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Walla Walla Valley PACEs Connection (WA)


Artists in the ACE and Resilience Movement: Creative Avenues to Change

They began with a song and ended with a poem. In-between, there were photographs and giant graphic renderings, movement exercises and a “human pulse” formed when 90 people stood in a circle and squeezed each other’s hands. At a June summit in Whatcom County, Washington, titled “Our Resilient Community: A Community Conversation on Resilience and Equity,” the arts played a starring role. Kristi Slette, executive director of the Whatcom Family and Community Network, one of two Washington sites...

Washington State Frontiers of Innovation requests Letter of Interest from Community Leaders for First 1,000 Days Project

The First 1,000 Days Project may be of interest to many of my fellow Washingtonians in this group! This project is attempting to answer these questions … “What will it take to get 1,000 Babies in 1,000 Days born in one or 2 different communities to thrive, regardless of the stress their families may have been experiencing at their birth? How do we find them sooner, figure out which families need more support, target those supports, and track how the population is doing? What can we learn and...


Every so often someone appears in your life that is ready, willing, and able to affect great opportunities and change for you and everyone they meet. When this happens, you yourself must be ready, willing, and able to meet that opportunity. Every so often someone appears in your life that is able to assist you in preparing yourself to be ready, willing, and able to affect great opportunities and change for you and everyone you meet. When this happens you must be able to recognize the...

Washington to combine child services programs into one department []

A commission released its recommendations to fix Washington state’s faulty system that delivers services to children and families by breaking up the agency out of the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and creating a new, independent department addressing the needs of children 21 years old and younger. The proposal would dramatically realign the current system, including the state’s foster care system, by taking the Children’s Administration out of DSHS and combining it with the...

Trauma and Resilience Tools

Partner Showcase No. 7 -- Dr. Don Ashley is not your typical pediatrician. If I’m reading Dr. Ashley correctly, he suggests that our bodies hold memory patterns from early childhood experiences that control our biological and decision making processes throughout our lives. In his words: “Pretty scary to have your body sabotage your health, sabotage your marriage, and sabotage your work”. New brain science and the study on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) reveal that certain habits that...

Portraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion. Their Pain - FREE Screening for ACEs Connection Network!

I am excited to announce that ACEs Connection Network has partnered with the producers of the film, Portraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion. Their Pain . to host a FREE SCREENING of the film for our members. If you have been t hinking of hosting a screening of CAREgivers in your community or are interested in learning more about secondary traumatic stress and what to do about it, join our ACEs Connection Network for a FREE screening of this film and a virtual chat with the...

Enhancing Resilience Through Human Design

{Photo above is the visual depiction of my human design} Have you ever wondered how the day and time of your birth, coupled with the precise location in which you were born could help you enhance your own resilience? If you’re like me, that thought may have never crossed your mind. And until very recently, I had never heard of “this thing” called Human Design , a visual representation of how individuals function that names our feelings and provides insights into how we work as human beings.

A New Drug Prevention Program - Sure Beats ACEs

PREVENTION/EDUCATION -- I was recently asked to comment on developing a new drug prevention program. A format was given and these are the questions I was asked to address: What would be your goals for the program? What current model, from a Drugs and Society text book, would you use and why? What components would you include? Explain how your program components would be designed and what they would include. Would you make any changes if you worked with elementary students? Try as I might, I...

A Simple Formula to Cultivate Understanding

Partner Showcase No. 6 - Sonia Cole The Heart of the Matter -- “We realized that in order to have a trauma informed practice we needed to have trauma informed self-care in order to not only sustain our careers but actually increase our compassion”. Sonia Cole Paradigm shifts were uncommon several years ago. Today, in our fast paced world of technology and change we might face new paradigm shifts every day. Sonia’s words are important because they contain a format that can help us shift from...

Education of Early Child Development

Partner Showcase No. 5 - Melissa Clearfield. -- Just as healthy crops require healthy seeds to be selected from healthy plants, and planted in healthy soil to be nurtured with water and sunlight, healthy people require healthy parents who can supply them with the essential requirements to thrive. A man who attempts farming and grows crops in poor soil, without water or sunlight will be a man who fails at farming. A parent who attempts to raise a child without first understanding the...

Jubilee Leadership Academy: Using ACEs Science to Transform School Culture

Students at JLA are reminded that change starts with themselves In 2004, after nearly a decade as program director at Jubilee Leadership Academy (JLA), a Christian alternative boarding school for troubled boys ages 13-18 in Prescott, WA, Rick Griffin decided to take a job in Phoenix, AZ, to work with adults with developmental disabilities. There, he began to see similarities between the issues they were having and what he saw in the kids at JLA. “There was a cognitive reason these adults I...

Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) Represented at California ACEs Conference

(L to R) Teri Barila from Children's Resilience Initiative in Walla Walla, WA along with Dr. Ariane Marie-Mitchell from San Bernardino County, CA ACEs Task Force share their ACEs journey in their communities Representatives from several MARC communities were among the 450 people who attended the 2016 Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference in San Francisco, CA on October 19th and 20th. This is the third CA ACEs conference sponsored by the Center for Youth Wellness (CYW), and it was also the...

Thank you Whitman College for Continuation of Resilience as Art

The Resilience Art Festival marks another successful initiative that was kicked off 4 years ago by the Children’s Resilience Initiative (CRI). The festival originated when Teri Barila responded to the question “what does resilience mean to you”? This year, Whitman College stepped in and augmented the festival with a fund raiser. The art was displayed at two locations. First, a booth was set up at the Farmers Market for the resilience art display. When the market closed at 1 pm the students...

Community Leaders Tell Their ACEs Success Stories at 2016 ACEs Conference in California

(l to r) Teri Barila, director of the Children's Resilience Initiative; Dr. Ariane Marie-Mitchell, assistant professor in Loma Linda University Preventive Medicine and Pediatric Depts. (Photo: Jennifer Hossler) _________________________________ Sauntering on stage to the beat of Everyday People by Sly and the Family Stone, four “heroes” of the ACEs movement took their seats for a panel on trauma-informed and resilience-building communities on October 21, the last day of the 2016 Adverse...

Children’s Resilience Initiative (CRI) has decorated the city of Walla Walla for October

CRI is artfully informing the eyes and minds of Walla Walla visitors and residents to see a new light. Flags wave from street lights, a banner fly’s over 2 nd Avenue, and a comment box that engages pedestrians at town square reads “Heart Matters. What is on yours?” Timely and pertinent information about how to join the movement to restore, improve, and reform our society.

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