I love this by the Philadelphia ACE Task Force -- So I am copying it here:
This Post is by Leslie Lieberman - Philadelphia ACE Task Force. Thanks Leslie!!!
Last year the Philadelphia ACE Task Force created a work group to focus on how to educate the community about ACEs and resilience. Over the last few months this work group has been working with some local and and national experts and community members to develop "compelling messages about ACEs that catch on." Today I was re-reading some old posts on ACEs Connection (where you can find lots of great information) and found this suggestion for ACE education from Todd Garrison of Childwise in Montana
Create curiosity. When people are curious about something they will seek the information themselves -- which has a much higher impact on learning about that which they are curious. That's what ChildWise Institute did by creating billboards with a website where they can get their own ACE score (www.WhatsYourACEscore.com). You can see the billboard on our website (www.childwise.org).We had the billboards up for only 30 days, but we also created (4'x8") hard stock cards of the billboard that we hand out with facts about ACEs on the back. Since we posted the billboards and havebeen handing out the cards, we havehad about 450 people that have gotten their own ACE scores and started learning about ACEs..
Could this work in Philadelphia (Michigan)? What are your thoughts? Other thoughts about how we can get our message that ACEs matter out to more people?
We have a lot of white billboards in the rural areas here in MI-- areas with massive infant mortality, child abuse reports, and child abuse deaths --- is there a way we can approach the owners of this land with their vacant billboards and put up information about ACES? Maybe a tax break or maybe the state would be willing to promote our state ACE survey with a small payment to put up information on ACES and Toxic Stress? --- Looking for ideas from the very smart and creative people of Michigan!!! Tina
My idea was to make it personal - These ideas came from the NCAR dialogue: How to convince the Average person to Care about Adverse Childhood Experiences?