Tagged With "Dr. Vincent Felitti"
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Looking at childhood experiences related to stress
April is Stress Awareness Month and Child Abuse Awareness Month. In recognition of both of themes of awareness, I want to raise cognizance of toxic stress and adverse childhood experiences (ACES). Both lifelong physical and mental health problems arise when children experience extreme stress (toxic stress) caused by ACEs. Daily many children in our community experience toxic stress related to adverse childhood experiences (ACE). ...
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Positive Childhood Experiences offset ACEs: Q & A with Dr. Robert Sege about HOPE
Tufts University medical professor Dr. Robert Sege directs the Center for Community-Engaged Medicine and is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that address social determinants of health. He is also the principal investigator for the HOPE framework (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences).The HOPE framework is based on research that shows how positive childhood experiences can mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences. Sege and colleagues...
Blog Post
Positive Childhood Experiences offset ACEs: Q & A with Dr. Robert Sege about HOPE
Tufts University medical professor Dr. Robert Sege directs the Center for Community-Engaged Medicine and is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that address social determinants of health. He is also the principal investigator for the HOPE framework (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences).The HOPE framework is based on research that shows how positive childhood experiences can mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences. Sege and colleagues...
Re: DR. ROBERT BLOCK: A pediatrician’s perspective on ACEs, resilience
The Potts Family Foundation is blessed to have Dr. Block as a board member and it's current Board Vice Chair.
Re: DR. ROBERT BLOCK: A pediatrician’s perspective on ACEs, resilience
Dr. Block is wonderful! Such a compassionate heart and giving nature. It is a blessing indeed!
Blog Post
12 Myths of the Science of ACEs
The two biggest myths about ACEs science are: MYTH #1 — That it’s just about the 10 ACEs in the ACE Study — the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study . It’s about sooooo much more than that. MYTH #2 — And that it’s just about ACEs…adverse childhood experiences. These two myths are intertwined. The ACE Study issued the first of its 70+ publications in 1998, and for many people it was the lightning bolt, the grand “aha” moment, the unexpected doorway into a blazing new...
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4 years after integrating ACEs science, Pueblo, CO clinic improves services for families; cuts ER costs, doctor stress
Four years ago, Dr. Leslie Dempsey would never have talked about ACEs — adverse childhood experiences — with her patients. Now ACEs is a common topic. “Just as I don’t feel awkward asking someone if they smoke or do intravenous drugs, I don’t really feel awkward talking about their childhood traumas in a way that it relates to their health. It’s just integrated into obtaining background and social history,” she says. Dr. Leslie Dempsey Dempsey is a physician in obstetrics who oversees a team...
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ACEs Science in Education: The Next Big Challenge is Systems Change #ACEsCon2018
One of the first sessions of the 2018 ACEs Conference: Action to Access discussed the barriers and opportunities for increasing access in the field of education. The main question was: "How can one achieve systematic changes within the field of education?" The session was moderated by Michelle Flowers, a passionate advocate, and the principal of Kinney High in Rancho Cordova, CA, which is part of the Folsom Cordova Unified School District. It included a dynamic and diverse panel of education...
Blog Post
Creating hope from adverse childhood experiences
There is no doubt that the landmark Adverse Childhood Experiences study by Anda and Felitti has shifted the landscape of how we think about childhood. The ACEs study established the link between early adverse experiences and later negative outcomes. A brief overview of the key areas of early adversity included in the ACEs study are: (1) physical abuse, (2) sexual abuse, (4) physical neglect, (5) emotional neglect, (6) having a parent with a mental illness, (7) having a parent with substance...
Blog Post
DR. ROBERT BLOCK: A pediatrician’s perspective on ACEs, resilience
As an academic and clinical pediatrician with over 40 years of experience, I was impressed and amazed when I first heard Dr. Vince Felitti speak about his ground-breaking work on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), first published in 1998. For the last several years a multitude of professionals have been working on the clinical (practical) application of his work, and more have been learning about the genetics, brain chemistry, and other scientific explanations for his findings. The core...
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Dulaney: 'We had to discuss those things and go deep': Play aims to help Oklahoma children of inmates
NORMAN — The story of a convict and his dog unfolded on a Norman stage Tuesday as playwright and producer Peter Zhmutski directed actors, moved props and rewrote lines for “Marvin’s Shining Star,” a teleplay aimed at helping children of incarcerated parents. Filming of the play wraps up this week and once production is finished, creators hope to distribute it throughout Oklahoma schools, along with the script, set design instructions, and follow-up questions for students so they can produce...
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Emig: Day 6: ACES: Breaking the cycle: How a Tulsa realtor became Mama Linda to foster children
Linda Vincent lets you know straight away: Being a foster parent can be terrifying. “Ter-ri-fy-ing,” she says for emphasis. “My kids come into my home and I see behaviors that would blow other people’s minds. They call them ‘trauma rages’ sometimes.” Foster children tend to have encountered trauma. They tend to have high ACE scores. They typically haven’t encountered stabilizers in their lives. Then they come into the lives of foster parents. They come into lives like Vincent’s. “I’ve...
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California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties. Next: All CA cities.
Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything. Karen Clemmer “Jane helped us see a bigger world,” says Clemmer. “She came with a much wider lens. She didn’t look only at Sonoma County, she...
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Hope and Resilience Are Distinct Contributors to Survivor Well-Being
The purpose of this post is to provide a direct response to Cheryl Step’s “ Resilience: The Foundation of Hope .” First, we do not object to the term resilience in everyday conversation. However, in the research and practice literature, resilience (or resiliency) has suffered from a myriad of inconsistent definitions and conceptualizations that leave researchers and professionals with uncertainty about what it means to guide practice. We notice Cheryl considers resilience using several other...
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Connection is Protection: Improving our Grade
Our hats are off to the Okahoman for its expanded offering of thought-provoking articles including Grading Oklahoma. The full-page article in the Sunday July 18 th issue gave rise to hope that our state is once again ready to look at our shortcomings and change our priorities and policies to realize the potential of our people. Of specific focus for the Potts Family Foundation, is the health and well-being of our youngest citizens. To achieve positive change - moving from the bottom ten...
Blog Post
Autumn Cooper: The Roadmap to Responsiveness
“I have an ACE Score of 10"…. I whispered aloud to myself after taking the ACE Questionnaire for the first time over a decade ago. After first hearing about the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, frequently referred to as the ACE Study, I was hooked and have wanted to know and share all that I can about this research since that day. It is my belief that this is research that can change the shape of public health and improve the outcomes for all Americans. For those who know about this...
Blog Post
June 15th CTIPP CAN Call - Toward an Integrated Science of PACEs
Are you interested in learning about new research that integrates the latest brain and social science? Then please join CTIPP’s next Community Action Network (CAN) call on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. ET / 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 742183645 Meeting ID: 742 183 645 +19292056099,,742183645# US (New York) Q&A session after presentations REGISTER / ADD TO CALENDAR The conversation will explore the integrated science of positive and adverse...
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Manaugh: Raising Resilient Oklahomans - Five Years Later
Five years ago this week, the Potts Family Foundation began a journey that continues to this day. Introduced to the documentary "Resilience: The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope" in 2017, our immediate reaction was that all Oklahomans need to see this film. From the first screening at Rose State College, we have employed the same format following the film with a moderated panel discussion. Even the pandemic did not set us back, as we created virtual screening opportunities with...
Re: DR. ROBERT BLOCK: A pediatrician’s perspective on ACEs, resilience
I find great comfort in articles like this, Dr. Block. Thank you for sharing your perspective! I have spent most of my adult life trying to overcome the shame I felt about my constantly tumultuous emotional state. Learning about ACEs was life-changing for me, and I have been in hot pursuit of my recovery since I learned that although I was emotionally fragile, I was actually fragmented, and not fickle!! I feel extremely validated by the new information that is being released about the impact...
Vincent Wyatt
Blog Post
Former PACEs Connection employees Dana Brown (L) with Vincent Felitti, MD, co-author of the 1998 Adverse Childhood Experiences study, and Carey Sipp (R) in San Diego in January, 2024. The last few months have been quite challenging, but we pushed, persevered, and didn’t give up hope. The “we” is Carey Sipp and Dana Brown. We were long-time staff members of PACEs Connection determined to reinstate the website and the resources and information we provide to communities after the platform went...