Help make this Back to School Fair a success!
See the attached flyer for information about how you or your organization can help support this Back to School fair in South Sacramento.
See the attached flyer for information about how you or your organization can help support this Back to School fair in South Sacramento.
Read these two Sac Bee articles about the situations of recently arrived Afgani refugees.
Please join Mayor Kevin Johnson and others for the next Oak Park Promise Neighborhood Community Meeting on Thursday June 30th at 6:00pm. Working with many providers in the community they have made great headway to create a comprehensive cradle to career pipeline where all our Oak Park children and residents can thrive. WHEN: Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM (PDT) WHERE: The Guild Theater - 2828 35th Street, Sacramento, CA 95817 To learn more and register for tonight's event go...
After a hellish first night in Sacramento, Nazir Ahmad Ahmadi was ready to return to Afghanistan with his wife and 5-month-old son despite the danger of being killed by the Taliban. He took his family to the Sacramento refugee health clinic. There, a tall, well-groomed interpreter listened patiently to his story. Ahmadi told Dr. Fahim Pirzada about the roaches and bedbugs that besieged his family that first night, leaving them with irritating bites and rashes days later. Their refugee...
Featured Presentation: Educating Health and Behavioral Staff about Trauma-Informed Care at WellSpace Health Presented by DeAngelo Mack and Dr. Piri Ackerman-Barger
Elizabeth Meeker, an ACEs Connection member from Monroe County, New York shared that her county schools added ACEs questions to their Youth Behavioral Risk Survey (YBRS) in 2015, which is administered to students in schools. They were kind enough to share the instrument as well as a summary report of findings (both attached here). Elizabeth has indicated that she is available to answer questions that you all may have about the implementation of the survey. Thank you Elizabeth, for sharing!
The System Involved Youth Action Group addresses the need to increase trauma-informed practice among agencies that support youth involved in juvenile justice, child welfare, or other systems. Follow the link below to see several new resources for trauma-informed approaches when working with system involved youth, including dual-status youth who may be involved in juvenile justice AND child welfare at the same time. ...
As the flyer indicates, the panel introduced Senator Pan’s legislative agenda to develop a Children’s Bill of Rights, with the mission of creating a child-centered California. The issues raised by the attendees, some of whom were community members and parents, and others that represented a range of Sacramento’s public agencies and community based organizations, foregrounded mental health needs in policy advocacy.
I am uploading several presentations I have developed concerning ACEs/TIC for the community.
Come talk to Senator Pan, Jay Hansen of the SCUSD School Board, and community leaders Kim Williams (BHC) and Jim Steyer (Common Sense). See details on flyer.
Yesterday I mistakenly posted to this group, an event that has passed; I quickly deleted it, but the post lives on in your email inbox. Please delete/ignore the post titled "Coming in September: Alliance for Boys and Men of Color In-Person Health Policy Workgroup Meeting". This event occurred in the past; you can't get there without a time machine! My apologies for the confusion.
UCD Trauma Informed Beginnings Students, staff and YRN members met recently to brainstorm on strategies for helping UCD become a Trauma Informed Campus. Several groups, organizations and individuals were recognized and will be contacted over the summer to help identify what is currently happening on the UCD campus’, what is needed, and what’s the next steps are toward creating a Trauma Informed Campus. Defining a Trauma Informed University is one of the first steps. Although many schools,...
SEE YOU TUESDAY for our June Monthly Meeting!
Register for this important, and FREE training, but hurry, the training dates are coming up in just two weeks. See flyer below; also attached.
I was very intrigued, and eagerly registered- this is what we're trying to ramp up here in Sacramento! And there were many great nuggets of wisdom shared. (Powerpoint slides are attached).