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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesWashington State ACEs Action (WA)

Washington State ACEs Action (WA)

A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.


NEW FUNDING $4.5M for Integrated Behavioral Health Services in WA State

To learn more, click here: HRSA Integrated Behavioral Health Funding in WA HRSA is awarding more than $200 million to 1,208 health centers across the nation to increase access to high quality, integrated behavioral health services , including the prevention or treatment of mental health conditions and/or substance use disorders, including opioid use disorder through the Integrated Behavioral Health Services (IBHS) program. WA State - Total Award: $ 4,507,740 to support 27 health centers...

RFP: due Sept 16, 2019 King County WA

Applications are due September 16 , 2019 via the online application portal Survey Monkey Apply. Read the full RFP and begin an application . You may also download a pdf of the RFP contents . ANNOUNCEMENT DATE: Aug 6, 2019 RFP DEADLINE: Sep 16, 2019 AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $2,000,000 available annually, from 2020-2021. Awards may be extended for a third year, pending allocation of COO funding in subsequent years. D ESCRIPTION: Multi-year grant cycle for two years of funding towards transforming...

Toxic stress from El Paso, Dayton, Gilroy shootings addressed in Thursday Community Resiliency Model Webinar

An ACEs Connection webinar will offer helpful self-regulation tools to those rocked by recent shootings in Gilroy, CA, El Paso, TX , and Dayton, OH. The Building Resilient Communities webinar is offered by ACEs Connection this Thursday, August 9, at 10:00 AM PDT / 1 :00 PM E D and will last approximately 1 hour. Elaine Miller-Karas will teach her Community Resilienc y Mode l. Find registration details below. This webinar is free and open to the public. It serves professionals and community...

American Academy of Pediatrics Addresses Racism and Its Health Impact on Children and Teens []

By Maria Trent, et. al., American Academy of Pediatrics, July 29, 2019 Racism has a profound impact on children’s health. With the goal of helping all children reach their full potential, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is publishing new recommendations on ways to lessen the impact of racism on children and teens. In the policy statement, “ Racism and Its Impact on Child and Adolescent Health ,” the AAP calls on pediatricians to create welcoming, culturally competent medical...

Facing opioid and foster-care crisis, Spokane’s Rising Strong seeks to keep families together [The Seattle Times]

By Claudia Rowe, May 3, 2019, The Seattle Times Rising Strong Twice a day for months, Cicelia Bracken and her children tracked the progress of their home-under-construction, watching as beams were erected to sketch the outlines of an imagined life with a working kitchen. At 31, Bracken hadn’t had a place where she could shut the door and sit with her thoughts for years. Nor had her four young children, all of them under 6, who peered into the windows, jostling for first pick of the new...

Burien takes a new, compassionate approach to criminal justice [Crosscut]

By Lilly Fowler, July 26, 2019, Crosscut In a sign of what may be coming to other King County cities, the Seattle suburb is introducing programs that take a different approach to difficult problems. At a time when angst about homelessness, drugs and other causes of arrests seems to have reached a breaking point in the region, King County officials are expanding a number of key programs meant to tackle some of society’s stickiest problems. Instead of delving further into the urban core,...

Pitch to Ditch Poverty (From Poverty to Possibilities Summit November 12, 2019)

*Please reach out to me if you are in the Tacoma-Pierce County area and are seeking to connect with others to submit a proposal!* We are seeking creative approaches via an innovation challenge that provides funding, support and recognition to individuals and community-led groups who have big ideas that address family financial instability. Participants will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to the community for potential funding and additional support. Big ideas, at a grassroots...

Healing From Childhood Trauma — AVAIYA University online course, July 29 - Aug. 6

AVAIYA University is hosting a free online class, Healing From Childhood Trauma, July 29 - August 6, that features 18 physicians, therapists, psychologists & more who share life-changing strategies to heal from childhood trauma. Featured in the course are Dr. Dan Siegel on "Trauma & Mindfulness", Dr. Jamie Marich on "Healing the Wounds of Childhood Trauma", and Ann Kelley and Sue Marriott on "U nderstanding Unresolved Attachment to Heal From Loss & Trauma." I'm doing a session on...

CRI has added a new webinar in August!

Announcing a new opportunity for online learning, August 8 & 22, a live webcast of Course 1! Additionally, attend our Boot Camp in September for an exciting week of Course 1, 2, & 3 training! Read more below: August Online Trainings CRI Course 1 LIVE WEBCAST: Trauma-Informed Training A dynamic 2 part six-hour LIVE WEBCAST course, Course 1 introduces CRI’s capacity-building framework for building resilience, KISS. Knowledge, Insight, Strategies and Structure describes our community’s...

August Positive Discipline in the Classroom Workshops

Create a classroom and school environment where students feel encouraged and engaged in learning, solve their own friendship issues, and feel a sense of connection and value. Educators from our July workshops offered this feedback... "The reframing around student behavior is so refreshing. It is validating and now I have the tools to lead a more equitable classroom." "The experiential learning made the theoretical ideas come to life. The notion of one more program is overwhelming, but this...

CRI is hiring an Associate Director!

Community Resilience Initiative is seeking an innovative and passionate individual to join our organization as an Associate Director (AD). The AD reports to the Executive Director and to the Board of Directors. Job Overview The role of the Associate Director is to sustain the resilience-based, trauma-responsive capacity building work at the local, regional, state and national stage for which CRI is recognized. Success in this position will be evidenced by recognition of its exceptional...

Medical students' ACE scores mirror general population, study finds

A national survey published in 2014 revealed a disturbing finding. Compared to college graduates pursuing other professions, medical students, residents and early career physicians experienced a higher degree of burnout. Citing that article, a group of researchers at University of California at Davis School of Medicine wondered whether medical students’ childhood adversity and resilience played a role in their burnout, said Dr. Andres Sciolla, an associate professor of psychiatry and...

Kids at Hope Storytelling at the Beyond Paper Tigers Conference 2019 (Video)

It was an incredible opportunity to experience the Beyond Paper Tigers Conference this year. One of our Head Start teachers, Lyn, and myself arrived in Pasco a day ahead to participate in the Course 2 Trauma-Informed training offered by Community Resilience Initiative. Thus began our excitement that would last for the following days - the training giving us strategies and ideas to improve the work we do in serving children and families. Following the training was a networking opportunity...

Announcing CRI's Newest Trainings- July and September!

CRI is excited to announce new trainings! We will have online trainings in July, and an in-person training in September. July Online Trainings CRI Course 1 LIVE WEBCAST: Trauma-Informed Training A dynamic 2 part six-hour LIVE WEBCAST course, Course 1 introduces CRI’s capacity-building framework for building resilience, KISS. Knowledge, Insight, Strategies and Structure describes our community’s learning and movement from theory to practice and how to implement evidence-based strategies into...

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