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Tagged With "Adult Attachment Interview"

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$100 million mental health initiative announced (

(Image: Annette Walker is CEO of Irvine-based St. Joseph Health, which has merged with Renton, Wash.-based Providence) The newly formed Providence St. Joseph Health, which on July 1 became the nation’s third-largest nonprofit health system, announced a $100 million mental health initiative on Tuesday. The Institute for Mental Health and Wellness will serve residents in the seven states where Irvine-based St. Joseph Health and Renton, Wash.-based Providence Health and Services own a combined...
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3rd "OC Healing Trauma" Meets Wed July 20 @ 6pm-8pm

Kathy Brous ·
Our 3rd "OC Healing Childhood Trauma" regular monthly meeting is: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Laguna Woods Village Community Center - Elm Room (Thank you, Betsy S., for the lovely room!) 24351 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA , 92637, CA Please know we're communicating from now on via ACEsConnection. Please click here to follow our monthly meetings on third Wednesdays at 6PM in Laguna Woods Village and lots more news:...
Blog Post

Hundreds gathered in City Heights last month for the San Diego premier of Resilience -The Biology of Stress and Science of Hope.

The crowd arrived to the aroma of freshly popped popcorn that wafted through the Cherokee Point Elementary School auditorium. With bags of popcorn and plates filled with fresh-cut fruits and vegetables from trays on tables lining the wall, the service providers, policy makers, community advocates, graduate students, teachers and parents settled in for a movie and a panel discussion that brought many to tears. Dr. Dawn Griffin, a professor in Alliant International University departments of...
Blog Post

Orange County CA First Child Trauma Meeting a Big Success

Kathy Brous ·
On April 27, "Healing Orange County from Childhood Trauma" held its first meeting in Mission Viejo, CA at a local restaurant from 6 to 8 pm. We posted it on as the founding meeting of Orange County (CA) ACEs Connection. I was honored to co-create the meeting with my dear friend Dana Brown, Southern California director for ACEs Connection. We felt awe as three education activists, six professional trauma therapy providers, individuals suffering child trauma and a total of 12 people...
Blog Post

Orange County’s “Healing Childhood Trauma!” Meeting Notes June 15, 2016

Orange County’s “Healing Childhood Trauma!” 2nd Meeting: June 15, 2016 6:00 pm ­ 8:00 pm Location: Laguna Woods Village - Elm Room ­- Community Center 24351 El Toro Road Lake Forest, CA 92630 Attendees: (alphabetical) Marguerite Bonnett, Mary Brogdon, Kathy Brous, Dana Brown, Jane DeVries, Marlene Sanders, Betsy Starkweather, Jennifer Marlene Swanson Welcome & Introductions ­ Thanking Betsy Starkweather for graciously reserving our meeting space, Dana welcomed everyone and invited them...
Blog Post

Orange County Trauma and Resilience Network One Pager

Attached find a 2018 version of Orange County community profile detailing information about your community ACEs initiative. This will be shared with CA legislators at the Trauma-Informed Policymaker Awareness Day on May 22nd in Sacramento. I attach it here as a PDF ready to print and share! I also have uploaded into 'Resources for Downloading' the same PDF, and an editable Word document so that you can update or otherwise improve it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to...
Blog Post

Portraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion. Their Pain - FREE Screening for ACEs Connection Network!

Jennifer Hossler ·
I am excited to announce that ACEs Connection Network has partnered with the producers of the film, Portraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion. Their Pain . to host a FREE SCREENING of the film for our members. If you have been t hinking of hosting a screening of CAREgivers in your community or are interested in learning more about secondary traumatic stress and what to do about it, join our ACEs Connection Network for a FREE screening of this film and a virtual chat with the...
Blog Post

Stigma of mental illness rooted in Korean culture (

(Image: Mikyong Kim-Goh, professor at Department of Social Work at Calstate Fullerton) The stigma of mental illness in the Korean American community – a stigma that only now is starting to change – is deeply rooted in culture and history. Mikyong Kim-Goh, professor of social work at Cal State Fullerton, explained the dynamic, saying it remains difficult for many people of Korean descent to seek help for ailments that are not physical. Q: Why is mental illness so stigmatized in the Korean...
Blog Post

Taking a look at modern-day slavery Descendent of Frederick Douglass gives talk (

Kenneth Morris Jr. was busy running a successful marketing and entertainment company when he happened to see a magazine article about modern-day slavery that led him to make a major life change. Morris is not only the great-great-great-grandson of abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass but also the great-great grandson of early civil rights pioneer Booker T. Washington . Both men were born into slavery. It was Morris’ maternal grandmother, Nettie Hancock Washington , the granddaughter of...
Blog Post

Tired Of Struggling With Intimate Relationships? Watch Interview with Kathy Brous on Mary Giuliani LIVE, 4-18-18

Mary Giuliani ·
Tired Of Struggling With Finding or Maintaining Intimate Relationships? Check out my interview with Author, Kathy Brous, Don’t Try This Alone: The Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder I had such an amazing chat with Kathy about her hero’s journey after discovering some intense pain from early childhood to finding true freedom and wholeness. After a cascade of five live crises within two years, Kathy hit a painful emotional bottom and discovered she was suffering from an attachment...
Blog Post

Meeting Notes - July 20th - Orange County's "Healing Childhood Trauma!"

Orange County’s “Healing Childhood Trauma! 3rd Meeting: July 20, 2016 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Location: Laguna Woods Village Elm Room - Community Center 24351 El Toro Road Laguna Woods, CA 92630 Attendees : (alphabetical) Marguerite Bonnett, Mary Brogdon, Dana Brown, Todd Garrison , Connie Hornyak , Jennifer Swanson Martene, Wayne Munchel, Marlene Sanders, Betsy Starkweather, Amanda Varrone. Welcome & Introductions Thanking Betsy Starkweather for graciously reserving our meeting space, Dana...
Blog Post

Neurofeedback works: Van der Kolk

Kathy Brous ·
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk MD just posted a webinar on Neurofeedback that knocked me out. "Nothing I know can do that," he said, on first seeing Neurofeedback's results. This changes the map of trauma healing. Watch now; it may not be up long. I had a big emotional reaction to his revelations on how my brain still doesn't work in some areas . Click for van der Kolk video and to see what happened to me: Please forward this your...
Blog Post

A Better Normal Friday, June 19th at Noon PDT: LGBTQ+ Identity and Race in the US: An Intersectional Discussion On Historical and Generational Trauma

Alison Cebulla ·
Please join us for the ongoing community discussion of A Better Normal, our ongoing series in which we envision the future as trauma-informed. LGBTQ+ Identity and Race in the US: An Intersectional Discussion On Historical and Generational Trauma With Panelists Rev. Dr. D. Mark Wilson and Alexander Cho, Ph.D., Moderated by ACEs Connection staff members Jenna Quinn and Alison Cebulla Friday, June 19th, 2020 Noon to 1pm, PT (3pm to 4pm ET) >>Click here to register<< Please join us...
Blog Post

💗 Get A FREE Copy of My NEW Book - It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD

Mary Giuliani ·
Hi Everyone! The good news is after seven years, with a five year break (AKA stall-out), I have finally finished my new book and have titled it: It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD Although my book won't be available to the general public until its launch date on Feb 21 st , 2023, I am offering FREE advance reader copies to a limited amount of people this week. Below is a summary of what my book's about and how to qualify to get a free copy this week.
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Our Trauma-Resilient Educational Communities (TREC) Model's website launched on 1.25.24 with our Award Ceremony!

The culmination of thousands of hours from our Trauma-Resilient Educational Communities (TREC) team in developing our TREC Model, we launched website on Thursday, January 25, 2024. Craig Beswick, Vice-President, School Development Division, Lifelong Learning Administration Corporation (LLAC) opened up our exciting launch, which was hosted by the beautiful UCSD Park & Market in downtown San Diego. Craig warmly welcomed over 200 attendees to our Awards Ceremony and TREC...
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