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Becoming Your Healthiest Self: An Eat-Well, Get-Fit, Feel-Great Guide for Teens []

By Michelle Cardell, Aaron S. Kelly, and Lindsay A. Thompson, JAMA Pediatrics, May 26, 2020 Parents, empower your adolescents so they can make choices that promote their healthiest self. Teens, getting older means making decisions about what matters to you most. Making healthy choices is a great place to start. Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health is what makes it possible for you to do all the things you want to do. Fuel Up You are in charge of what you eat and drink.

New YouTube Playlist with All of ACEs Connection's Elaine Miller-Karas Videos

It has been an honor to collaborate with the wonderful and wise Elaine Miller-Karas on 5 online events since I started working at ACEs Connection a year ago. The recordings of these events are our most popular videos on YouTube, with a combined total of over a thousand views. I have now compiled them into a single playlist on our YouTube Channel. >>Click here to visit the playlist<< The videos include: 1. Building Resilient Communities - August 8, 2019 2. The Human Impact of...

Poem: Old Lady In The Lighthouse

Old Lady in the lighthouse, where did you go? One day I filled my pockets full of stones. I wadded slowly, into the vicious ocean storm. You were there beside me, I was never alone. Hand over hand you retrieved me from the waters deep. It was not time to relinquish, forever fall asleep. You cradled my face in your cupped warm hands. You gently rocked me, brushed my hair full of sand. Remember that little girl, who remains my foe? She still clings to me wretchedly in tow. Please old lady in...

Lifelines: How Yoga is Helping Women at N.H. State Prison Manage Trauma During COVID-19 []

By ALEX MCOWEN & PETER BIELLO • MAY 7, 2020, Because of COVID-19, the New Hampshire Department of Corrections suspended all visits and volunteer services at the state’s prisons on March 16, more than 7 weeks ago. Nicole Belonga has been serving time at the New Hampshire State Prison for women in Concord for 11 years. She says these efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus have cut off almost all contact with the outside world, making stressful prison life even more so.

After My Wife Died I Was Consumed by Both Grief and Paperwork. We Must Work Together to Change the Medical System []

By Daniel Jonce Evans, TIME, May 20, 2020 After finding a parking space I stopped and shifted my minivan into park. I sat still for a moment, a moment that allowed me to take a breath in relative silence. Silence, sitting in that driver’s seat, had a particular sound. It encroached after relays clicked and vent fans stopped. The engine crackled while cooling. Still hanging from the ignition, keys on the ring touched once or twice, singing their acknowledgement that their cohort completed the...

Beyond the Buzzwords: What Does Trauma-Informed Care Truly Mean? []

By Rachel Levy, Mad in America, May 20, 2020 On March 4, 2020, Rethinking Psychiatry (in Portland, Oregon) met for our monthly meeting. The topic was “Beyond the Buzzwords: What Does Trauma-informed Care Really Mean?” This subject turned out to be even more relevant, as we are now facing a global pandemic that is causing massive trauma. This was to be our last in-person meeting for the foreseeable future. We are continuing to meet online. Both our April and May meetings were held via Zoom...

The Healing Place Podcast: Dr. Jamie Marich - Trauma & the 12 Steps; Addiction Recovery; & Utilizing Complimentary Healing Tools

Teri Wellbrock sits down with Dr. Jamie Marich who describes herself as a facilitator of transformative experiences. A clinical trauma specialist, expressive artist, writer, yogini, performer, short filmmaker, Reiki master, and recovery advocate, she unites all of these elements in her mission to inspire healing in others.

The Dark Side of People-Pleasing

If you’re feeling like the people YOU like, don’t like YOU -- and you don’t know why -- the first thing you want to look at is whether you are people-pleasing. People-pleasing is the act of changing yourself to make people like you -- trying to match their interests and values, flattering them, and hiding how you really think and feel in hopes that they’ll let you in, and keep you in their lives. People-pleasing is really common for people who were abused and neglected in childhood. It’s...

The Healing Effects on the Brain from Mindfulness, Prayer, and Meditation

In January, we have focused on how mindfulness, prayer, and meditation can help complex trauma survivors climb from the pit of despair into the sunshine of healing. In this last piece, we shall examine the neuroscience behind mindfulness, prayer, and meditation plus tie up any loose ends. Changes in the Brain from Complex Trauma Childhood trauma often leaves its victims with damages to the regions of the brain that control emotions, memory, and reasoning. These brain regions include the...

Did you know you can post a blog on ACEs Connection?

Did you know you can post a blog on ACEs Connection? Have you been wanting to share a news article? Tell us your story? Explain what you're doing in the ACEs world? Look below for videos & link to blog posts on how to post a blog! Plus, videos on how to add photos, documents, and videos to your blog post. Please leave questions or comments below! How-To: Post a Blog Add a How-To: Add a Title Image to your Blog Post How-To: Insert a Video into a Blog Post How-To: Add a Document to a Blog...

Meet The Black Ballerina and Entrepreneur Helping People Heal From Their Trauma []

By Lydia Blanco, Black Enterprise, May 15, 2020 Tyde-Courtney Edwards, founding director of Ballet After Dark , is a classically trained black ballerina , art model, and survivor of sexual assault who is on a mission to help others heal from their trauma through the art of ballet. Now, during the pandemic, she is helping people unwind and reset their focus on healing virtually as her studio is closed. Edwards began her journey at the Baltimore School for the Arts and has over 20 years of...

Therapist: Trauma Is An Experience Of The Body. And We're All Feeling It []

By Elissa Tosi, WBUR, May 14, 2020 As a psychotherapist, my work is all about connection. It’s about supporting my clients by cultivating an understanding of who they are and where they’ve been. But therapists are people, too, and we have our own issues. We fight with our partners, apologize to our kids for bad parenting moments, get sick, lose loved ones, the list goes on. We often have to put our stuff aside in order to focus on the client’s reality, and our ability to do that is a skill...

Too Much Alone Time? Tips To Connect And Find Joy While Social Distancing []

By Alison Aubrey, National Public Radio, May 10, 2020 We are social creatures. So it's no surprise that quarantine fatigue has begun to set in. "Humans are wired to come together physically," says psychologist Judith Moskowitz of Northwestern University. But, loneliness has become widespread in modern life. And, social distancing has just exacerbated the problem, Moskowitz says. Social connection is essential to our well-being, since prolonged isolation can increase the risk of depression...

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