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State PACEs Action

Tagged With "Central VA"


Asia Malone


suzi pease

suzi pease

Bonnie Grifa


Dawne Sherman


Claire Haynie

Claire Haynie

Lisa Reagan

Lisa Reagan
Blog Post

June 2021 CTIPP CAN Call Follow Up

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
We appreciate everyone who joined the June CTIPP CAN call and a special thank you to Donna Manuelito from the San Carlos Apache Unified Public School District, Ann Mahi and Jason Roberts from the Nanakuli-Waianae School Complex, Godwin Higa from the Cherokee Point Elementary School, Guy Stephens from the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint, and Melissa McGinn from the Virginia Trauma-Informed Community Networks. The link to the call recording is here , which we encourage you to watch...
Blog Post

State Sites on PACEs Connection (PC)

The designation of “state initiative” in this list refers to a formal statewide collaboration that is community-based and cross-sector with a primary focus on ACEs science—trauma-informed—resilience policy and practice. * State level advocates are planning to form a state initiative but have not yet created a formal organization. AL Alabama No AC site. No initiative. AK Trauma and Resilience Work in Alaska Community members, advocates, and professionals who share the goals to reduce trauma...
Blog Post

States Collecting ACE Data in the BRFSS through 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) listed the ACEs questions as an “Optional Module” for states and territories to administer through the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) since 2009.  The BRFSS is...

Alex Watkins

Alex Watkins

Aimee Wootton

Aimee Wootton
Blog Post

VA TICNs Community Conversations with First Lady and Children's Cabinet Begin Today in Northern Virginia

Charlotte Eure ·
The trauma-informed community networks of Virginia ( VA TICNs ) are hosting Community Conversations with First Lady Pamela Northam and members of the Children’s Cabinet as part of the First Lady’s Road to Resilience Tour throughout the Commonwealth in October. Network representatives will have the opportunity to share examples of resilience in their communities, as well as needs relating to children, families, and the workforce amidst the ongoing trauma of the pandemic. The conversations...
Blog Post

Central VA TICNs Meet with First Lady Pamela Northam

Charlotte Eure ·
The First Lady of Virginia's Road to Resilience Tour continued this week with a virtual stop highlighting the trauma-informed community networks (TICNs) in Central Virginia. The Southside TICN hosted the second Community Conversation of the month with representatives from three additional networks in attendance, including Greater Richmond TICN, Caroline Virginia Community Resilience Network (CRN), and Blue Ridge CRN. The conversation was facilitated by Melissa McGinn, Director of Community...
Blog Post

Virginia Trauma-Informed Community Networks prepare for change in state administration

While political eyes are on the November 2 Virginia election as an early electoral test for the Biden Administration and precursor to 2022 mid-term elections, the leaders of Virginia’s 27 Trauma-Informed Community Networks are building awareness and support for their work that should be compelling for the victor, regardless of political party.
Blog Post

From 6 states in 2009 to 50 + DC in 2020, all US states now collect ACEs data

Over the last dozen years (2009-2020), every state and the District of Columbia have included the ACEs module in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Survey at least once—many multiple times—achieving a significant milestone in the PACEs (ACEs/trauma/resilience) movement. In 2009, the first year that the ACEs module was available for inclusion in the BRFSS, only Arkansas, California, Louisiana, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Washington participated. Since 2009, the US...
Blog Post

What’s in the Build Back Better bill to address ACEs and adverse community environments

PHOTO OF AN EXCERPT FROM THE NOVEMBER 3, 2021 RULES COMMITTEE PRINT 117–18 TEXT OF H.R. 5376, BUILD BACK BETTER ACT [Showing the text of H.R. 5376, as reported by the Committee on the Budget, with modifications.] With President Biden signing the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ( bridges, roads, internet access, etc.) November 15, it’s a good time to focus on the substance—not the legislative sausage-making—of the Build Back Better bill. The House of Representatives could...

Chidi Jenkins


Emily Moore


Laura Handler

Blog Post

L'Oréal Paris Inducts Ten Extraordinary Changemakers into Its Signature Philanthropic Initiative, Women of Worth (

Samantha Wettje ·
To read more of L'Oréal Paris Inducts Ten Extraordinary Changemakers into Its Signature Philanthropic Initiative, Women of Worth ( , please click this link. In its 18 th year, the program recognizes 10 women and their commitment to addressing the nation's biggest issues through their non-profit work NEW YORK , Aug. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, #1 global beauty brand L'Oréal Paris USA announces its 2023 L'Oréal Paris Women of Worth, recognizing the charitable achievements of...
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