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SDTIGT: San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) Meeting - Friday, July 6th: Networking at Noon and Meeting from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

Join WebEx meeting (recurring) From a computer, click here Meeting number (access code): 801 593 622 Meeting password: Trauma1! Join by phone only, call 1-240-454-0887 US Toll , Meeting number (access code): 801 593 622 Enter (#) when asked for an attendee I I. Welcome Co-facilitators: Stephen Carroll and Linda Ketterer II. Introductions (Name and Organization) III. History of San Diego's Trauma-Informed Journey (9-minute video) IV. Brag Sheets...

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team - May 4, 2018 Meeting Minutes

We had another well-attended and rich meeting where members shared about their "aha" moments related to trauma-informed care. See below and attached for meeting minutes and handouts. Introductions (Name and Organization) – Completed, 1 member attended through WebEx. Invitation to fill out Brag Sheets – not completed Trauma-Informed Journey Highlights/Actions Invite all members/attendees to share an “aha” moment or a recent action We had a rich sharing of experiences, actions and aha moments!

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) Meeting - Friday, May 4th: Networking at Noon and Meeting from (networking) Noon to (meeting) 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Mission: Promoting trauma-informed services in the San Diego region through collaboration, advocacy, and education. From a computer, click here to join WebEx meeting Meeting number (access code): 801 593 622 Meeting password: Trauma1! Join by phone only, call 240-454-0887 US Toll , Meeting number (access code): 801 593 622, Enter (#) when asked for an attendee ID. I. Introductions (Name and Organization) a.

Join the ACES and Nourishment Community

Hi San Diego! Leah's Pantry has recently started a new ACEs Connection Community - ACEs and Nourishment. We are excited to create a space for learning and conversation about the intersection of nourishment, food security, resilience and trauma and hope that you'll join us. Thanks so much to Dana Brown for her encouragement and help getting it started, we look forward to building a committed community in this important area. Please post, comment, etc., to help us get the conversation started!

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Agenda - March 2, 2018

Mission: Promoting trauma-informed services in the San Diego region through collaboration, advocacy, and education. I. Noon Networking II. Introductions (Name and Organization) III. Trauma-Informed Journey Presentation a. NAMI, Linda Ketterer IV. ACEs Connection Network a. Using ACEs Connection to connect to the power of transformation in the ACEs Science movement V. Committee Report Out a. Membership Committee – Stephen Carroll/Linda Ketterer b. Training Committee – Craig Beswick/Melissa...

San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team November 3, 2017 meeting minutes

We had a busy and full meeting this month! Leah's Pantry and the San Diego Food Bank gave an inspirational presentation on their trauma informed work, we learned more about ACEs Connection, and began taping for our MARC video! See below for minutes. Handouts and minutes are also attached. Introductions (Name and Organization) Trauma Informed Journey Presentation San Diego Food Bank (Shelly Parks) & Leah’s Pantry (Adrienne Markworth) Adrienne and Shelly provided an educational and...

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Meeting Agenda - Friday, November 3rd: Networking at Noon. Meeting from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

Please join us on Friday, November 3rd, for Networking at Noon and our meeting from 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm for our San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team meeting! We're excited to learn from Adrienne Markworth, Leah's Pantry and Shelly Parks, San Diego Food Bank with their presentation on " Trauma-Informed Hunger Relief and Nutrition Education". We're thrilled to invite you and share details on our upcoming Resilient San Diego! event on Saturday, December 9th, from noon to 3:00 pm in Balboa Park's...

Resilient San Diego! ~ Saturday, December 9, 2017 from noon to 3:00 pm in Balboa Park!

Please join us! Resilient San Diego! Attached, please find flyers in Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese . Please share with others. Save the date for Saturday, December 9th, from noon to 3:00 pm at Balboa Park! Our San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) is hosting an event celebrating our members in the Recital Hall at Balboa Park. Who: Families ~ Youth ~ Community Partners ~ Professionals What: Celebrate our region's resilience building movement. FOOD. FUN. ACTIVITIES.

San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team - September 2017 Minutes

Another exciting meeting, including announcement of our new co-chair (Dana Brown:-), learning about Center for Community Solutions' trauma-informed journey and discussion of our upcoming celebration event! See meeting minutes below (and attached) and CCS's presentation (attached). Introductions: New Members and 1 st time visitors were welcomed. Introductions included “why you’re here” Trauma Informed - Resilience Building Journey Center for Community Solutions – Staff members Allison Johnson...

San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team - July minutes

Our July meeting was well-attended and exciting as we held our first formal election for the co-chair position! Please see meeting minutes below and attached. Introductions- Welcome New Members Welcome and Acknowledgement of Participants and New Members Pam Hansen, SD-TIGT acting Secretary opened the meeting pending arrival of Co-Chair, Amelia Rosa Ana Lozada volunteered to take minutes as Pam was temporarily facilitating meeting Individuals introduced themselves New participants and the 6...

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Meeting Agenda - Friday, September 1st from Noon to 2:00 pm

Please join us for networking between noon and 12:30 pm this Friday, September 1st! We welcome you to join us for our San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team meeting at the San Diego Center for Children located at 3002 Armstrong Street, San Diego, CA 92111. Please sign in at the front office. SAN DIEGO TRAUMA-INFORMED GUIDE TEAM (SD-TIGT) September 1, 2017 Networking: Noon to 12:30 pm Meeting: 12:30pm - 2:00pm I. Introductions Welcome New Members II. Trauma Informed - Resilience Building...

Agenda for Fri, July 7, 2017 San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Meeting

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Meeting July 7, 2017 12:30pm - 2:00pm (Please arrive 5 min early to check in) San Diego Center for Children 3002 Armstrong Street, San Diego, CA 92111 Tomorrow's SD-TIGT meeting will be an important one!!! There will be Trauma-Informed Journey presentations by Youth Empowerment and Youth Voice. Our 2 Co-Chair nominees Dana Brown and Rosa Ana Lozada will each prepare a 2 min BRIEF presentation about their interest and qualifications in serving as Co-Chair.

San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team May 5, 2017 Meeting Minutes

It was great to see all the new, and returning, faces at our Guide Team meeting on May 5th! We had 38 attendees! See the meeting minutes below (and attached), as well as the PowerPoint and handouts from the Addressing Islamophobia presentation. Introductions – Included welcome of new members and the addition of sharing what brings you to the meeting Trauma Informed Journey - Addressing Islamophobia and its Impact on Children, using a Trauma-Informed Lens presented by Lallia Allali, Linda K.

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