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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesMinnesota ACEs Action: A Trauma-Informed Network (MN)

Minnesota ACEs Action: A Trauma-Informed Network (MN)

We share information and exchange ideas related to adverse childhood experiences, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions in Minnesota.

Tagged With "Black Women"

Blog Post

ACE Interface Trainer Spotlight: Linsey McMurrin

Isabel Ruelas ·
Linsey McMurrin, an SEL and Prevention Specialist with Peacemaker Resources, is an enrolled member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. She is program manager of Girls Lead on the Go!, a leadership program for young women, and is an organizer of the Bemidji Area Truth and Reconciliation Initiative, a grassroots effort to promote truth-seeking, healing and change through increasing understanding and building relationships among area indigenous and non-indigenous communities. Linsey is certified...
Blog Post


Isabel Ruelas ·
FREE 1 HOUR LUNCH-TIME WEBINAR’S Integrated Care and High Risk Pregnancy Initiative (ICHRP) BUILDING THE HUB OF WELLNESS (H.O.W.) Linking services reaching the African American Community SERIES ONE (Six Parts) It makes sense to talk: Disparities, Obstacles and Healthy pregnancies! “The Social Determinants of Health and Working Strategies” D id you know that? Minnesota has some of the nation’s highest racial disparities for prematurity, low birthweight, and infant mortality deliveries. W hat...
Blog Post

Teen pregnancy prevention program for Native American youth expands to Minnesota []

Marianne Avari ·
By Center for American Indian Health - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, June 4, 2019. Nationally, teen pregnancy rates have declined by 67% since peaking in 1991. Yet significant disparities remain. Native American teens have the highest teen birth rate of any U.S. group and 4 in 10 Native American women begin childbearing in adolescence. Working closely with tribal partners, the Center for American Indian Health (Center) developed Respecting the Circle of Life, a...
Blog Post

The Colors of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) from Racial Trauma to Healing

Isabel Ruelas ·
Day One: Thursday 15th 9am-4:30pm Day Two: Friday 16th 9am-12:30pm We want to invite you to the Community Empowerment Black Men Healing Conference, called “Groundbreaking and Visionary”. This year the goal is to go beyond the ACE Study, focusing on deeper issues of racial trauma and successful strategies for helping individuals and African American community heal, build resiliency, and prevent future ACEs. This conference since 2009 has provided an opportunity for meaningful community...
Blog Post

Wisconsin state agencies end year one of trauma-informed learning community; goal is to be first trauma-informed state

Jane Stevens ·
Here in California, many people think that it’s only liberal Democrats who have a corner on championing the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and putting it into practice. That might be because people who use ACEs science don’t expel or suspend students, even if they’re throwing chairs and hurling expletives at the teacher. They ask "What happened to you?" rather than "What's wrong with you?" as a frame when they create juvenile detention centers where kids don’t fight, reduce...
Calendar Event

2016 Community Healing Conference

Blog Post

Kickoff- Mental Well-Being Learning Community

Isabel Ruelas ·
Join the Minnesota Department of Health for the inaugural monthly statewide Mental Well-Being and Resilience Learning Community TUESDAY MAY 30 th 10:00-12:00 REGISTER HERE TO PARTICIPATE SITES ? Registration includes a list of sites near you. NO SITE ADDRESS? We will update site addresses as identified. Hosts will also email participants before the event. NO SITE NEAR YOU? Email to confirm if one is currently available or to become a host. OTHER QUESTIONS? See...
Blog Post

The 2016 Midwest ACE Summit

Kate Bailey ·
Thank you to those who attended the 2016 Midwest ACE Summit! At the event nearly 300 people came together to learn about how communities are addressing ACEs and promoting healing in Minnesota and across the Midwest. We hope that participants were energized by the stories they heard and inspired about what can be done to foster resilience and healing in their own communities. Attached to this post are the Summit agenda and breakout session descriptions for your reference. Resources shared at...
Blog Post

MN Research: The Value of Understanding ACEs

Kate Bailey ·
Over the past three years, Minnesota Communities Caring for Children (MCCC) has worked to raise awareness about brain development, ACEs, and resilience statewide using the national ACE Interface curriculum. To date the organization has trained more than 130 Minnesotans from diverse communities to present this curriculum and help foster community responses. This summer, Maxine Freedman of Macalester College interviewed 29 members of MCCC's network to assess the impact of this work on...
Blog Post

MN Trauma Project aims to increase understanding of how past experiences shape our lives today []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Many people experience trauma, but few — and that includes medical professionals — understand the larger impact it can have on their lives and the lives of others. Ryan Van Wyk, a psychologist at Park Nicollet Melrose Center , wants to change that. He believes that past trauma lies at the root of many common mental health and addiction issues, and if more people understood that fact and worked to heal trauma, many could live happier, healthier lives. “My graduate school was great,” Van Wyk...
Blog Post

"Moving from Understanding to Implementing Trauma-Responsive Services" Takeaways from SAMSHA Forum in Johnson City 9.5.19

Carey Sipp ·
Speakers and guests at the SAMSHA Forum included (l-r) Mary Rolando of the Department of Children's Services; Chrissy Haslam, First Lady of Tennessee; Dr. Joan Gillece, SAMSHA Center for Trauma Informed Care; Dr. Andi Clements, East Tennessee State University; Becky Haas, Johnson City Police Department; Carey Sipp, ACEs Connection, and Robin Crumley, Boys & Girls Club of Johnson City/Washington County. It was easy to be both inspired and a bit overwhelmed at the Substance Abuse and...
Blog Post

My Story - Human Trafficking and ACEs

Ruth A Rondon ·
Blog Post

Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz: Solving Poverty in Your Local Community ( & Commentary

Christine Cissy White ·
Cissy's note: This is a great podcast for parents, educators, and community organizers and change makers. It is an interview with @Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz interviewed by Danny Bowers "Sunshine" of Better Leaders Better Schools . Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz says things like, " We all need each other. Everyone here is important," and " The community is who we are," but they aren't inclusive-sounding platitudes. She is a tireless optimist but also understands, personally and professionally, how...
Blog Post

Reducing ACEs & Building Resilience in Washington State Webinar

Isabel Ruelas ·
With Lowell Johnson, ACEs Resiliency Coalition; Emily Clary, Minnesota Communities Caring for Children Learn about significant progress being made in reducing the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and early childhood trauma, through examples of some of the successes that three communities experienced in Washington State, and sharing conversations with people doing this work in Washington State. Watch the full webinar here

Summit Session Descriptions

Kate Bailey ·

MDH ACEs Report.pdf

Kate Bailey ·

Helen Kim

Blog Post

A New Minneapolis Park Puts Indigenous Culture Center Stage (

Carved out by glaciers around 10,000 BCE, the Owámniyomni — post-colonially known as St. Anthony Falls — near present-day downtown Minneapolis have been a sacred place for Dakota people for centuries. Women would come from near and far to give birth on an eagle- and spruce-tree-filled island situated in the middle of the Mississippi River, encased by mist from the nearby falls. In the 1800s, the island was eroded by limestone harvesting before eventually being blown up by the Army Corps of...
Blog Post

Growing Resilient Communities: Annual Gathering of Collaboratives and Tribal Nations Addressing ACEs

Jenna Zmyslony ·
Join us in three weeks for our free, virtual Annual Growing Resilient Communities Gathering! This event develops and implements community-wide approaches to Building Self-Healing Communities. Participants are encouraged to attend who are involved, or want to be involved in, addressing the root causes of childhood adversity: this can include Collaborative, tribal, and other community partners, such as health, law enforcement, education, social services, parents, businesses, and nonprofit...
Blog Post

NEXT WEEK: Growing Resilient Communities: Annual Gathering of Collaboratives and Tribal Nations Addressing ACEs

Jenna Zmyslony ·
Join us NEXT WEEK for our free, virtual Annual Growing Resilient Communities Gathering! This event develops and implements community-wide approaches to Building Self-Healing Communities. Participants are encouraged to attend who are involved, or want to be involved in, addressing the root causes of childhood adversity: this can include Collaborative, tribal, and other community partners, such as health, law enforcement, education, social services, parents, businesses, and nonprofit service...
Blog Post

The Covington Curriculum Conference Returns to Minnesota

Kathleen Callahan SSC ·
Strengthen your understanding and practice of gender-responsive, trauma-informed interventions when you train with Dr. Stephanie S. Covington at this national conference.
Blog Post

A Midwestern hub joins the short list of U.S. cities with an all-female City Council (

To read more of Adrienne Broaddus' article, please click here. ST. PAUL, Minn. — Minnesota’s state Capitol will soon be home to a distinction that few American cities can boast : an all-female City Council. The seven women that will be sworn in next month as council members are all under the age of 40, and six are women of color. Mitra Jalali, Rebecca Noecker and Nelsie Yang won their re-election races in November and will be joined by Saura Jost, Anika Bowie, Hwa Jeong Kim and Cheniqua...
Blog Post

TODAY! Register now for Advancing Neuro-Nurturing Webinar March 14.

Carey Sipp ·
Please join top researchers and leaders in the movement to create Neuro Nurturing Ecosystems in support of maternal, infant, family and community health TODAY, March 14th, for an information-packed webinar co-sponsored, in part, by PACEs Connection and its fiscal sponsor, the National Prevention Science Coalition. REGISTER now to attend this free webinar, the second in a series that has received scores of five-star reviews. National leaders in early relational health, health equity, and more...
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