Learn more about ACEs and Resilience
The Resilient Solano Framework
The Resilient Solano Framework is based on the ACEs Connection organizing model, Growing Resilient Communities, which captures the common stages characteristic of successful ACEs initiatives. This organizing model suggests first steps, and momentum building steps, that highlight how local ACEs initiatives can structure and organize themselves for success. The Resilient Solano framework model focuses on three stages to aid Solano County in becoming a Resilient community:

First 5 Solano coordinated an ACEs Media Campaign that has already demonstrated significant accomplishment, by launching a nine-month, multimodal media campaign to educate the community about ACEs, utilizing billboards, bus ads, and Pandora ads in English and Spanish.
Resource lists/Toolkits highlighting trauma-informed practice and resilience building strategies, can be a great source of information to find examples of how to change practice.
Find websites that can link you, your organization and your community to information about ACEs, trauma-informed practices, and building resilience.
ACEs efforts in Solano County have already identifying a number of champions to acknowledge or to further the message, but more ACEs champions are always needed.