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SDTIGT: San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team

Trauma Informed Journeys- San Diego Youth Services

Every odd month the San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) meets to share and disseminate best practices within the San Diego region. A key component of the meeting is the Trauma Informed Journey which allows an agency to share the progress they have been making to become more trauma informed and to promote resiliency with their staff and consumers. This month Stephen Carroll, ASW, Director of Homeless and Transition Age Services presented San Diego Youth Services’ (SDYS)...

San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team meeting this Friday!

Just a reminder that our next meeting is this Friday, July 1, from 12:30 - 2pm at the San Diego Center for Children location in Kearny Mesa (3002 Armstrong St). The agenda is attached and pasted below. We hope to see you all there! Introductions Agency Overview and Trauma Informed Journey Presentation: Stephen Carroll, MSW/San Diego Youth Services Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) grant update – Rosa Ana/Heidi Draft Strategic Plan review Announcements/Achievements Other...

SD-TIGT Evaluability Assessment

Evaluability Assessment of San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Summary of Westat Report May 2016 OVERVIEW Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) grant is a national effort to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and build resilience by supporting networks committed to trauma-informed change. Recognized for its long standing work in this area, the San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT), will be supported in its efforts to grow, strengthen, establish system change,...

Rain or Shine- San Diegans Walk to End Mental Illness Stigmatization

On April 30, 2016 Harmonium participated in the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Walk in San Diego. According to NAMI, 1,845 San Diegans participated and fundraised $142,038 to end stigma related to mental illness. Although it was raining and the temperature was well below what is comfortable for Southern Californians many families came and learned about behavioral health resources within the community. By participating and being out in full force organizations and community...

SDTIGT Meeting Minutes - January 8, 2016

We had another well-attended meeting with a wonderful Trauma-Informed Journey presentation from SAY San Diego and some great discussions! The minutes are posted below and attached: Introductions (20 attendees) Agency Overview and Trauma Informed Journey Presentation: SAY San Diego Jessica Rathbun, MSW Program Manager at SAY San Diego, gave a wonderful presentation on her agency’s trauma informed journey (and brought us homemade cupcakes - YUM!!) SAY San Diego has many programs divided into...

Reminder: SDTIGT March 4 meeting 12:30-2pm at San Diego Center for Children

Reminder: San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Meeting is March 4, 2019 12:30pm-2:00pm We are at our new location at San Diego Center for Children 3002 Armstrong Street, San Diego, CA 92111 (Please sign in at Lobby) Mission Statement: To promote the development and provision of trauma-informed services in San Diego County’s agencies and systems through collaboration, advocacy and education to achieve transformation. DRAFT AGENDA Introductions Agency Overview and Trauma Informed Journey...

MARC Booklet 2016: Features San Diego

Hi All! Please find attached the 2016 booklet for the Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) project, including San Diego and the other 13 communities that have been selected to participate in this 2 year learning collaborative. This is a great summary of the work happening in all 14 communities across the country. Harmonium, Inc, the San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team, and ALL of us play a pivotal role in advancing the resilience building movement across our community.

SD Trauma Informed Guide Team meeting Jan 8th from 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team January 8, 2016 12:30 PM 2:00 PM Location: San Diego Center for Children All are welcome!  Network and share resources with other agencies seeking to become more trauma informed! ***Please note the  date change  for this meeting - it has been pushed back due to the holiday weekend*** We meet the first Friday of every other month (in the "odd" months).  Feel free to bring your lunch and eat during the meeting

San Diego County Engaged in Statewide ACEs Policy Change

Hi San Diego!  I wanted to share this brief article about a statewide policy convening that occurred last month in America's Finest City!  I was proud and honored to participate in this meeting, where we brainstormed ideas for preventing and addressing childhood trauma and adversity.  For more information, click on the link below for the article by senior reporter David Gorn.  http://www.californiahealthlin...a-action-plan-coming

Today, Sep 11th 10am-12 is the SD Trauma Informed Guide Team monthly meeting at San Diego Youth Services

Reminder: We are meeting today from 10am-12pm at SDYS  <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ actionButton1452298Button = new YAHOO.widget.Button('actionButton1452298'); // ]]></script> Friday, 9/11/15 10:00 AM-12:00 PM at San Diego Youth Services - Board Room located at 3255 Wing Street San Diego, CA 92110.   All are welcome! Network and share resources with other agencies seeking to become more trauma informed! ***Please note the date, time...

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