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State PACEs Action

Tagged With "Flint, MI"

Blog Post

The Michigan ACEs Initiative: Building Resilience, Healing Communities

lynn waymer ·
The Michigan ACEs initiative hosted the largest convening of ACEs professionals in the state of Michigan. Dr. Robert Anda, Co-Principal Investigator of the original ACEs study, Co-Founder ACE Interface and also featured in RESILIENCE , opened the conference and introduced keynote speaker, Christina Bethell, PhD, MBA, MPH, Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University and Director, Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative in Baltimore, MD, to an audience of...
Blog Post

Two studies shed light on state legislators’ views on ACEs science and trauma policy

New and returning lawmakers take the oath of office on day one of Washington state's 2017 legislative session. — Jeanie Lindsay/Northwest News Network As advocates prepare to see how ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) science, trauma, and resilience play out in the 2020 state legislative sessions — many beginning in January — they are undoubtedly asking: “What does a legislator want?" It may be a stretch to play on Freud’s question: “What does a women want?", but the query captures how...
Blog Post

Update on Bumper Crop of State ACEs bills in 2017—46 bills in 20 states

The latest update of state legislation considered by state legislatures in 2017 reveals the growing interest by state policymakers across the country in addressing trauma across sectors. The attached “At-A-Glance” table shows 46 bills in twenty states reference Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) or trauma-informed policy and practice. Take a look at the attached “At-A-Glance” table and leave a comment if your state considered ACEs/trauma legislation that is not included here. A handful of...
Blog Post

State profiles for 50 states and District of Columbia

Hi, Everyone: We’ve made a first pass at gathering highlights of ACEs initiatives in each of the 50 states and Washington, D.C. Within the text, below, are links to the individual posted profiles for each state. If you see corrections or want to make additions, we’d love that. Just add them in the comments section of that individual post. Instructions are at the top of each individual post. We will be turning those posts into living profiles that, with your help and input, we’ll keep...
Blog Post

States Produce a Bumper Crop of ACEs bills in 2017—nearly 40 bills in 18 states

A scan done in March by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) through StateNet of bills introduced in 2017 that specifically include adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the text produced a surprising volume of bills (close of 40) in a large number of states (18). A scan done a year ago produced less than a handful. NCSL is a bipartisan organization that serves both state legislators and their staffs. The shear volume of bills in so many states represents a promising...
Blog Post

CTIPP-CAN hosts conference call with presentation by Laura Porter on social investment bonds to fund trauma-informed programs

Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2:00 EST, Laura Porter will present on the use of social investment bonds to fund the implementation of trauma-informed programs as part of a Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice-Community Advocacy Network ( CTIPP-CAN ) conference call. In an announcement from CTIPP-CAN organizer, Dan Press says “this is a novel, challenging and potentially invaluable approach for overcoming the problem many of us see –local and state governments unwilling or unable to...
Blog Post

Michigan 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Michigan. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input, we’ll...
Blog Post

ACEs Science in Education: The Next Big Challenge is Systems Change #ACEsCon2018

Ingrid Cockhren ·
One of the first sessions of the 2018 ACEs Conference: Action to Access discussed the barriers and opportunities for increasing access in the field of education. The main question was: "How can one achieve systematic changes within the field of education?" The session was moderated by Michelle Flowers, a passionate advocate, and the principal of Kinney High in Rancho Cordova, CA, which is part of the Folsom Cordova Unified School District. It included a dynamic and diverse panel of education...

Re: ACEs Science in Education: The Next Big Challenge is Systems Change #ACEsCon2018

Alfred White ·
Excellent article of encouragement...I too am from this same population and because of my past...individuals who are in leadership positions. Don't understand we are the key to creating systemic educational programs through our subject matter filled lives to create the changes needed in institutions. The quote below is where we need to start by empowering this population...Yes...those who have had these experiences first-hand are the nucleus for new educationally centered outcomes through...
Blog Post

Bill introduced in US House of Representatives to substantially increase "Safe Babies" courts

Rep. Rosa DeLauro speaks to students at John Lyman Elementary School, Middlefield, CT A bipartisan bill ( H.R. 7868 )—Strengthening America’s Families Act (SAFA)— was introduced Friday, July 30 by lead sponsors Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL). The bill provides seed money to states to develop and enhance infant-toddler court teams (ITCTs, aka Safe Babies Court Teams) and authorizes a national resource center to guide state and local programs to develop their...
Blog Post

Highlights from Michigan—one of four states to receive CDC funding for preventing ACEs

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just launched a three-year, four-state, $6-million project, “Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Data to Action (PACE-D2A)” with the potential to energize an already blossoming movement of statewide community-based initiatives to address ACEs. The CDC awards of $500,000 annually for three years, announced on August 25 , were given to the Department of Public Health in Georgia and Massachusetts, the Office of Early Childhood in...
Blog Post

ASTHO provides significant support to state and territorial health agencies to prevent ACEs

When the Association of State and Territorial Health Organizations (ASTHO) fielded the ACEs capacity assessment tool (ACECAT) in 2019, it prompted a 75% response rate, reflecting the states’ growing awareness of the impact of ACEs on health and eagerness to add to the body of knowledge about states’ activities and capacities around ACEs. After participating in the ACECAT, Nicole Daley, Director of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Division of Violence and Injury Prevention,...

Maris Brummel


John Rizzo


Karl Stamm


Fred Goff


Aimee Fors


Allison Tripi


Paige Kyle


Lisa Farnum


Jodi Spicer

Jodi Spicer

Daveda Quinn

Daveda Quinn

Mary Mueller

Mary Mueller

Jane White

Jane White

Becki Herrin


Albert Mack


Kendra Sibert


Mickki Smith


Maria Markos


Kim Comerzan


Jacqui Rabine


Ben Atchison

Ben Atchison
Blog Post

State Sites on PACEs Connection (PC)

The designation of “state initiative” in this list refers to a formal statewide collaboration that is community-based and cross-sector with a primary focus on ACEs science—trauma-informed—resilience policy and practice. * State level advocates are planning to form a state initiative but have not yet created a formal organization. AL Alabama No AC site. No initiative. AK Trauma and Resilience Work in Alaska Community members, advocates, and professionals who share the goals to reduce trauma...
Blog Post

States Collecting ACE Data in the BRFSS through 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) listed the ACEs questions as an “Optional Module” for states and territories to administer through the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) since 2009.  The BRFSS is...
Blog Post

From 6 states in 2009 to 50 + DC in 2020, all US states now collect ACEs data

Over the last dozen years (2009-2020), every state and the District of Columbia have included the ACEs module in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Survey at least once—many multiple times—achieving a significant milestone in the PACEs (ACEs/trauma/resilience) movement. In 2009, the first year that the ACEs module was available for inclusion in the BRFSS, only Arkansas, California, Louisiana, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Washington participated. Since 2009, the US...

Lynne Doyle

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