Minutes from San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) March 3, 2017 Meeting
Hello All, Sorry for the delay. Attached are the minutes from the March 3 meeting. Sincerely, Heidi
Hello All, Sorry for the delay. Attached are the minutes from the March 3 meeting. Sincerely, Heidi
SAN DIEGO TRAUMA INFORMED GUIDE TEAM (SD-TIGT) May 5, 2017 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm I. Introductions A. Welcome New Members B. What brings you to the SD-TIGT? II. Trauma Informed Journey Addressing Islamophobia and its Impact on Children, using a Trauma-Informed Lens presented by Lallia Allali, Linda K. Williams, Godwin Higa, and John Michno III. Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) Project Updates IV. Committee Report Out A. Resource Committee B. Membership Committee C. Marketing...
Happy Thursday! Thank you for your feedback regarding the National Governor’s Association. Based on feedback and prior conversations the following three recommendations were sent to the Health Federation of Philadelphia on behalf of the San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team Leadership as multi-generational, multi-sectoral approaches that could improve the quality of life of children: The authentic engagement of community members of all ages when shaping programs and policies. Examples of...
Hello San Diego County! Please join us for our next SD-TIGT meeting on Friday, March 3. 2017 from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM at the San Diego Center for Children. This month, in lieu of our trauma informed journey, we will be engaging in a discussion on the SD-TIGT's potential impact on policy, program, and practice change. We are looking forward to the discussion and to learning more about the wonderful work we are doing to advance resiliency within the region. The agenda is attached at the bottom...
Hello San Diego Community! On behalf of the San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team, I would like to share an opportunity with you to contribute to the national discourse on improving the quality of life of children. The conversation at the National Governor’s Association will touch on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), two generation approaches, policies and programs to support children and their caregivers, and coordinating bodies to support collaboration across sectors (e.g. children's...
Are you an advocate for integrating trauma informed services and promoting resilience within the San Diego region? The San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team adopted a new strategic plan in September 2016. As a result, four committees formed and they are diligently working to enhance the capacity of our communities to integrate trauma informed services into our systems and organizations. Additionally, we are drawing on the expertise of our members and continuing to grow in our knowledge...
Hello All! The San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team meeting on January 6, 2017 was very exciting. We had 30 people attend the meeting and had representation from the food sector and the arts sector! Additionally, Barry Pollard inspired the SD-TIGT with the Urban Collaborative's Trauma Informed Journey. Finally, Dr. Hokoda presented results from the SD-TIGT survey and shared out highlights from the Brag Sheet. Our next meeting is March 3, 2017 from 12:30-2:00 PM. The minutes below are also...
Hello and Happy New Year! This is a reminder that the next SD-TIGT meeting is Friday, January 6 from 12:30-2:00PM. The meeting will be at the San Diego Center for Children, 3002 Armstrong St., San Diego, CA 92111. The Urban Collaborative Project will be sharing their trauma informed journey with community members. Please refer to the attached agenda for more information. Have a wonderful day!
After seven years, the San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) had evolved and grown significantly, as had the trauma informed movement. Upon reviewing the initial Strategic Plan, developed in 2009, it was found that it was time for this document to be revised. A dedicated group of core members began meeting with the daunting task of updating the Mission, Vision, and Goals. In November 2015, the SD-TIGT was fortunate enough to be one of 14 Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities...
Hello All! The last SD-TIGT meeting featured the Academy for Professional Excellence's Trauma Informed Journey, sharing the wonderful Trauma Informed work occurring in San Diego, reporting of the different committees, and a presentation on ACES Connection. The different committees include: marketing, membership, training, and resource. If you are interested in learning more about any of the committees please feel free to contact me and I can give you more information. The minutes are...
Hello all! Just a reminder that our next meeting is 11/4/16. This meeting we will be hearing about the Academy for Professional Excellence's Trauma Informed Journey as well as the new committees that were formed at the last SD-TIGT meeting. We are looking forward to seeing you at the meeting. Please see the attached agenda for more details!
Hello All! Attached are the minutes from the last SD-TIGT meeting.
The Urban Institute for Community Trauma and Resiliency Visit our fb page. Purpose is to share activities and info..... https://www.facebook.com/The-Urban-Institute-for-Community-Trauma-and-Resiliency-637838456379976/
Agenda for Sep 2, 2016 12:30pm-2:00pm Located at San Diego Center for Children 3002 Armstrong Street, San Diego, CA 92111 (Please sign in at Lobby) Mission Statement: To promote the development and provision of trauma-informed services in San Diego County’s agencies and systems through collaboration, advocacy and education to achieve transformation. I. Introductions II. Agency Overview and *Updated* Trauma Informed Journey Presentation:Harmonium, Inc. – Rosa Ana Lozada III. Mobilizing Action...
On July 1, 2016, the San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) and San Diego Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) team presented an initial draft of the 2016-2018 Strategic Plan to 19 members. The SD-TIGT is an inclusive, grassroots network that is concerned with expanding the work of the San Diego region to promote trauma informed practices. Heidi Echeverria, MARC Project Manager at Harmonium shared the following highlights from the strategic plan: Mission Statement...