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Walla Walla Valley PACEs Connection (WA)


Walla Walla (WA) City Council Proclamation — October is Resilience Awareness Month

The kick-off event for our Resilience Awareness community campaign started with the Mayor Allen Pomraning signing a proclamation at the Walla Walla City Council session September 27th. The Proclamation noted CRI's focus on the help, healing and hope that comes when a community understands the impact trauma can have, and how together, we support each other by building stronger connections across all domains and sectors. With a yard sign in hand, members of the CRI planning team celebrated...

October is Resilience Awareness Month

Our 5th Community Campaign celebrating Resilience and community capacity building kicks off with our first ever Yard Signs! "Got Resilience?" signs will pop up all town, helping to increase curiosity and attention to the word itself, and to our work. The City of Walla Walla proclaims October as Resilience Month in our kick-off ceremony. Our Commitment Letters from partners and agencies are presented to the City Council, showing the ever increasing community-wide response to ACEs through ...

Our effort to explain the many voices of Walla Walla, for the Beyond Paper Tigers conference

Hello! We wanted to help conference attendees at our June 28-29 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference here in Walla Walla get a sense of the many "Paper Tigers" at work in Walla Walla. This 12-min. video features why a community-wide approach is so critical is helping to create a resilient community. We want to share it with other communities working toward the same goal of creating healthier, more connected communities, around the framework of the NEAR (neurobiology, epigenetics, aces, resilience)...

Experts reveal stress, trauma impacts kids’ development; urge adults to foster resilience []

by Elise Haas WALLA WALLA, Wash. – Now more than ever, both parents and professionals struggle to understand the complex and continued impacts of chronic stress and trauma on a child's brain development. The documentary, Paper Tigers , based in Walla Walla, sparked renewed interest in the effects of chronic, overwhelming stress and trauma on children’s development. That's why hundreds of parents, educators, mental health workers, and others gathered at Whitman College in Walla Walla for the...

Sherwood Trust Continues to make the Walla Walla Valley a Better Place to Live

The Sherwood Trust board has announced grants and pledges totaling $1,015,513 to be made to Walla Walla Valley organizations this year. With additional awards to be made to support local initiatives, including annual leadership and training programs, Sherwood Trust expects to fund nearly $1.2 million in grants by the end of 2017, CEO Danielle Garbe said in a news release. The largest award, $160,000, went to Blue Mountain Action Council’s Commitment to Community operations for 2017-18. Read...

2017 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference UPDATE - Registration is Full

We are in the process of expanding our venue to accommodate all who desire to attend. Anyone who is unable to attend for any reason can stay informed of our advancements thru the following links: Also, be sure to visit the recent Blogpost of Melanie G. Snyder because Melanie recently visited Walla Walla to find out first-hand about the why’s and how’s (the WOW’s) of Walla Walla’s informed community. Melanie serves as the Director of the...

What is "Beyond Paper Tigers"?

Information is the most powerful and effective tool we have because it has the power to touch hearts, change lives and transform communities. Teri Barila has been reaching out with impact in the community of Walla Walla and the transformation is real. I attended the last few minutes of a monthly CRI meeting today where our community gathers together to share stories about the monumental strides that are being made in Walla Walla. The feelings of those in the room overtook me as I stood...

PROMISING Strategies, Practices, Approaches

Beyond Paper Tigers Conference 2017 Wednesday, June 28 & Thursday, June 29, 2017 A fast-paced information and strategies conference for educators, clinicians, mental health workers & law enforcement. Learn how to effectively use cutting-edge brain science to address the overwhelming effects of chronic stress and trauma in the development of children. Beyond Paper Tigers 2017 provides a universal approach to this global concern. Follow the link below to register for the...

Self-Regulation Requires Community Care

A growing body of research shows that mental and emotional health is dependent on our ability to regulate emotions. One’s ability to regulate emotions is achieved by recognizing and transmuting the feelings, attitudes and thoughts that are naturally the unconscious drivers of behavior. Those who learn and develop their ability to self-regulate typically report improved attitudes and better relationships both at home and at work. Self-control and self-regulation are two very different...

Discover Why Walla Walla is a #1 Trauma Informed Community

BEYOND PAPER TIGERS CRI is moving Beyond Paper Tigers into a whole new expe-resilience. Our team of presenters are providing cutting edge information and tools for transformation. Join us in June for the conference you've been waiting for. Beyond Paper Tigers Want to know more? See what our other partners have to say: Sign up now to reserve your seat at Beyond Paper Tigers conference BEYOND PAPER TIGERS CONFERENCE REGISTRATION

Self-Care Is One Thing ~ Community-Care Is Another

Contributing to society as a mentor is a priceless contribution to humanity. Mentoring is priceless because young minds are forming connections about the nature of existence that will determine resilience levels and decision making processes for the remainder of their lives. When we talk about resilience we’re talking about the manner in which a brain functions based on positive connections formed during early life experiences. One of the best ways to form a resilient mind is to be a person...

Upgrading the Medical Profession

Pediatrician Lisa Ponce expresses her concerns about the needs of her patients at last year’s Beyond Paper Tigers Conference. She says 5 minutes per patient simply does not give enough time to get to the heart of any matter where true healing can take place. “Seeing 30 kids a day to measure head circumferences and fix ear infections was not enough”. She asked herself important questions that began a change in her practice. She asked how can I provide optimal care and help these children...

Looking at Children with a New Set of Eyes

Our children are giving us clear signs that we need some changes. After 300 years of industrial revolution our modern society has been shaped and molded by the industrial complex. Everything about our contemporary world is a product of the industrial age. We now live in homes, work in buildings, store our food, bake in ovens, and talk on cell-phones that are all formed out of square and rectangular shapes. One might say we have fashioned our existence around and into boxes. For many who...

Who is There for the Children?

Abused or neglected children deserve to be safe, have a permanent home and the opportunity to thrive. That’s what Kathryn Barron stands for as a volunteer of the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program where she assists the process of representing children in the courtroom over family issues. At the 2016 Beyond Paper Tigers conference in Walla Walla Kathryn represented the law and court system sector. She informed us about the diligent efforts that CASA is making to insure that...

Why Attend the 2017 Trauma-Informed Care Conference?

The documentary Paper Tigers sparked renewed interest in the effects of chronic, overwhelming stress and trauma on children’s development. Trauma-informed care is emphasized more than ever. Yet, parents, educators, clinicians, mental health workers and law enforcement alike still struggle to understand the impacts of trauma on brain development in a concrete and tangible way. This conference will provide concrete strategies that operationalize what brain science tells us will be most...

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