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Resilient Sacramento met with Superintendent Nottoli

On June 1st Resilient Sacramento ACEs Connection representatives Carolyn Curtis, Barbara Stern, and Wendie Skala met with Sacramento Superintendent Don Nottoli to share how they are working together to reduce the number of Adverse Childhood Experiences in the greater Sacramento area and provide opportunities to promote healing and increase resiliency. Superintendent Nottoli expressed interest in helping Resilient Sacramento increase awareness about trauma-informed practices.

Toxic Stress, Toxic Streets (4 minute video)

This video is about 2 years old, but I just came across it last week and wanted to share with you all. It is a powerful statement by the students at Leadership High School in San Francisco, CA. They speak about the ongoing adversity and toxic stress in their daily lives and in their community, all through the power of music. The youth voice is so important as we work to bring trauma-informed and resilience building practices to communities. Link to video: Toxic Stress, Toxic Streets

June 1 Webinar: Alternative Tools for Trauma-Sensitive Practice

Check out this free online webinar course on trauma sensitive mindfulness awareness. It was developed with people in recovery in mind, but can be a useful tool to adapt for others struggling to heal from trauma. Wednesday, June 1, 2016 @ 3-4:30pm ET (2CT/1MT/12PT) Instructor: Angela Jones, LCMHC, MLADC, RYT, has over two decades of experience working in addictions and behavioral health. Learning Objectives: As a result of participating in this webinar, you will be able to: Understand the...

Oakland Is Ending Willful Defiance Suspensions AND Funding Restorative Justice!

"Oakland Unified school board voted unanimously Wednesday night (May 11) to eliminate willful defiance as a reason to suspend any student and to invest at least $2.3 million to expand restorative justice practices in its schools". Our neighbors to the West have done a powerful thing- ending suspensions for willful defiance, which clearly had become an abused strategy for teachers struggling with classroom management. Ending willful defiance and replacing it with relationship-building...

2rd Annual Community Networking Conference

Help wanted. The 3rd Annual Community Networking Conference hosted by Communities & Health Professionals Together is scheduled June 7, 8:30A-1:00P at UC Davis Ambulatory Care Center. I believe this would be a great opportunity to inform the health care professionals about ACEs Connection and Resilient Sac. Unfortunately, I am booked that day. Could we pull together a team tor represent Resilient Sac at the event that day. I would be happy to help with hand out information, etc. for the...

Bad childhood experiences can make us unhealthy []

Vincent Felitti, a Kaiser Permanente physician in San Diego in the 1990s, had a radical idea. Instead of just asking patients about their symptoms, what would happen if doctors asked them about their childhoods? His hypothesis, built on a hunch informed by experience, was that childhood trauma was connected to poor health later in life. Felitti helped lead an exhaustive study of 17,000 patients that seemed to confirm his theory. That was in 1998. But for years Felitti’s study and his...

Possibly community grant - Better Health and Wellbeing at the Community Level

RWJ working with ideas42 is currently soliciting applications from communities who are tackling challenging problems in community health and well-being, and who are interested in learning how the field of behavioral science, which provides deeper insights into how people make decisions and take actions, can be used to develop better solutions to these problems. Interested communities will designate an organization or consortium of organizations to submit the application on their behalf. FROM...

April Meeting Summary

Meeting notes from April 12, 2016 are pasted below and attached as well. We had a great presentation from Kaytie Speziale of the San Francisco Traum-Informed Systems Initiative, and Sacramento ACEs members shared concrete ways that they have collaborated to increase trauma-informed work in Sacramento (links provided). Additional materials from the special presentation will be posted separately.

Sacramento’s $961 million budget plan funds development efforts, homeless services [Sacramento Bee]

See recent Sacramento Bee article about city budget planning. Funds are being proposed for a couple of priority areas that the Sacramento ACEs Connection group are addressing but is it enough to address what is needed here in Sacramento? Sacramento would direct money toward development in the railyard and along the riverfront, as well as pay for homeless needs and after-school programs under a $961.1 million budget proposed Monday by City Manager John Shirey for the upcoming fiscal year.

Mapping Trauma Informed Care throughout First 5 Associations

On April 15th, representatives from 6 counties met on a conference call to discuss recent First 5 activities around Trauma Informed Care (TIC). Since our first gathering at last year's Association Summit, we have been meeting quarterly via conference call and have learned that there is a lot going on with TIC. So much is going on that we decided to send out a survey gathering data to map all our TIC efforts across the state. Please let us know if you are at a First 5 and are interested in...

$16.2 million given locally for veteran housing (

Three area housing developments have received $16.2 million in state funds to provide new housing for homeless military veterans and their families. An announcement from Assemblywoman Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, says that $6.37 million was awarded through the Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention program to the Grantville Veterans Housing project, $3.34 million went to the Vista del Puente in Southcrest in San Diego, and Veterans Village San Diego’s project in Escondido received $6.5...

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