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Bill Barberg

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Posts By Bill Barberg

Learn how families in crisis are being helped get to stability

One of the more inspiring examples of reducing and addressing ACEs (and increasing positive experiences) is the extraordinary (but replicable) work of Restore Hope Arkansas. On December 19, there will be a webinar sharing how they are elevating collective impact with a collaborative case management platform, HopeHub (which is affordable due to their non-profit model) and a system thinking strategy. Even if you can't attend live, you'll be able to view the recording if you register. ...

Working Together to PREVENT Mass Shootings -- Practical Pathways to Social Transformation

If there's any positive news with regard to the tragic and gut-wrenching series of mass shootings that we've seen in recent decades, it is that our understanding of the factors behind them is growing better. Researchers such as Jillian Peterson and James Densley, co-founders of The Violence Project have done unprecedented and in-depth research on the myriad of factors that have led to mass shootings in the past 30+ years. The factors leading to mass shootings are extraordinarily complex and...

How to Tap into ARPA $ for your ACEs, Resilience or Early Childhood Coalition

Many coalitions working on ACEs, Trauma and Resilience (or positive childhood development) can feel frustrated when they see billions of federal ARPA dollars flowing into their state to help elementary and secondary schools--but without seeing how they can tap into some of that unprecedented funding. This 9-minute video is edited from a recent webinar that I led on how local community coalitions can partner with school districts in ways that allow the ARPA's Elementary and Secondary School...

Interested in getting ARPA Money, Free Resources & Powerful Strategies for Your PACEs Coalition?

PACEs coalitions rarely have the money they need to achieve their aspirations for preventing and addressing ACEs. With the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) providing staggering amounts of money to local governments and school districts, many coalition leaders might be wondering if there are ways to tap into that funding. The answer is YES, if you’re willing to be a team player and to take some initiative to make strategic connections. BILLIONS are Now Available One of the biggest parts of...

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