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Walla Walla Valley PACEs Connection (WA)


Solutions-Focused Reporting: The Role of Journalism in Community Engagement

“This is a rich vein of stories that is underreported,” Linda Shaw remarks. “There are more than just problems in the world, and it’s easy to forget [that].” Linda spoke at CRI’s 2018 Beyond Paper Tigers (BPT) conference about her network, Solutions Journalism. The Solutions Journalism Network (SJN) encourages journalists to add more balance to their coverage, to include how people are responding to a problem. It is not advocacy; SJN does not focus on intentions as much as the credible...

UK visitor to learn about resilience work in Walla Walla []

By Annie Charnley Eveland | September 11, 2018 Back in February, Tod Sullivan contacted Teri Barila, Community Resilience Initiative director in Walla Walla, to visit the Valley and see how core principles of trauma-informed practices are being applied at the community level. Teri will host Tod, currently mental health ambassador from Lowestoft, Suffolk County, England, when he comes here to connect with Community Resilience Initiative partners. He will be in the Valley from Sept. 24-Oct. 5...

Announcing Resilience Based Trainings to Address Trauma!

Announcing Resilience Based Trainings to Address Trauma! Watch the video to learn about CRI's training offerings! NEW TRAINING COURSE OFFERINGS: Trauma-Informed Trainings: Moving to Resilience (3 Courses) Train the Trainer Course Community-wide Resilience Building Framework in Response to Trauma Customized Training, Support, and Coaching For complete training course descriptions and additional information visit our training offerings web page... Announcing Two Upcoming Training...

Each Piece of the Puzzle Matters: Meet Leslie Sweetwood

All 350 puzzles had been packaged, labeled, and were ready to be given away as gifts and an activity for conference goers. Teri Barila of CRI and her daughter Whitney had spent hours putting everything together when they noticed- the dog. And a puzzle piece in his mouth. Half-chewed. Discouraged, they looked over at the pile of boxes as Whitney muttered, “are we going to have to open every one of those?” Without knowing which puzzle was missing a piece, Teri had to get creative. Another...

Excitement and Energy: Teri Barila and Rick Griffin Share Gratitude from 2018 Beyond Paper Tigers

Gazing from one size of the room to the next, one could see educators, parents, social workers, and other individuals of all sectors. There was a certain tangible livelihood, an excitement, a hunger for information. Individuals were approaching one another with wide eyes, eager to connect. After speaking with Teri Barila of CRI and Rick Griffin of Jubilee Leadership Academy, organizers of this past 2018 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference, I hear how amazed they were at the vibrancy of the...

Excitement and Energy: Teri Barila and Rick Griffin Share Gratitude from 2018 Beyond Paper Tigers

Gazing from one size of the room to the next, one could see educators, parents, social workers, and other individuals of all sectors. There was a certain tangible livelihood, an excitement, a hunger for information. Individuals were approaching one another with wide eyes, eager to connect. After speaking with Teri Barila of CRI and Rick Griffin of Jubilee Leadership Academy, organizers of this past 2018 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference, I hear how amazed they were at the vibrancy of the...

Engaging a Broad Audience: Lynn Waymer’s Reflection on Community and the 2018 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference

“Trauma is becoming an everyday word. People are hearing it on the news. They’re reading about it in newspapers as well as magazines,” Lynn Waymer notes. Lynn- the Vice President of Communications and Community Engagement at KPJR Films- was a speaker for CRI's 2018 Beyond Paper Tigers (BPT) conference. In reflecting on the conference, Lynn discussed her perspective of community, the shifts she has witnessed in KPJR Films’ audience, and the power of broad media campaigns. “What we’re seeing...

Beyond Paper Tigers Presenter Showcase! Working on the Leading Edge: Laura Porter’s Wisdom from the ACEs Movement

“I get the most emotional about the courage the people have, when people step into a void and try something new,” Laura Porter responds to a question about what lights her fire, what keeps her going during the difficult chapters. Laura will be giving the closing plenary lecture at the 2018 Beyond Paper Tigers conference, and her knowledge of ACEs science, community resilience, and social change is extensive. For many years, Laura has worked with Rob Anda, a principal investigator of the...

Beyond Paper Tigers Presenter Showcase! Returning to the Body: the Relaxation of Yoga Therapy with Kelly Kreutz

“With Trauma-informed yoga therapy, we can tap into how our stresses are stored in the body, and find healing and relaxation,” Kelly Kreutz asserts. Kelly, a yoga instructor and an LICSW, will be teaching morning yoga and mindfulness classes at CRI’s Beyond Paper Tigers (BPT) conference later this month. Her interest in yoga developed alongside her work as a counselor specializing in trauma, grief, and anxiety. As she witnessed the benefits of yoga in her own life, she felt inspired to blend...

Beyond Paper Tigers Presenter Showcase! Beyond Trauma Informed: A Deeper Dive into Trauma with Rick Griffin

How do we choose which strategy we are using to build resilience? As Oprah’s segment on 60 Minutes plunged much of the world into recognition of Trauma-Informed Care, practitioners have been tempted to move beyond the science of trauma and develop strategies to address it. Yet as we learn about the neuroscience behind ACEs and resilience, Rick Griffin- Executive Director of Jubilee Leadership Academy, CRI Master Trainer, and BPT Conference Facilitator- states it is crucial to stay within the...

Beyond Paper Tigers Presenter Showcase! Increasing Access to Trauma-Informed Care: Twigy Tellez’s Spanish Language Translation

Twigy Tellez was among the crowd of the Paper Tigers Conference in 2017. She had been invited by Rick Griffin and CRI to join the community for the conference, and to explore her potential offering for the next conference. “I would love for all the Spanish speakers to get to do this, ” Twigy said about trauma-informed care training. Indeed, this year, she will be translating the Level 1 Trauma-Informed Certification of the Beyond Paper Tigers conference into Spanish. It is the same...

Be the Spark: Igniting trauma-informed change within our communities

Authors note: This piece is co-authored by @Lara Kain and @Christine Cissy White. Though we had never worked together or met, we were asked to co-present on creating t rauma-informed changes in communities by the Attachment Trauma Network for the first national (now annual) Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Summit in Washington, DC. This article is an expanded essay version of that presentation). Be the Spark Oprah Winfrey helped mainstream discussion about...

Beyond Paper Tigers Presenter Showcase! The Impact of Data on Community Growth: ACEs Connection's Framework and Tools

What can organizations do to be successful in growing their ACEs initiatives and trauma-informed communities? This is the question that Jane Stevens, founder of the social network and news site , helps to answer. For the last several years, Jane and her team at ACEs Connection have been collecting information from communities as they start and grow their ACEs initiatives. ACEs Connection staff watched and reported on communities like Walla Walla as they lay...

Beyond Paper Tigers Presenter Showcase! Lincoln High School’s Trauma-Informed Strategies: Jim Sporleder Reflects on Lessons Learned

“We had no clue whatsoever what it would turn out to be” Jim Sporleder, former Principal, remarks as he looks back on Lincoln Alternative High School, the growing movement of CRI’s trauma-informed community initiative, and the production of the documentary Paper Tigers. Jim’s story is an iconic one. In fact, many have inevitably heard of Jim’s work if they have seen the documentary Paper Tigers; it chronicles the profound impact on Lincoln Alternative High School as Jim, the staff, and the...

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