Did you like that ACEs Primer video? Here's how to download it!
Downloadable video link for ACEs Primer by KPJR Films
Downloadable video link for ACEs Primer by KPJR Films
This was produced by KPJR Films, and edited by Jen Bradwell.
A Sacramento elementary school is attempting to bridge the achievement gap with their at-risk student population by directing Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) dollars towards resources that build relationships with struggling students, in order to better meet their needs.
This color wheel is used by the Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento Medical Center to aid discussions about stress with patients as well as staff.
Wanted to tell you about a great program facilitated by We Can Work It Out, " Hooked On Fishing Not On Violence ". What a great resiliency builder. The kids in this program get to learn about fishing equipment, tackle, and even the unique characteristics of fish that will help put a fish on the line. Check out their website at www.hookedonfishingsacramento.org for more information on this program.
Last December, the College Glen Little League reached out for help with construction on new player dugouts and scorer’s booths at their fields from an unlikely source: the Sacramento County Probation Department. The call was made due to the partnership between Probation and Northern California Construction Training (NCCT). The NCCT is a non-profit, community-based organization that enrolls individuals in programs in order to prepare them for careers in construction. Crews made up of NCCT...
Carolyn Curtis invited Peter Dannefelser, architect and a leader in Rotary Club of Sacramento who has accepted the invite and will be at the April meeting. He has a view that the way we build our communities leads to isolation which can create neglect for our children. She has also invited Don Nottoli, Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, to either send a staff member to our next meeting or have a meeting with someone from our group. She has a phone call in to Peter Tateishi President of...
Review the attached flyer for information about a workshop series titled "Healing Shock and Developmental Trauma" here in Sacramento on April 22-23, 2016.
Goodwill Industries and Sacramento County are providing a combined $60,000 in seed funding to reopen Wind Youth Services’ shelter for the region’s homeless adolescents, but nonprofit and government leaders are asking the community to match the gifts to keep the operation going this year. Wind operates two shelters for youths in the Rancho Cordova area – one serving clients from 12- to 18-year-old students and the other serving high school graduates from 18 through 24. The nonprofit suspended...
The Alternatives to Violence Project (ACP) is a grassroots, volunteer program dedicated to reducing violence in our lives, in our homes, in our schools, in our prisons, in our streets and in our society. Violence comes in many forms--from put-downs and dismissal of ourselves and others to the taking of human life. Most people are exposed to some form of violence daily. Often we knowingly or unknowingly inflict violence on others. Interpersonal violence represents failed human interaction.
We would like to establish our first Steering Committee to help facilitate the goals and mission of our local Working Group. Please comment below or email Gail Kennedy ( gailkennedy.aces@gmail.com ) if you would like to nominate yourself or a colleague from any of the following sectors. We want to make sure to establish a well-rounded Steering Committee.
We are building the Mission Statement of the Sacramento ACEs Working Group and would love to receive feedback from everyone in the group, whether you have been to a meeting or not! (And please come out to a meeting, we'd love to meet you!) The Mission Statement notes from the last meeting are attached. An earlier draft can be located here. Please give your feedback in the comment section below!
What's new: ACEs impacts in the community; presentation materials available to you to share with your colleagues about ACEs; new ways to participate in the Sacramento ACEs Working Group
Resilience , a documentary that looks at the birth of the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and how it spawned a movement across the world, will be coming to your personal screen in April, says Lynn Waymer, KPJR Film’s community engagement strategist. The production team is working out the details to make the documentary, which premiered at Sundance Film Festival to sold-out houses, available to ACEsConnection.com members on Sunday, April 10, at 6 pm PT/ 9 pm...
This event is free. Coffee and lunch will be provided. RSVP to Katie at kgarcia@sacbreathe.org or 916-444-5900 ext. 215 Click here to view event on the calendar