Tagged With "Communicating Effectively"
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Advancing a Plan for Addressing Trauma and Building Resilience within L.A. County Systems (prnewswire.com)
Center for Collective Wisdom Releases Extensive Report Outlining Research and Recommendations First 5 LA, the California Community Foundation, The California Endowment, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation along with other local, state and nationally-recognized expert organizations today released a report to advance a comprehensive trauma and resiliency-informed approach in Los Angeles County . "Trauma is a serious health concern affecting many children and...
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Amazing Professional Development Opportunity for Teachers!
July 28th and 29th | 9 am - 5 pm Two days of practical support for K-12 teachers with key information about the brain, trauma, and social and emotional development. Course Description: Echo Parenting & Education is offering two days of practical classroom managementsupport for K-12 teachers. The training includes: Information aboutthe brain and nervous system Effect of trauma on the brain and nervous system Understandingclassroom...
Blog Post
Andi Fetzner joins the ACEs Connection Network as the Los Angeles Community Manager
Andi Fetzner MA, LAC joins the ACEs Connection Network as the Los Angeles Community Manager. A recent transplant to California from Arizona, Andi brings with her passion and expertise in training and social connecting. Her experience and education in Political Science and Psychology gives her a unique perspective on how ACEs Science will unfold as a social movement worldwide. Andi studied at Arizona State University (B.A.), University of Phoenix (M.A.), and is earning her PsyD through...
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At "Healing our Communities” conference in LA, youth, parents work with social service providers to impact change!
More than 300 people gathered for the 4th Annual Public Safety/Re-Entry, “Healing our Communities” conference in Los Angeles. The first three conferences were for USC students in the School of Social Work and people who provide social services in the LA area. This year the conference included youth and parents served by those providers. The community safety conference highlighted re-entry initiatives and programs in Los Angeles County organized by agencies such as Homeboy Industries, Project...
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Broadening Your Network and Identifying Partners for More Resilient, Healthier Communities
Who should you partner with to create lasting change through resilience in your community? The Building Community Resilience (BCR) initiative aims to address, prevent, and reduce the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and adverse community environments (ACEs) on children’s health and wellbeing ( The “Pair of ACEs” ). An essential element of the successes of BCR’s five test sites around the country has been strategic collaborations. In your work to build resilience, identifying...
Blog Post
Building an ACEs, Trauma-Informed, and Resilience-Building Community: Draft MOU from Walla Walla WA
Working document, 3/20/15 Walla Walla, Washington MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between the Children’s Resilience Initiative and Community Partners PREAMBLE VISION: All young people thrive and parents raise their children with...
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Building a Trauma-Informed Community Conference - tomorrow - Oct 12, 2019 - a few remaining tickets left!
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Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe.
That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
Blog Post
First 5 LA's Strategic Plan: Trauma-Informed Care Is 1 of 4 Target Outcomes
First 5 LA’s Strategic Plan Highlights Target Outcomes: Families: Increased family Protective Factors Communities: Increased community capacity to support and promote the safety, healthy development, and well-being of children prenatal to age...
Blog Post
Leadership Commitment to Creating a Trauma Informed Los Angeles County
The California Community Foundation , First 5 LA , The California Endowment and The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation sponsored a convening of leaders from county departments, philanthropic foundations and community organizations to discuss and learn how Los Angeles County could become a model for identifying and addressing trauma in children and families in a systematic way. The event was held at the California Community Foundation in Los Angeles. A full summary is available here:...
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L.A. county jail will no longer shackle inmates to walls for ‘potty watch’ (nydailynews.com)
Dozens of inmates at the North County Correctional Facility were subjected to the “potty watch” process, according to the Los Angeles Times. L.A. county jail will no longer shackle inmates to walls for ‘potty watch’ A Los Angeles county jail has ended the practice of shackling inmates to walls while waiting for them to expel contraband — a practice known as “potty watch” — after 24 cases of alleged abuse were referred to prosecutors. Dozens of...
Blog Post
San Francisco Trauma Informed Systems Initiative 2014 Year In Review
The Department made the commitment to train all of its 9,000 staff to become trauma-informed. From the report: The Trauma Informed Systems Initiative Workgroup is led by Dr. Ken Epstein and currently staffed by a full time Coordinator, a team of 4...
Blog Post
So you know about ACEs...Turn your AHA! into Action!
Spring is the time for rebirth and new beginnings! As we look around, we can observe nature around us awakening after a long winter sleep. A true sign of resilience. At Origins , we have been lucky enough to create a space for growth and learning for both groups and individuals who work towards creating environments of healing and resilience over the winter months. After completing the first round of The Resilience Champion Certificate of 2018, we have 23 graduates putting their action plans...
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States Produce a Bumper Crop of ACEs bills in 2017—nearly 40 bills in 18 states
A scan done in March by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) through StateNet of bills introduced in 2017 that specifically include adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the text produced a surprising volume of bills (close of 40) in a large number of states (18). A scan done a year ago produced less than a handful. NCSL is a bipartisan organization that serves both state legislators and their staffs. The shear volume of bills in so many states represents a promising...
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Study: Community Trauma from Gun Violence Results in Negative Health and Behavioral Outcomes (Violence Policy Center)
Research on trauma is frequently featured in mainstream news outlets, pointing to its connection to a range of behavioral and health outcomes. While trauma can have multiple interpretations, for the purposes of this report, it is the result of experiencing or witnessing chronic and sustained violence, or specific events that can have lasting effects on individuals. Researchers have identified 13 distinct types of trauma, including community violence. Community violence is an umbrella term...
Blog Post
The Effects of Educational Disengagement
Introduction The need for a caring school culture that promotes a sense of connectedness and belonging is essential and must begin the day a child begins their educational experience. Yet, for those of us who work in alternative education environment, we often hear the all too common story of a school experience that didn't meet the students needs. Meeting the needs of a student is a broad connotation that can vary considerably depending on the school setting and the student describing the...
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The Most Fun You'll Ever Have at a Trauma Conference
Never before have we gathered such a range of interesting, revolutionary and effective means of healing from trauma. If you don’t come for yourself, come for those you love and/or serve.
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The Urban Institute for Community Trauma and Resiliency
The Urban Institute for Community Trauma and Resiliency Visit our fb page. Purpose is to share activities and info..... https://www.facebook.com/The-Urban-Institute-for-Community-Trauma-and-Resiliency-637838456379976/
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US Debut!
Part of the fun of being deeply immersed in the world of trauma and resilience is that you get to learn about pioneers around the world doing great work. Better still, sometimes you're able to persuade them to bring their work to LA! Kirstie Seaborne is based in the UK, where she supports parents and professionals in "responding to children under pressure." She does this by helping adults rewrite their embodied response to challenging behaviors. Kirstie already had a career in dance and...
Blog Post
We love science!
(click to download) We love science at Echo. It has been my greatest pleasure to share the science about the impact of trauma, including the changes that happen to the various systems of the body in our Trauma and Resilience trainings . The list is pretty exhaustive, and to try to make sense of it all, we’ve developed another of our popular infographics. Nervous system: This is where we focus a lot of our attention in trauma and recovery. The nervous system takes a beating when we live with...
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[WEBINAR] Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: How to Tell Your Community Story GRC 2.0 Celebrate
ACEs Connection presents, "Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & In Real Life (IRL)", an interactive webinar training series focused on developing existing and potential online community managers and IRL ACEs champions. This series is dedicated to providing insight into creating sustainable and effective online & IRL ACEs initiatives. In this fifth session, we’ll talk about why it's so critical to tell your story far and wide. This incudes how to blog and share...
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LA County women are getting healthier, study finds, but poverty and homelessness rise [DailyNews.com]
More of Los Angeles County’s women now have medical insurance, are employed, don’t smoke and are less likely to die of breast cancer or heart disease, according to a report released Wednesday. But an increased number also live in poverty, are homeless and have difficulty accessing health care. The concluding message behind the data compiled in a triennial report by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is that while many gains have been made for women in the last several years,...
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LA’s new Family Justice Center to be ‘a place of refuge,’ for those fleeing domestic violence, abuse (dailynews.com)
In one of the busiest hospitals in the nation, a refuge now resides. Officials declared that the Family Justice Center, inside the LAC+USC Medical Center in Boyle Heights, will be a place where Los Angeles County residents can escape domestic violence, finding all the pieces to put their lives back together. The new center formally opened Thursday, hailed as a one-stop shop where medical, mental-health, legal and social-service components all come together for victims, officials said. It’s a...
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New California Laws May Prevent the Overmedication of Foster Kids (elevaterehab.org)
In the past, lawmakers didn’t think twice about how doctors treated foster children suffering from emotional traumas such as abandonment and abuse. Nobody controlled how often practitioners prescribed psychiatric drugs that had serious potential for doing more harm than good. Today, investigations into California’s foster care system shed light on the doctors who fuel medication problems by inappropriately prescribing narcotics to the state’s most vulnerable children – ultimately leading to...
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Opportunity to get involved with the Trauma Informed Task Force of Greater LA
Dear community, As we take steps in envisioning a trauma informed Los Angeles we are calling on the community to join us in these efforts. We would like welcome you to gather to create dialogue , build partnerships and tap into the collective expertise and experience of our community. If you would like to learn more about the Trauma Informed Task Force and ways of getting involved, please join us March 25th for an opportunity to engage with one another and identify pathways for participation...
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Providing a Peer “Home Base” for People with Addictions Who Are Homeless
In communities across the nation, complex care management teams are deploying “non-traditional” health care workers — including individuals with lived experience or skills that transcend the traditional bounds of health care — to better connect with high-risk patients. The New Faces of the Complex Care Workforce series showcases how these workers are helping in innovative ways to address the needs of adult Medicaid beneficiaries with complex health and social needs. In the second profile of...
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Putting the Power of Self-Knowledge to Work [NY Times]
Thirty years ago, the Nobel Prize-winning novelist Doris Lessing gave a series of lectures, later published in a book, “ Prisons We Choose to Live Inside ,” in which she reflected on the brutality in the world and asked how individuals and societies could evolve into something better. It’s a sobering book, but Lessing is hopeful — and her main source of hope stems from the capacity of human beings to study themselves and learn from their own behavior. “I think when people look back at our...
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Report Names Lasting, Traumatic Effects of Homelessness on Young Children in L.A. County, First 5 LA Calls for Trauma-informed Approach to Help Kids (first5la.org)
Los Angeles - First 5 LA today released a report that explores how homelessness and trauma affects young children, as well as recommendations for effectively improving outcomes for children and families experiencing homelessness. The National Center on Family Homelessness estimates that 2.5 million children in America go to sleep without a place to call home each year. In Los Angeles County, First 5 LA estimates that roughly 3,000 children under age six are homeless on any given night. While...
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SAMHSA's Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach
Years in the making, this important piece of the trauma-informed pie is on the table! Check it out.
Re: Opportunity to get involved with the Trauma Informed Task Force of Greater LA
Looking forward to meeting everyone in LA who are practicing or who are interested in integrating Trauma Informed Practices into their organizations! Please pass on to your contacts in LA and please join the Los Angeles facebook group for further updates https://www.facebook.com/traum...medla/?hc_ref=SEARCH
Re: The Urban Institute for Community Trauma and Resiliency
Do you have more information about the institute, Brian? It looks very interesting. I couldn't find a web site to learn how it's funded, etc.
Re: Andi Fetzner joins the ACEs Connection Network as the Los Angeles Community Manager
Our Los Angeles County group is richly blessed with your passion, expertise, wisdom and heart based leadership Andi... So grateful to collaborate with, learn from and share our collective synergy with you. Looking forward to lifting up your Origins Training & Consulting throughout Los Angeles county and infusing the ACEs sciences with systems change cross-sector in a socio-ecological model. Welcome to Los Angeles!
Re: Andi Fetzner joins the ACEs Connection Network as the Los Angeles Community Manager
Welcome Andy! The Trauma Informed Task Force of Greater LA is so looking forward to meeting you!
Re: Andi Fetzner joins the ACEs Connection Network as the Los Angeles Community Manager
So glad you are willing to do this, Andi! So glad to be working with you in this movement.
Blog Post
Trauma-informed policing: Learn how three highly experienced community leaders strengthen ties between police and community
ACEs initiative participants in communities where there is tension between the community and law enforcement will want to join Becky Haas in a compelling conversation on law enforcement, ACEs science, COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement and protests. Haas is a nationally recognized adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) science initiative builder and trainer. She and colleagues Renee Wilson-Simmons, the head of the ACE Awareness Foundation of Memphis, Tennessee, and Maggi Duncan,...
Blog Post
RESPITE | Building a Trauma-Informed Community Conference - 2021
We invite you to join us for the Annual RESPITE | Building a Trauma-Informed Community Conference Saturday, March 27, 2021 from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM (PST) ONLINE Via Zoom About the Conference: Learn more about the impacts of trauma through an informative and interactive day of training with education , resources , and tools that will equip you and your environment to serve the most vulnerable among us. The day will include main sessions, tailored breakouts, and community connections that will...
ana joanes
Blog Post
Me & My Emotions: A New, Free Resource for Teens
The pandemic has had a lasting effect on youth mental health. Moved by a desire to reduce youth’s toxic stress and increase their resilience, The Dibble Institute, in partnership with a team of students and alumni from ArtCenter College of Design and author Carolyn Curtis, PhD, is releasing Me & My Emotions —a new, free adaptation of our beloved Mind Matters Curriculum. The mobile-friendly Me & My Emotions website features engaging graphics and bite-sized lessons teens can access and...