Tagged With "Data Book"
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10th Annual Community Empowerment Through Black Men Healing Conference
DESCRIPTION Register Here This year's theme is “Sankofa, Go back to the past and bring forward that which is useful.” The goal is to examine the past 10 years of efforts to prevent community trauma and possible strategies to build resilience and a future of healing. Since 2009, this conference has provided an opportunity for meaningful community engagement and access to national and local educators, and community practitioners to discuss and introduce practical culturally sensitive trauma...
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2017 KIDS COUNT Data Book
State Trends in Child Well-Being By the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s KIDS COUNT Project The 2017 KIDS COUNT Data Book urges policymakers not to back away from targeted investments that help U.S. children become healthier, more likely to complete high school and better positioned to contribute to the nation’s economy as adults. The Data Book also shows the child poverty rate in 2015 continued to drop, landing at 21%. In addition, children experienced gains in reading proficiency and a...
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2017 Spring Webinar Series: Trauma-Informed Approaches in Minnesota Schools
April 12, noon-1:30: Trauma-Informed Approaches in Minnesota Schools Dr. Mark Sander, Hennepin County; Stacy Bender-Fayette and Sharleen Zeman-Sperle, Peacemaker Resources Many Minnesota schools are trying innovative approaches to promote social emotional learning and to make the classroom a safe learning environment for children who have experienced trauma. This webinar is a chance to hear from three such innovators: Dr. Mark Sander, a psychologist working in the Minneapolis Public Schools...
Blog Post
30 people can end ACEs in your county. Why aren’t they?
No, we don’t need the president nor congress. We do need the following people in your county to stop business as usual and focus on preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). City mayors City counselors County commissioners School board members These local elected leaders—many of them your neighbors and colleagues—have the capacity to collectively understand the emotional and financial costs of ACEs and trauma. We can’t have family-friendly cities and counties while we live in an...
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Childhood Trauma And Its Lifelong Health Effects More Prevalent Among Minorities
A study published in JAMA Pediatrics — the largest nationally representative study to date on ACEs — confirms that Adverse Childhood Experiences are universal, yet highlights some disparities among socioeconomic groups. People with low-income and educational attainment, people of color and people who identified as gay, lesbian or bisexual had significantly higher chance of having experienced adversity in childhood. Read the full article here.
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The Demographics of Childhood Trauma
A new study assesses the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences in America by state, race or ethnicity, and income level. Read the full article here .
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Trauma-Informed Care is Not a Program For Your Clients
Understanding the long-term impact of developmental trauma, how trauma impacts the brain, and the science of resiliency is a powerful first step toward change. It is exciting to watch people begin to let this knowledge soak in… and even more exciting when they begin to ask “Now what?” As I have worked with organizations across the state, I have found that often what they are really looking for is the curriculum or recipe book that they can follow for their clients or students. Even those...
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Using Minnesota Student Survey Data to inform Community Action
In this webinar Melissa Adolfson will present information on ACEs and Protective Factors from the 2016 Minnesota Student Survey, and discuss how those data can help communities determine where to take action to reduce the impact of ACEs. As communities across Minnesota engage in the Understanding ACEs: Building Self-Healing Communities work, this is a great source of information to support the work! This webinar repeats a workshop that was offered at the ACE Collaborative Gathering in St.
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Evaluation and Community Education Manager Position Available!
Minnesota Communities Caring for Children (MCCC) is the home of Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota and the Minnesota Circle of Parents. Our programs are focused on building healthy communities and families where all children thrive . Our mission is to empower parents and communities to build supportive relationships, nurture children, and prevent child abuse and neglect. Currently we are hiring an Evaluation and Community Education Manager. This role is responsible for leading the organization’s...
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Putting the Power of Self-Knowledge to Work [New York Times]
Thirty years ago, the Nobel Prize-winning novelist Doris Lessing gave a series of lectures, later published in a book, “ Prisons We Choose to Live Inside ,” in which she reflected on the brutality in the world and asked how individuals and societies could evolve into something better. It’s a sobering book, but Lessing is hopeful — and her main source of hope stems from the capacity of human beings to study themselves and learn from their own behavior. “I think when people look back at our...
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Reducing ACEs & Building Resilience in Washington State Webinar
With Lowell Johnson, ACEs Resiliency Coalition; Emily Clary, Minnesota Communities Caring for Children Learn about significant progress being made in reducing the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and early childhood trauma, through examples of some of the successes that three communities experienced in Washington State, and sharing conversations with people doing this work in Washington State. Watch the full webinar here
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Resilience practices overcome students’ ACEs in trauma-informed high school, say the data [ACES TOO HIGH]
Three years ago, the story about how Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, WA, tried a new approach to school discipline and saw suspensions drop 85% struck a nerve. It went viral – twice — with more than 700,000 page views. Paper Tigers , a documentary that filmmaker James Redford did about the school — premiered last Thursday night to a sold-out crowd at the Seattle International Film Festival. Hundreds of communities around the country are clamoring for screenings. After four years of...
Re: The Science of How Our Minds and Our Bodies Converge in the Healing of Trauma [brain pickings]
I liked his book, though I think Levine's were just a tad better in the neuroscience of it all, as well as the innate release mechanism. This really started a while back. Keleman in the 70s, Louwen before him even, Hanna and Berceli in the 80s, and then it turned into something. There has been good writing about trauma for a while, but too much has relied on the old paradigm of treatment, which even van der Kolk says has not been very successful. The reason the body keeps the score is...
Re: Inter-Generational Trauma: 5 Ways It Impacts Families [psych central]
In Mark Wolyn's book he states it has a three generation possibility, at least biologically, via the woman. Ruth Lanius did a study and proved the biological passing of PTSD from mom to newborn of mom's pregnanat at 9/11. Behavioral seemingly wouldn't have an expiration date.
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California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties. Next: All CA cities.
Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything. Karen Clemmer “Jane helped us see a bigger world,” says Clemmer. “She came with a much wider lens. She didn’t look only at Sonoma County, she...
Elizabeth Seidl
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The Covington Curriculum Conference Returns to Minnesota
Strengthen your understanding and practice of gender-responsive, trauma-informed interventions when you train with Dr. Stephanie S. Covington at this national conference.
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The 7th Annual Growing Resilient Communities Gathering: Locally Grown Changemakers
Ensuring the collection of community wisdom through good data practices is critical to informing the way forward for community efforts.