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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesMichigan ACEs Action (MI)

Michigan ACEs Action (MI)

Healthy and resilient kids, families, and communities are the foundation for a flourishing, vibrant region. We are dedicated to creating a trauma-informed Michigan and working together across sectors to share our efforts in building resilience and reducing toxic stress for Michigan children and families.

Here is a partial list of information (I don't know of any full scale implementation in Michigan)


1. (From the Academy on Violence and Abuse - RJ Gilespie and Teri Petterson screen for parents of 4 month olds at a large Pediatric Primary Care Clinic in Portland, Oregon.  Dr. Gilespie will be speaking along with Nadine Burke-Harris at the AAP annual conference in Washington, DC this October at the "Peds 21 Conference"  which can be found at this link. 


2. General Pediatricians screening for ACEs in Primary Care Settings; "To Prevent Childhood Trauma, Pediatricians Screen Children and their parents...and sometimes, just parents...for childhood Trauma" from AcestooHigh at this link:


3. The Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco, California, Nadine Burke-Harris: http://www.centerforyouthwelln...g/what-we-are-doing/


4. Aces Screening at Phoenix Children's Hospital: 

Marcia Stanton 

(602) 933-3342


5.  Rahil Briggs in the Bronx, New York (her contact information is at the bottom of the page and she is an ACEs member):


6. This Group on AcesConnection has others who are screening:


7. I like this article about Quen Zorrah.   At their public health department in Port Townsend, Washington, they screen pregnant mothers for ACEs.  This article is great from AcestooHigh.  She is very nice to speak to.  I can see and was working on getting this screening in our newborn nursery with collaboration from our health department but there was some resistance and very little to no funding so this didn't work out here yet but we will see.


You could also start a private dialogue with Jane Stevens (founder/editor) and she may have more information.


However, with a center as yours, I believe getting this work in the entire medical system is possible and with resources is very achievable.  


Also, I would like to add, from personal experience, families do not become upset with ACEs screening or education on the negative effects of toxic stress.


If I think of anything else, I will let you know.


I hope this helps.  






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