Trainings and Events For Parents

Trainings offered will help to:
1) Increase understanding and awareness of the impact of trauma
2) Learn strategies for resilience
Training And Events
First 5 Center Parent-Child Classes (March and April)
Parent-Child Classes and Parent Only Classes
Classes include: Parents Off Duty, Parent Cafe, and Community Leaders Group
Dates: Click link below to find English and Spanish enrollment forms with upcoming dates for all classes:
Vallejo First 5 Center- March/April 2022 Preference Sheet
El Centro de Los Primeros 5 de Vallejo- Marzo/Abril 2022 Hoja de Preferencia
Triple P Positive Parenting Program
Offered by 10 community providers through Solano County
Triple P Positive Parenting Program is an evidence-based parent education program that can be tailored to fit your needs as a parent. From one-time workshops that provide tips on how to raise resilient children to multi-session groups or individual meetings that assist with specific behaviors, Triple P does not tell you how to parent, but gives you ideas and suggestions to incorporate into your parenting toolkit.
Dates: Ongoing.
Click below to learn more about the Triple P program: Solano Triple P