnic minority groups disproportionately affected by COVID-19? Introduction Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 Risk of Severe Illness or Death from COVID-19 Disparities in COVID-19 Illness Disparities in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Disparities in COVID-19 Deaths Unintended Consequences of COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies What We Can Do to Move Towards Health Equity Click each link above to learn about underlying health and social inequities that put many racial and...

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