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Emergency Child Care for Foster Families []

By Sacramento County, SacCounty News, January 9, 2020 To recruit more loving families for children in foster care, Sacramento County is making it easier to find and afford childcare services for resource families. The Emergency Child Care Bridge Program’s goal is to increase the number of resource families for children in foster care by helping families find the right child care provider, connecting families to long-term child care subsidies, and by providing vouchers to pay for childcare...

FREE TRAINING: Social Media for Nonprofits: Getting Your Message Out1

Saturday, January 11 from 9:30am-1:30pm at Comcast Learn social media tips on a budget, hands-on tricks to get your message out and network with other organizations. The Sacramento chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association is hosting a FREE half-day panel to help nonprofits and community-based organizations understand how to use social media to tell their stories. Lunch will be provided as part of the Jan. 11, 2020 workshop, which is open to all nonprofit organizations in the...

State of Our Health 2020 Breakfast - Sponsorship Opportunities

This year's coming State of Our Health Breakfast on February 7th, 2020, will feature Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. Dr. Burke Harris is the 1st and current Surgeon General of California since 2019. She is a pioneer in linking adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress with harmful effects on health later on in life. We are excited to have her share with us! You won't want to miss it! You can listen to an interview with her here . We are currently only taking in Sponsorships and Table sales.

Army of ACEs with Nadine Burke-Harris

Samuel Merritt University was honored with a talk by Dr Nadine Burke-Harris. The talk is available on youtube for viewing. Check out our surgeon general and the course of action CA is taking around ACEs and Toxic Stress.

12th annual human trafficking conference

Hosted by My Sister's House, the conference; "Human Trafficking in Businesses" will be on January 17, 2020 at California State University, Sacramento. This conference is open to law enforcement, victim advocates, services providers, educators, community leaders, and concerned citizens. Registration is now available and I encourage everyone to register and attend! General registration: $45 Student Registration: $20 Register Here: Early registration...

For California Firefighters, How 'Mindfulness' Can Ease the Deadly Stress of Their Jobs []

By Cathie Anderson, The Sacramento Bee, November 12, 2019 About three and a half years ago, paramedic Susan Farren underwent major surgery for kidney cancer, and as she lay in the recovery room, one of her doctors told her that he had treated quite a few first responders with organ cancers. The comment stuck with her. “I went home and started researching it after getting out of the hospital,” Farren said, “and for the next year and a half, that’s what I did every single day. I researched...

Resilient Sac Nov Monthly Meeting

A great time was had by all who participated in the Brain Architecture Game ( ) during the Nov 12th Resilient Sac ACEs Connection meeting. We want to welcome new members form Sacramento Streets Team to the group. They were able to send five members from their organization to integrate information about ACEs and Toxic Stress, along with their consequences, into their work around homelessness. To learn more about Streets Outreach...

Do you live in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Nevada or the US Pacific Islands? Come to our no-cost mental and school mental health Winter Institute!

Do you live in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Nevada or the US Pacific Islands?If so...Check it out! 👇 NO COST. MENTAL HEALTH & SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH WORKFORCE. AMAZING FACULTY. JANUARY 14, 15, & 16th! LONG BEACH, CA. JOIN US. 🤝 👏 Learn more here: Register here:

Register now: Free ACEs Connection Webinar on the Human Impact of Climate Change

A year after 85 people died in the wildfire that swept through Paradise, CA, and nearby towns, one of the town’s survivors will talk about how she and others are using resilience practices in their recovery from the trauma. On Wednesday, Nov. 13, Paradise resident Kelly Doty will have a conversation with Elaine Miller-Karas, who developed the Community Resiliency Model (CRM). Doty, who lost her home in the fire, and Miller-Karas will discuss resilience education skills designed to help...

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