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Ruth A Rondon

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Points: 2,326
Member Rank: #92

Profile Information


Wyoming, MI


United States

Postal Code


What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)

Author, public speaker, consultant,

What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?

Michigan Human Trafficking Health Advisory Board from 2015-2020 Co-authored online Human Trafficking training program that was involved in a study: Hoffman, J.L., & Argeros, G. (2022). Researching the effectiveness of an online human trafficking awareness program among community health nursing students. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 39(2), 107-120.

What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?

Learning everything I could about the aces compelled me to research my past, my family's history, in an attempt to make sense of my life. By doing this work I was able to see the big picture. The generational ACEs became very clear to me. I was finally able to embrace my survival from child abuse and sex trafficking. I was a Governor-appointed member of the Michigan human trafficking Health Advisory board.

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