Christine Cissy White
It's not trauma-informed unless it's informed by trauma survivors.
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Points: 70,044
Member Rank: #7
Communities Christine Cissy White Belongs To
PublicActive720 Members
This is the dedicated global community of individuals who support or lead PACEs initiatives online & on-the-ground who gather here to discuss the process of utilizing the Growing Resilient Communities framework to start & growing resilient communities, exchange evidence-based practices, and practice-based evidence. Questions, ideas, and shared resources are all welcome!
PublicActive56 Members
16 Strong works with adolescents to empower resilience to ACEs through educational workshops, school partnerships, and community outreach. We strive to continue conversations that help young people recognize and navigate the challenges they are facing as a result of ACEs.
PublicActive199 Members
Hawai'i is a place of natural beauty, multicultural heritages and practicing cultural arts that provides wellness and healing. However, cultural, historical & generational trauma has lead to an imbalance in our ahupua'a or ecosystem. Join us as we educate, empower & celebrate wellness and resilience building in our communities using trauma and culture aware strategies. Mahalo
PublicActive46 Members
A shared space for any parent, child, student, individual or professional interested in learning about ACEs, resilience building, personal or community healing, and trauma informed best practices.
Information, resources and events are to inform & engage the people, communities & organizations of Ontario, Canada. Membership is open to all ACEs Connection Members. Welcome to our community!
PublicActive88 Members
The mission of ACEs Ireland is to prevent and mitigate the lifelong impact of childhood adversity to improve the safety, health, and prosperity of our community. Our intent is that everyone in Ireland integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into their family, community, work, and individual lives.
PublicActive660 Members
Working to compile, share, and advance ACEs, trauma-informed, and resilience-building programs for children and youth across sectors and settings.
PublicActive38 Members
The ACEs Indiana Coalition is dedicated to growing awareness on Adverse Childhood Experiences and building self-healing communities. Each ACE Interface Master Trainer brings a unique background to ACEs education and the implementation of trauma-informed care. As we join together we look forward to building a more resilient, thriving, community.
PublicActive231 Members
We want to make San Bernardino County the national leader in prevention and recovery from ACEs. To do so, we are creating the conditions for all educators, health care, behavioral health, social service and law enforcement professionals to apply evidence-based best practices with partners across disciplines.
PublicActive21 Members
We conduct ACEs awareness activities on behalf of Tulare County. Our focus area is currently on Father Engagement...When it comes to the growth and development of young children, father engagement is incredibly influential. Research has shown that children benefit directly from the involvement of a father in their lives, especially if that father is engaged.
PublicActive124 Members
In this community we will explore the root causes of addiction while focusing on recovery and human resilience.
PublicActive105 Members
A group bringing together professionals, community members, and advocates who share a passion to reduce trauma and build resiliency in Alameda County. Please use this group as a forum to share information, exchange ideas and host dialogue that lead to practical and community centered solutions.
PublicActive51 Members
PublicActive108 Members
The mission of ACE Nashville is to prevent and mitigate the lifelong impact of childhood adversity to improve the safety, health and prosperity of our community. Our vision is for Nashville, and Tennessee, to be a safe, stable, and nurturing community for all.
PrivateActive56 Members
A state-wide, community-driven movement that offers a new way of developing holistic solutions to longstanding problems. ACT-CA unites community members to co-design solutions with their city officials and enact policies that equitably improve child well-being.
PublicActive44 Members
A platform for students, faculty, academic professionals, and community partners to share information and bring awareness to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), while collaborating with one another in an effort to build a trauma informed campus and integrate those ideals into neighboring communities.
PublicActive44 Members
We are building a healthy, connected and resilient community.
PublicActive266 Members
The members of Arizona ACE Consortium promote ideas, policies and practices that reduce and prevent childhood adversity and build resilience in individuals, families and communities. ACEs can last a lifetime, but they don't have to.
PublicActive65 Members
We are a cross-sector collaborative dedicated to creating safe, positive, nurturing, and flourishing families and communities.
PublicActive18 Members
From across Minnesota, across ages, experiences, cultures, races, and ethnicities, we came together. As we learn about ACEs and how this knowledge can help us as individuals and our communities to heal, we strengthen and support each other to be agents of that healing.
PublicActive33 Members
Preventing and Eliminating Adverse Childhood Experiences by Promoting and Empowering All Children to Excel in Atlanta, GA. The Center for Family and Community Wellness, Inc. is the parent organization of all PEACEXPEACE communities.
PublicActive213 Members
A hub for sharing information about HOPE and working together to build strategies, programs and tools based on the HOPE positive experiences framework. as part of a strength-based framework to address adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
PublicActive31 Members
A platform for medical students, clinical/academic professionals and university community partners to collaborate across the United States with other medical universities to raise awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), integrate trauma informed practices and policies throughout campuses, and build a resilient Baylor College of Medicine.
PrivateActive11 Members
Bayview Hunter's Point ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware neighborhood, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive15 Members
We are the Lower Mainland British Columbia ACEs group. We are dedicated to educating our communities about ACEs, thereby contributing to the resilience and well-being of individuals, organizations, and communities through trauma-informed and resilience-building practices.
PublicActive6 Members
Beach Cities ACEs Connection is committed to solving our regions most intractable problems using ACEs science and a trauma-informed approach. We are committed to building a more resilient community where all families thrive
PublicActive785 Members
Resilience at work. What does it mean to be trauma-informed at work? How is it defined and assessed? How do we measure success? What policies, protocols, and training exist? How does becoming trauma-informed change us and our work? We share the nuts and bolts of becoming a trauma-informed organization and our struggles, questions, and successes, too.
PublicActive83 Members
Benchmarks’ Center for Quality Integration redesigns the local child welfare/behavioral health system, changing the way child welfare, Medicaid Managed Care Organizations, local providers, and the wider community understand the need for accessible, appropriate mental health services for children, youth and families who have experienced potentially traumatic events.
PrivateActive7 Members
Benicia ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware Benicia, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive643 Members
Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices.
"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela
PublicActive39 Members
Bounce is a coalition of community partners working together to build the resiliency of children, adults, and families by improving knowledge about the impact of ACEs and the skills to help people bounce back from adversity. We do this by: educating and training; measuring impact; and advocating for policies that support trauma-informed communities.
PublicActive18 Members
Building Resilience and Courage to Excel in Pitt County.
PublicActive23 Members
We are a collective of educators, health care professionals, community members and more who work to prevent and reverse the effects of childhood traumas such as adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Our goal is to brighten the future for children, their families, and our communities.
PublicActive25 Members
A network for community members, professionals and leaders to collaborate across sectors in a movement to prevent and address adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), heal from trauma, and build resilience. We encourage the use of this network to collaborate across sectors and find resources within South Florida communities moving to transform our community into one of hope, healing, and resilience.
PublicActive20 Members
Building a Resilient Community in Franklin County & the North Quabbin is devoted to providing tools, resources, and information to become a trauma-informed region to build the resilience and well-being of our children, families, individuals, neighborhoods, and communities in the most rural county of Massachusetts.
PrivateActive17 Members
The Building Flourishing Communities TEAM site to support our mission which works by activating local leadership through an understanding of the importance of early childhood development and how our earliest experiences affect our health and well-being through-out life. We're developing highly-trained volunteer Master Trainers, who in turn identify local leaders and train them in the model.
PublicActive30 Members
We unite parents, youth, community residents, community physical and mental health organizations, school principals and staff, community leaders from faith, justice, politics, business and other sectors, and the Northwest Side Housing Center to prevent adversity, promote healing, and build resilience in Belmont Cragin.
PublicActive93 Members
We are working to increase awareness about ACEs in Western North Carolina in order to change systems to be trauma-informed and to build community resilience.
PublicActive68 Members
We have come together to understand and to raise awareness about the impact that adverse childhood experiences have on our children, our friends and neighbors, and our community.
PublicActive239 Members
This community is for resource and referral (R&R) staff implementing California's Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children (Bridge Program). This forum is for you to share resources, ask questions, and connect with fellow R&Rs to plan & implement trauma-informed care training and coaching for child care providers throughout California.
PublicActive139 Members
The California Essentials for Childhood Initiative uses a public health and collective impact approach to align and enhance collaborative efforts to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children, youth and families through systems, policy and social norms change.
PublicActive2,039 Members
A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
PrivateActive7 Members
Campbell ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware Campbell, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive521 Members
We are advancing PACEs Awareness and Trauma-Informed (TI) and Resilience cultures across Canada. We welcome participation from diverse professionals, community members, and first-voices recognizing we are stronger and more effective collaborating together. Join the movement! #TraumaInformedCanada #ACEsAwareCanada
PublicActive15 Members
Our local community network is newly formed in the Richmond, Va region and have a ton of support from local agencies, sheriff, Superintendent of Schools, and faith leaders who are passionate about changing the culture and trajectory of our community one family at a time. You are welcome to join the movement and conversation.
PublicActive19 Members
We envision an equitable community college campus in which individuals and communities have the power to create and take part in robust systems of support that underpin personal education. We hope to help people understand the effects of their adverse experiences on their brain and health, and how to build resilience and prevent future adversity in themselves and others.
PublicActive5 Members
Preventing and Eliminating Adverse Childhood Experiences by Promoting and Empowering All Children to Excel in Charleston, SC. The Center for Family and Community Wellness, Inc. is the parent organization of all PEACEXPEACE communities.
PublicActive19 Members
Preventing and Eliminating Adverse Childhood Experiences by Promoting and Empowering All Children to Excel.
PublicActive30 Members
"We are raising awareness of ACEs and their effect on early brain development, the importance of fostering resilience, and striving to embed these principles in the Charlotte, NC area community."
PublicActive280 Members
Join in conversations inspired by Donna Jackson Nakazawa's book, Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal. We'll chat about the latest research on how ACEs can affect our health, happiness, and relationships; vent a little; and brainstorm our best ideas for resiliency and healing.
PublicActive24 Members
The Chisago County ACEs Initiative is a collaborative group of cross-sector partners coming together. We are passionate about making a difference in our community. This initiative aims to move from ideas to action.
PublicActive111 Members
A platform for youth leaders, community members, and professionals to collaborate across sectors in a movement to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), heal from trauma, and build resilience in City Heights.
PublicActive26 Members
The Clallam Resilience Project’s mission is to build resilience through fostering trauma-sensitive care and expanding the understanding of Neuroscience, Epigenetics, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and Resilience (NEAR) sciences for the benefit of everyone in Clallam County.
PublicActive10 Members
Preventing and Eliminating Adverse Childhood Experiences by Promoting and Empowering All Children to Excel in Clayton County, GA. The Center for Family and Community Wellness, Inc. is the parent organization of all PEACEXPEACE communities.
PublicActive58 Members
The Colorado PACEs Connection group is dedicated to preventing and reducing the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in Colorado. We are a diverse collective of community members striving to promote healing and create trauma-aware and resilient communities across the state of Colorado.
PublicActive12 Members
Preventing and Eliminating Adverse Childhood Experiences by Promoting and Empowering All Children to Excel in Columbia, SC.
PrivateActive5 Members
The Columbia County Childhood Trauma Informed Network (CTIN) is a cross sector network of providers and organizations that work together to address childhood trauma and build resilience in children, families and communities in Columbia county. Our membership includes over 20 organizations who represent the education, healthcare, child welfare, criminal justice, business and community sectors.
PublicActive25 Members
The Consortium to Create Sanctuary in the Columbia River Gorge is a community based effort aimed at spreading knowledge on childhood and lifelong adversity and the power of resiliency to improve lives. The work is currently supported by the Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) Grant awarded by the Health Federation of Philadelphia with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
PublicActive24 Members
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe and stable environments for individuals and communities. This forum aims to prevent & mitigate ACEs in Zambia and beyond.
PublicActive42 Members
Serving the Benton and Franklin area, we are strongly committed to serving as a network for community members across various sectors to collaborate in promoting resilience, hope and positive experiences and community environments for the well-being of our youth. We are a community that honors and fosters positive experiences and hope as being fundamental to everyone’s health and well-being.
PublicActive25 Members
We bring the community together to raise awareness of ACEs and their health effects and to promote health & wellness skills that build resilience.
PublicActive39 Members
A platform for community members, leaders & parents who are passionate about preventing trauma & building resilience. Share information, exchange ideas & work collaboratively across sectors to develop solutions that support trauma-informed and resilience-building practices in all domains of life & work. A Community of Hope, Healing & Resilience for ALL!
PrivateActive6 Members
Concord ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware Concord, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive26 Members
PublicActive30 Members
The effort is underway to build a more trauma-aware, trauma-sensitive, trauma-informed, healing-centered Dauphin County. Our aim is to work with service providers, nonprofit organizations, employers, advocates and individuals, in order to create a comprehensive and inclusive county-wide network focused on trauma prevention, treatment and recovery.
PublicActive20 Members
With a focus on a system that engages the school system, department of social services, juvenile justice, providers and other valuable agencies to educate and support community members in being a trauma informed landscape to ensure a greater resilience for all.
PublicActive4 Members
Preventing and Eliminating Adverse Childhood Experiences by Promoting and Empowering All Children to Excel in DeKalb County, GA. The Center for Family and Community Wellness, Inc. is the parent organization of all PEACEXPEACE communities.
PublicActive28 Members
We are educating people and raising awareness in Del Norte County about ACEs and resiliency. Our hope is for everyone in Del Norte and Adjacent Tribal Lands (DNATL) to live in a resilient community and integrate trauma-informed practices into all areas of their lives!
PublicActive84 Members
The mission of the Delaware ACEs Action group is to advance trauma-informed initiatives in Delaware, including trauma-informed approaches in any and all settings where people are served.
PublicActive17 Members
We are building healthy, resilient communities to reduce and prevent exposure to the short- and long-term consequences of ACEs and trauma.
PublicActive28 Members
Denver Metro Area community members and professionals from healthcare, education, businesses, law enforcement, faith organizations and legal systems who collaborate to measurably reduce the impact of trauma on children and families by building individual and organizational resiliency resulting in healthy, sustainable neighborhoods.
PublicActive23 Members
An online platform for child health providers, child care providers, mental health professionals, and community based organizations to come together to promote a more trauma-informed community on Long Island and improve the outcomes for our most vulnerable population - children.
Join now and start sharing your work with others in your community!
PublicActive14 Members
The Durango, Colorado ACEs Connection group is dedicated to preventing and reducing the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the greater Durango area. We are a diverse collective of community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware and resilient community.
PublicActive57 Members
The Durham ACEs Resilience Taskforce (DART) envisions Durham as a resilient community where all people thrive. Its mission is to build upon the strengths of Durham communities and systems, advancing an equitable and culturally responsive approach to prevent and respond to toxic stress and trauma.
PublicActive14 Members
Preventing and Eliminating Adverse Childhood Experiences by Promoting and Empowering All Children to Excel in Durham-Chapel Hill, NC.
PublicActive26 Members
The purpose of the Dutchess County PACES Task Force is to improve the wellness of the community by providing education about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and their impact on individuals of all ages.
PrivateActive3 Members
Mission: To educate the East Baton Rouge Parish community on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and promote resiliency through evidence based, trauma informed practices.
PrivateActive6 Members
For momentum, inspiration, continued partnership and connection for members of the 2018-2019 Breakthrough Series Collaborative.
PublicActive59 Members
The purpose of the TCCY East Tennessee ACEs Knowledge Mobilization Team is moving knowledge from formal research to active use in such a way that it changes philosophy and approach, policies and funding, program and services, and professional practice as sustainable changes in multiple sectors of a community.
PublicActive22 Members
A cross-sector collaboration improving rates of many interrelated and intergenerational health and social problems by investing in people most at risk and reducing and preventing the root cause of these problems: ACEs. We are based in East Tarboro, North Carolina. We seek to design solutions around the needs of rural, majority black communities, particularly in the rural south.
PublicActive96 Members
Our mission is to prevent and heal adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) by promoting ideas, policies, and practices that increase awareness, compassion, and resilience in El Dorado County. Our vision is that everyone thrives in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment.
PublicActive77 Members
Elevate Montana is a movement dedicated to elevating the well-being and futures of our children through awareness and actions based on ACEs and trauma-informed approaches to build resilience in children and families."
PublicActive12 Members
Elevate Montana Flathead Area is a group of organizations that would like to see the Flathead Valley become healthier and more resilient through understanding ACEs and work towards becoming trauma informed.
PublicActive14 Members
Elevate Montana Helena Affiliate is a group of organizations that have decided to work together to help Helena become a healthy, more resilient community.
PublicActive12 Members
Elevate Montana Lincoln County Affiliate is a group of organizations that would like to see Lincoln County become a healthier, more resilient county through understanding ACEs and work towards becoming trauma informed.
PublicActive30 Members
"Our desire is to educate, connect, and build resilience in Lexington's children, parents, educators, professionals, and the community as a whole. Understanding and embracing the reality of ACEs and building resilience will create hope for our future. We provide training and tools to facilitate hope in Kentucky!"
PrivateActive5 Members
East Menlo and EPA ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware community across Willow Road, connecting East Menlo Park to East Palo Alto, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive19 Members
Erie County ACEs is committed to broadening the exposure to trauma science. Offering tools and support for integrating resilience building into our social and institutional practices.
PublicActive37 Members
The Fairfax County Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) is a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency effort to implement and support Trauma-Informed Care initiatives across the Health, Housing, Education and Human Services System. The Fairfax TICN is one of 19 such networks across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
PublicActive17 Members
A network for professionals, leaders, and community members to collaborate across sectors to prevent and mitigate the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), enhance caregiver and community capacity to effectively address ACEs, and build resilience in Palm Beach County, Florida.
PublicActive102 Members
The Finger Lakes ACEs Connection promotes a collaborative approach to raise awareness of adverse childhood experiences and drive sustainable systems change to impact community resiliency.
PublicActive40 Members
First 5 Alabama ACEs Connection is an online platform with a collaborative mission to enhance healthy attachment relationships between children birth through age 5 and the adults who care for them and promote wellness across the lifespan through promotion, prevention, and intervention supports to promote healing through trauma informed practices.
PublicActive158 Members
The First 5 Association Trauma Informed Collaborative aims to build awareness, share information, and knowledge about best practices to improve the ability of First 5 commissions to integrate Trauma Informed Care into our work across the state of California.
PublicActive207 Members
The Florida ACEs Connection is a collaborative effort of state agencies; schools; institutes of higher learning; faith, community, and grassroots organizations; and other interested individuals; to provide education and training on trauma informed approaches and interventions to mitigate the negative effects of stress and adversity on children and their families.
PublicActive32 Members
A team of community partners from all sectors working towards collaborative, intentional and integrated trauma informed care in our county.
PublicActive29 Members
The Four Corners ACEs Connection group is dedicated to preventing and reducing the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the greater Four Corners area. We are a diverse collective of community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware and resilient communities across the Four Corners.
PublicActive15 Members
We support trauma-informed services and community education. We believe that trauma-informed care will build stronger families and stronger communities.
PublicActive94 Members
We are a collection of institutions, school districts, community based organizations and businesses that have a common desire to make our communities trauma informed for the purpose of building resilience in our youth, families, neighborhoods and county.
PublicActive6 Members
We are all foster youth liaisons that work diligently to serve the foster youth students transitioning from K-12 to the community colleges in San Diego/Imperial Counties (Region X). We recognize ACEs are a part of a lot of our foster youth student experiences and so we want to provide a space to share information to better serve students!
PublicActive148 Members
We support safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children, youth and families by promoting change in organizations, systems, policies and social norms across the state.
PublicActive7 Members
Glenn County ACEs Connection fosters awareness, recognition, prevention, and recovery from ACEs and associated trauma. A collaborative community, together we as professionals, advocates, and community members work together to share inspiration, ideas & solutions to increase our county’s resiliency for all. We are committed to building a resilient community. We invite you to join us!
PublicActive239 Members
The Greater Richmond (VA) Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) is a diverse group of professionals from a cross sector of organizations and government agencies and community members who are dedicated to supporting and advocating for continuous trauma-informed care for all children and families in the City of Richmond and surrounding counties.
PublicActive11 Members
Preventing and Eliminating Adverse Childhood Experiences by Promoting and Empowering All Children to Excel in Greensboro, NC.
PublicActive15 Members
Preventing and Eliminating Adverse Childhood Experiences by Promoting and Empowering All Children to Excel in Greenville, SC.
PrivateActive18 Members
Greg’s Promise for Northeast Michigan is a communications link to engage visitors with local efforts, research and information. It honors Dr. Greg Proulx, a developmental psychologist, infant mental health specialist, and early leader in trauma-informed care. With professional expertise, competence, and generosity he mentored parents and colleagues until his 2014 death from a car accident.
PublicActive78 Members
The Hampton Roads Trauma Informed Community Network (HRTICN) exists to promote understanding of how trauma affects individuals and communities, and to advocate practices that help all people reach their full potential.
PrivateActive6 Members
Hayward ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware Hayward, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive16 Members
Bringing together partners and community committed to preventing trauma, sharing wisdom, and bringing culturally-relevant, trauma-informed healing to Stockton.
PublicActive37 Members
Our vision for a healthy Charlotte County is a safe, equitable and vibrant community in which people feel empowered to seek and obtain opportunities and services to achieve and maintain a high quality of life.
PublicActive16 Members
A community at work to increase ACEs awareness and provide resources and education to our youth and their families, while working to promote overall community resilience.
PublicActive23 Members
We are educating and raising awareness about ACEs and resiliency in Humboldt County. Our hope is to empower our people to prevent ACEs, actively work to heal trauma, and build resilience for all children, families and their communities through a collective understanding of trauma-responsive practices.
PublicActive34 Members
Educating people in Hutchinson about Adverse Childhood Experiences and the effects of toxic stress. The goal is for the community to integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into individual, family, work, and community lives.
PublicActive43 Members
Recognizing trauma and adverse experiences as underlying factors which may lead to substance abuse, suicide, child abuse, domestic violence, mental illness and more. Together we support our communities to prevent childhood trauma, and bring prevention methods to scale. Together we build strong communities that support resilient families, leading to happy, healthy, and thriving children.
PublicActive136 Members
The Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative is a broad range of multi-sectoral stakeholders committed to expanding the understanding of trauma and ACEs and their impact on the health and well-being of Illinois children, families, communities, and systems. Through advocacy and mobilization efforts, we work to put the issues of ACEs, trauma, and resilience on the forefront of health equity in Illinois.
PublicActive52 Members
Grassroots attempt to unify all levels of our State to embrace the science of ACEs to develop supportive services and resources for prevention, education and treatment.
PublicActive575 Members
Indigenous Wisdom, supported by Western Medicine and ACEs science, will heal all living things, (animal life, plant life, Mother Earth, human beings). The prophecy of Crazy Horse is manifesting. We are the Seventh Generation.
PublicActive164 Members
Iowa ACEs Action connects individuals and communities across Iowa who are reducing adverse childhood experiences and the impact of toxic stress. This collaborative online community serves as the venue for sharing resources and best practices, and for launching discussion and open communication across all regions of our state.
PublicActive10 Members
Jackson County Together fosters awareness, recognition, prevention, and recovery from ACEs and associated trauma. A collaborative community, together we as professionals, advocates, and community members work together to share inspiration, ideas & solutions to increase our county’s resiliency for all.
PublicActive67 Members
Kankakee Iroquois Cares is a volunteer-driven coalition whose mission is to build a trauma-informed community through raising awareness about the prevalence of trauma and the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), eliminating the stigma of shame, fostering inter-agency collaboration, and expanding learning opportunities about trauma-informed services to build resilience and heal trauma.
PublicActive13 Members
As part of the developing multiagency partnership 'Making Kent & Medway ACE Aware', we aim to share ideas and practice, and build a network of trauma-informed, resilient communities.
PublicActive17 Members
The Kern County care coordination collaborative has committed to expand their system level efforts to facilitate Trauma Informed Care training among parents, providers and all public and private partner organizations that will lead Kern to become a Trauma Informed County over the next few years.
PublicActive31 Members
We improve the well-being of residents by focusing on empowerment and equity, the prevention of ACEs, and the building of resilience.
PublicActive34 Members
We envision flourishing communities where every neighbor acts as agent in creating the reality of our community, every neighbor has access to the necessary resources and supports to offer our gifts and talents to the community, and all community sectors are organized to engage the gifts and talents of every neighbor for the good of the community.
PublicActive180 Members
Working collaboratively with schools, business, healthcare, government agencies, social services, criminal justice systems, healthcare organizations & faith communities to become a trauma-informed community. We invite all concerned citizens, professionals & advocates to partner with us to raise awareness about trauma & its effects, to build resilience, and offer hope & healing.
PublicActive8 Members
LCVRC’s goal is to eliminate ACEs in our region by working with non-profit organizations, companies, schools, parents, teens, and young children to raise awareness of the effects of ACEs and connect us all to resources so we can build our own resilience to bounce back from trauma.
PublicActive107 Members
"Learn4Life" is a network of non-profits and charter schools working together offering a free high school diploma program based on personalized learning programs for each student supported by critical partnerships.
PublicActive289 Members
A platform for community members, professionals and leaders to collaborate across sectors in a movement to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), heal from trauma, and build resilience in L.A. County.
PublicActive27 Members
The ACE Educator Program of the Louisiana Department of Health, Bureau of Family Health advocates for ACEs awareness and prevention across the state. We recruit and train professionals and community leaders to give no-cost presentations on ACEs and resilience science to systems, organizations, and community groups.
PublicActive48 Members
The Louisiana First Foundation began through First Lady Donna Edwards. The foundation’s mission is to support Louisiana’s children and spread awareness for causes such as Teach MAM (Music, Arts, Movement), Louisiana Fosters, and Anti Human Trafficking. The Foundation is excited to join a national network of advocates, community leaders, parents, teachers, and other caring contributors.
PrivateActive65 Members
This community is a collection of organizations in Fairfield County, CT working to strengthen their knowledge of ACEs, share resources and ideas, and work together to support children and families.
PublicActive37 Members
A community working in collaboration to raise awareness of ACEs prevention and to promote hope and healing.
PublicActive1,119 Members
This group is for anyone who wishes to share information about and promote ACEs research awareness, trauma-informed/resilience-building practices, and to influence positive social change in Maryland.
PublicActive114 Members
Massachusetts Essentials for Childhood promotes safe, stable, nurturing, environments and relationships for the communities in which we live, learn, and work. By establishing robust public private partnerships, we promote social connection and foster collective responsibility for the wellness of families, so that regardless of race or socio-economic status, all children can thrive.
PublicActive29 Members
Our community consists of a wide-range of local representatives from various public and private organizations including businesses, faith-based organizations, school districts, local government and NGOs . Together we have a common desire to make our communities trauma informed for the purpose of building resilience in our youth, families, neighborhoods and county.
PublicActive232 Members
Healthy and resilient kids, families, and communities are the foundation for a flourishing, vibrant region. We are dedicated to creating a trauma-informed Michigan and working together across sectors to share our efforts in building resilience and reducing toxic stress for Michigan children and families.
PublicActive36 Members
Creating a shared space for the community of Marion and Polk Counties, and nearby areas, will help those in need to take advantage of the great work being done to support one another to thrive--not just survive.
PublicActive25 Members
This group is dedicated to fostering resilience and building community in the US Midwest.
PublicActive161 Members
We share information and exchange ideas related to adverse childhood experiences, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions in Minnesota.
PublicActive43 Members
MS PACEs Community is a diverse group of individuals from a cross sector of organizations and agencies dedicated to supporting and advocating for continuous trauma-informed care for all children and families in the state
PublicActive93 Members
We are committed to moving our organizations and communities toward being trauma-informed.
PublicActive10 Members
We are committed to building a resilient community. We invite you to join us!
PublicActive76 Members
We can stop the intergenerational transmission of toxic stress and build a thriving community of happy, healthy, resilient families when we focus on empowering parents, caregivers and organizations that support families. This is a site to identify community assets, educate one another, share our experiences, co-create initiatives, and take action!
PublicActive14 Members
A hub for collaboration and sharing information, resources, and ideas on educating about and preventing ACEs, healing trauma, and building resilience in Monroe County, Indiana.
PublicActive45 Members
Join the movement to prevent ACEs, heal trauma and build resilience in Napa County. Our intent is that everyone in Napa County is educated about ACEs and integrates trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into their work, family, community and individual lives. This is a place to work collaboratively to transform our county to one of hope, compassion, healing and resilience for all.
PublicActive64 Members
To build our community's resiliency, we work to reduce and prevent ACEs (trauma), respond to existing trauma in children, adults, and providers with knowledge, empathy, and compassion, and create opportunities for our community to form meaningful connections with one another.
Please visit to learn more about our history and our work.
PublicActive104 Members
This is a compassionate, healing-centered space for members of the New Orleans community to learn while sharing knowledge and resources. We are shifting the narrative to create equitable, systems-level change that will increase opportunities for our children and youth to thrive. Youth voice, collaboration, and a calling to care are what drives this work.
PublicActive133 Members
The HEARTS Initiative is a cross-sector collaborative uniting to prevent and reduce adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and childhood trauma in the New York State Capital Region and its surrounding areas. Strengthened by the combined resources of our partner agencies, we apply the Restorative Integral Support (RIS) model to inform policies, transform programs, and advance practice."
PublicActive89 Members
The Newark Trauma Informed Community Network was established in partnership with Believe in a Healthy Newark and the Greater Newark Healthcare Coalition to bring together key partners and stakeholders who are providing trauma-related programs and services in Newark and begin exploring a vision and plan of action for deepening our work.
PublicActive294 Members
Experiencing hardships as a child can cause many problems as we get older. This community is a place where people living and working in NJ can come together to help prevent adverse childhood experience (ACEs) and create a healthier, happier state. This group was created by the NJ ACEs Collaborative, NJ DCF, the Center for Health Care Strategies, and NJEA — but made stronger by you!
PublicActive147 Members
The members of this group stretch from Sonoma County, across to Plumas County and all the way up to the Oregon border.
Given the size of this geographic region we have meetups in local areas. Sometimes, two or three of us just have lunch to get acquainted, and find new ways to connect each others' work. Please join us!
PublicActive1,912 Members
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in North Carolina.
PublicActive103 Members
Regionally, our goal is to inform and educate the North Coast communities to recognize and respond to the impact of traumatic stress on children and families such that in collaboration, we act with all those who are involved with the child, to facilitate and support the recovery and resiliency of the child, the family, and ultimately, each community.
PublicActive24 Members
We are building ACEs awareness, community, and resilience in the Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Escondido, Fallbrook , Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, and Vista areas. We encourage the use of this online platform for working collaboratively across sectors and communities and in transforming our county into one of hope, healing, and resilience for all.
PublicActive47 Members
Where individuals and initiatives gather to meet, brainstorm, and collaborate about using ACEs Science inclusively to create trauma-informed families, communities, systems, and change with and for all.
PublicActive86 Members
We acknowledge and address life experiences due to hardship and trauma, and build resilience. We collaborate to serve our citizens and disseminate information to create a trauma-informed community.
PublicActive139 Members
The purpose of this group is to connect people and organizations in Ohio who are working to address issues related to trauma and ACEs
PublicActive107 Members
A platform for community members, professionals and leaders to collaborate across sectors in a movement to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), heal from trauma, and build resilience in Orange County.
PublicActive7 Members
The vision of the collaborative is to create a trauma-resilient community. Raising awareness on ACEs and the impact of trauma, the collaborative's mission is to provide education on and promote trauma-informed approaches in Oswego County.
PublicActive62 Members
We raise community awareness about the role of trauma in health - mental, physical and behavioral - and to create an innovative paradigm shift in the medical system. This will be carried out through the creation of warm, accessible and inviting parenting sites that create relationships to help families prevent and intervene early in the trauma affecting their children.
PublicActive272 Members
This group is focused on the descendants of Africans dispersed throughout the Americas during the Transatlantic Slave Trades. Topics include adverse childhood experiences, historical trauma, intergenerational transmission of trauma, African American parenting practices, health disparities, the effects of racism, microaggressions and implicit bias, as well as resiliency and posttraumatic growth.
PublicActive25 Members
The PACEs Action Alliance is a multi-sector collaborative of individuals and public and private organizations that work together to promote trauma-informed, resilient communities in Clark County, Washington. We align efforts to educate and raise awareness about the impact of trauma and toxic stress, we assess needs and progress, and we promote individual, family and community resilience.
PublicActive274 Members
What is the relationship between PACES and eating habits, food security, and nutritional status? How can we work on food insecurity and nutritional health in a trauma-informed way? EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO POST AND COMMENT. Please share trusted resources and links only.
PublicActive136 Members
PACEs occur in societal, cultural and household contexts. Social science research and theory provide insight into these contexts for PACEs and how they might be altered to prevent adversity and promote resilience. We encourage social scientists of various disciplines to share and review research, identify mechanisms, build theories, identify gaps, and build bridges to practice and policy.
PublicActive275 Members
A network for community members, professionals and leaders to collaborate across sectors in a movement to prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), heal from trauma, and build resilience in Central Florida.
We encourage the use of this network to collaborate across sectors and communities and to transform our region into one of hope, healing, and resilience for all.
PublicActive70 Members
We are a group of professionals serving families in the perinatal period. Providers of all kinds are welcome, let's strategize together how best to support families in the context of ACEs and resilience building.
PublicActive1,409 Members
Identify and promote practices that build child caregiver capabilities and improve child outcomes including: the impact of childcare business decisions; building child caregiver skills and resilience; child caregiver turnover; child caregiver ACE histories and healthy boundaries in the workplace.
PublicActive3,058 Members
We share ideas, information and stories about mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in the K-12 environment.
PublicActive807 Members
We advocate for the bio/psycho/social well being of foster children. We recognize, acknowledge and validate the trauma endured by children placed in foster care. We embrace the capacity of healing and ultimate recovery for foster children with family, community and professional support.
PublicActive1,315 Members
A group to share ideas on investigating and mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in post-secondary education environments.
PublicActive378 Members
PACEs in Maternal Health is a community of individuals who seek to raise awareness and deepen understanding about the association of adverse childhood experiences and the lifelong impacts on maternal health.
PublicActive358 Members
A community of stakeholders in medical school education organized around integrating the science of ACEs, neurobiology, resiliency, and trauma-informed care into core medical school curricula -- because EVERY future physician should know about ACEs and its long-term effects on health and well-being.
PublicActive293 Members
Join us as we explore the intersection of ACEs Science and Nursing Science, with a lens on the unique needs of nurses as they integrate ACEs Science into their nursing practices and reflect on their own lived experiences as related to childhood trauma: their own, their patients', their communities.
PublicActive578 Members
PublicActive561 Members
Discussion and sharing of resources in working with clients involved in the criminal justice system and how screening for and treating ACEs will lead to successful re-entry of prisoners into the community and reduced recidivism for former offenders.
PublicActive750 Members
Connecting and informing the faith community how to integrate PACE concepts into the faith-based community.
PublicActive427 Members
Discussion of Transition and Reentry issues of out of home (treatment, detention, sheltered, etc.) youth back to their families and communities. Frequently these youth have fallen behind in their schooling, have reduced motivation, and lack skills to navigate requirements to successfully re-enter school programs or even to move ahead with their dreams.
PrivateActive5 Members
Palo Alto ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware Palo Alto, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive1,943 Members
How do we honor both lived & learned expertise to break down barriers between parents & professionals? How do PACE-impacted families best access healing, hope & health? How might parent education, training, & support services if co-created with families & in community?
PublicActive20 Members
A St. Lucie County partner group of local community members, professionals and leaders gathering to collaborate across sectors in a movement to educate our community about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), create trauma responsive strategies that help our community heal from trauma, and connect toward building resilience. We encourage collaboration of this site to locate and share resources.
PublicActive12 Members
Peace4Manasota is cultivating responsive and collaborative communities throughout Manatee, Desoto, and Sarasota Counties that foster healing and well-being.
PrivateActive12 Members
Peace4Parkland is dedicated to the awareness and understanding of childhood (ACEs) and adult trauma and the resulting negative effects on community, systems and society. We believe this understanding will transform attitudes and empower community resilience. We invite you to join us.
PublicActive36 Members
Peace4Tarpon is dedicated to the awareness and understanding of childhood (ACEs) and adult trauma and the resulting negative effects on community, systems and society. We believe this understanding will transform attitudes and empower community resilience. We invite you to join us.
PublicActive94 Members
Peace4theBigBend creates a resilient and thriving community in an eight-county region by providing education, resources, support and advocacy for people, organizations and communities that struggle with trauma and loss.
PublicActive40 Members
The Pender County Resiliency Task Force is dedicated to building a stronger, more trauma informed community by increasing awareness and education of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
PublicActive112 Members
Mission: To make Pennsylvania a Trauma-Informed State to better serve all residents.
Vision: Pennsylvania is a state where prevention is the norm. When people do experience emotional and psychological trauma they feel respected, safe, empowered, and supported to recover and heal.
PublicActive398 Members
Philadelphia ACEs Connection explores issues related to adversity, trauma and resilience in the Philadelphia region. We are advocates, concerned citizens and professionals who share information and develop practical solutions, to support Philadelphia becoming a trauma-informed city.
PublicActive59 Members
We are an online collaborative dedicated to raising awareness about ACEs, trauma-informed practice, and resilience-building in the greater Phoenix area. Given the unique history of this city and region, Phoenix Rising will explore personal and historical sources of trauma.
PrivateActive8 Members
Pittsburg ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware Pittsburg, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive11 Members
The Drug Endangered Children's Initiative is a collaboration of the Plymouth County DA's Office, Plymouth County Outreach (PCO) & United Way of Greater Plymouth County Family Ctr./Community Connections working together with dozens of community partners to create ACEs awareness, provide trauma-informed training, connect families impacted by substance use disorder to support & shape policy.
PublicActive58 Members
As a community we strive to prevent trauma, while offering hope and healing to those among us who have experienced childhood adversity. Recognizing life as a continuous series of events e.g. “lifecourse”, we weave together epigenetics (preconception), neurodevelopment (childhood & adolescence), and ACEs science (adult and aging) as we seek pathways to health and wellbeing.
PublicActive50 Members
We are committed to a culture of safety, understanding, and responsiveness to ACEs for children, families, and our community.
PublicActive1,420 Members
“We have the capacity, within ourselves, to create better health," writes Donna Jackson Nakazawa. We can improve our health no matter what our ACE score. Learn resilience practices that reduce stress hormones in our bodies & brains. Understand how pain, shame & trauma make self-healing harder. Explore research & resources. Share stories, struggles & successes. Practice resilience.
PublicActive17 Members
The Quad Cities Trauma-Informed Consortium (QCTIC) is a partnership between Family Resources and the Child Abuse Council that began in 2013 as an effort to move trauma-informed practices into the Quad Cities. Collaborating across sectors and interests allows us to effectively expand our reach while we elevate the status of our community.
PublicActive19 Members
To introduce ACEs Awareness, Trauma-Informed (TI) and Resilience cultures in the province of Quebec. French materials will be available.
PublicActive15 Members
The Queens County Mental Health Project is an initiative that focuses on whole health and basic human needs. A network of community organizations help enable referrals for additional resources. Queens Health Outreach, Empowerment and Advocacy — we aim to work together and strengthen the wellness, safety and access to services in Queens, New York.
PublicActive238 Members
We convene and facilitate collaborative efforts to reduce adversity and trauma while building resilience throughout Oklahoma. We are advocates, concerned citizens, policy-makers and professionals who share information and develop practical, trauma-informed solutions to improve the lives of our children and families.
PublicActive545 Members
Resources, posts, discussions, chats about national efforts to build a trauma-informed, resilience-building nation.
PublicActive15 Members
The goal of the initiative is to launch a cross-sector collaboration to reduce ACEs and improve health and education outcomes for children over the next 10 years.
PublicActive33 Members
Resilient Amador is dedicated to working together to promote a trauma-informed community through education, prevention, support, and advocacy, thereby raising the standard of care for all. We transform systems, individuals, families, and businesses to integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into everyone’s work, community and personal lives.
PublicActive24 Members
Resilient Berkeley is a cross sector, community driven collaborative committed to building Berkeley's capacity to prevent and heal trauma.
PublicActive36 Members
To promote resilience in Columbus County through education and engagement of community members regarding the lifelong impacts of adverse childhood experiences.
PublicActive15 Members
Resilient Douglas County (formerly Douglas County Fostering Futures) supports and advances trauma informed principles by enhancing efforts toward community-wide competency in trauma informed practices that build individual and community resilience.
PublicActive21 Members
Working in partnership with Lake County Children’s Council, Lake County Child Welfare, Lake Family Resource Center, First 5 Lake, Lake County Probation, Redwood Community Services, Tribal members, Health Leadership Network and others to unify countywide efforts to raise awareness of ACEs,work collectively to reduce trauma,and build individual and community resilience.
PublicActive213 Members
Resilient Lehigh Valley is a cross-sector coalition dedicated to creating a trauma-informed and resilient Lehigh Valley by sharing best practices and advocating for trauma-informed policies and practices as well as raising awareness on trauma and PACEs.
PublicActive27 Members
Our Community vision is to create a compassionate and resilient county where children and families thrive. And our mission is to empower trauma sensitive "community" through regional awareness and support (including financial) to reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACES) while increasing resilience.
PublicActive84 Members
We aim to raise awareness about the prevalence of ACEs in our community; increase trauma sensitive practices and policies; foster inter-agency collaboration to better serve residents; and improve practices at the direct service level. Our goal is to reduce barriers to high quality clinical, educational, health, and support services for residents who have experienced trauma and mental health needs
PublicActive316 Members
Resilient Sacramento is dedicated to preventing and reducing the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and traumatic events that can result in toxic stress affecting physical, social and emotional well-being . We are a diverse collective of individuals and organizations committed to supporting public policy and change that promotes healing and resiliency in the greater Sacramento Area.
PublicActive167 Members
We work collectively to educate our community about ACEs, resilience, and trauma-informed care. We exchange ideas, share opportunities and foster connections to transform lives through practical and community-centered solutions.
PublicActive140 Members
Resilient Santa Clara County (SCC) PACES Network strives to prevent ACEs, heal trauma and build resilience with dignity and hope for all in Santa Clara County.
PublicActive47 Members
Community Partners committed to building a Resilient Solano County
PublicActive334 Members
We're educating people in Yolo County, CA, about ACEs. Our intent is that everyone in Yolo County integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into their work, family, community and individual lives.
PublicActive122 Members
Restorative Integral Support (RIS) is “whole life” recovery for people who face challenges of all kinds. RIS assesses an individual's needs and provides guidance for facilitating recovery. As a comprehensive, “whole person” approach to recovery from trauma, RIS includes powerful somatic therapies and other research-informed interventions.
PublicActive28 Members
Creating Connections for a Compassionate Culture. #RiseUp
PublicActive13 Members
We are working towards building a strong and thriving community. Our mission is to inspire inter-agency collaboration in order to empower people to create a trauma-informed community where resiliency is both accessible and equitable for all.
PublicActive74 Members
The Riverside Resilience initiative started in 2016 when county and community leaders came together to understand how adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma influence health and wellbeing. The goal of the initiative is to launch a cross-sector collaboration to reduce ACEs and improve health and education outcomes for children over the next 10 years.
PublicActive80 Members
The Roanoke Valley Trauma Informed Community Network seeks to connect organizations to better understand, prevent, and address ACEs & trauma in our community. The RVTICN features a learning cohort of organizations who are delving into the work of creating trauma-informed systems. We provide training & resources and believe that through these connections, we can build resiliency.
PublicActive14 Members
Through the KidsReadyNC-Rockingham Initiative, we seek to engage the community in a conversation about ACEs to raise awareness of their impact in early childhood. We hope to provide the community the space to develop an understanding of ACEs and a framework to support building resilience starting at birth.
PublicActive579 Members
This is the online platform for our ACEs, trauma-informed, and resilience-building movement. It is a call to action- a place to work collaboratively across sectors and communities, to transform our county to one of hope, healing, and resilience for all. It is based on the socio-ecological model, collective impact strategies, and resident-driven approaches to prevention, intervention, and advocacy.
PublicActive143 Members
A platform for students, academic professionals and university community partners to collaborate across departments to raise awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), integrate trauma informed practices and policies throughout campus, and build a resilient San Diego State University.
PublicActive103 Members
This group seeks to: 1) Understand what we do, what we do well, and call upon each other to collaborate. 2) Create a healing space for folks to work together across sectors. 3) Create a structured way to lift up each other’s work, align resources, and prevent fragmentation. 4) Use technology to communicate differently and stop traumatizing already traumatized systems.
PublicActive87 Members
We are creating child and family well being through building resilience, increasing ACEs awareness, and strengthening San Luis Obispo County community connections.
PublicActive44 Members
San Mateo County ACEs Connection is a community for all who are invested in creating a trauma-informed and resilient San Mateo County. This is a space to share resources, information, successes, and challenges related to addressing trauma and building resiliency, particularly in young children and their families.
PrivateActive11 Members
Santa Cruz ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware Santa Cruz, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive18 Members
A connected community for strong, safe families. Our goal is to strengthen families and reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) by increasing protective factors, coordinating service systems and engaging the community.
PublicActive17 Members
Bringing together professionals, community members, and advocates who share a passion to reduce trauma and build resiliency in Siskiyou County. Share information, exchange ideas and host dialogue that lead to practical and community centered solutions.
PublicActive204 Members
We bring the community together to nurture Positive Childhood Experiences, prevent, heal, and treat ACEs while promoting resiliency.
PublicActive66 Members
Led by the Children's Trust of South Carolina, the South Carolina Adverse Childhood Experiences Initiative empowers communities to help build resilience and works to prevent poor health outcomes and improve well-being.
PublicActive55 Members
We educate our community about ACEs, resilience and trauma-informed approaches, and invite others to join us to increase our success in improving our communities.
PublicActive17 Members
South Coast Together is a community collaborative focused on fostering resilience in Coos and Curry counties, we engage community members as agents of change in preventing the accumulation of Adverse Childhood Experiences and to build resilience in children, adolescents, and families; guided by a community capacity building approach, the Self-Healing Community model.
PublicActive79 Members
Our goal is to begin a dialogue around the topic of trauma and resiliency and create a shared language and understanding of effective responses to trauma. Together we can create a united, yet community-customized approach to the integration of trauma informed care in communities all across South Dakota.
PublicActive56 Members
We are the South Jersey ACE Initiative and we are in relentless pursuit of educating people about ACEs. Our mission is to get schools, organizations and communities to be trauma-informed and to have relentless pursuit of adding value to all of our communities.
PublicActive16 Members
South East San Diego is a diverse community that has experienced a history of trauma. Members are working towards creating a thriving and Self-Healing Community.
PublicActive35 Members
Where individuals and initiatives gather to meet, brainstorm, and collaborate about using ACEs Science inclusively to create trauma-informed families, communities, systems, and change with and for all.
PublicActive29 Members
This group is dedicated to actualizing a Southern Kenai Peninsula, Alaskan community that cultivates healthy relationships and resilient families free of violence and substance abuse.
PublicActive49 Members
SSTICN brings together a multi-agency and multi-disciplinary group of organizations and individuals working together to collaborate to create a more trauma-informed and resilient Southside region. The mission of the SSTICN is to promote and to enhance individual and community resilience.
PublicActive1,294 Members
The State PACEs Action is the go-to location for ACEs activities in U.S. states.
PublicActive6 Members
Focusing on building community and individual resiliency by raising awareness of ACES and its public health implications, and developing strategies to increase resilience by engaging all of the county's community partners.
PublicActive30 Members
Strategies 2.0 Sierra Region ACES Connection provides a forum for representatives from programs and services throughout the Sierra Nevada Region to learn and share strategies for enhancing child and family well-being.
PublicActive8 Members
Together we work to prevent sources of stress experienced by many families with limited resources. Have you considered the cost of purchasing diapers? Families with limited resources often have difficulty accessing diapers which can have a cascading negative effect on the baby, family, and the health system. Together we raise awareness and begin to prevent the root cause of preventable adversity.
PublicActive13 Members
Using knowledge and education regarding ACES, trauma and resiliency informed practices to build upon our communities' members' current resilience base in order to ensure a resilient future for the county's establishments, economy, and people.
PublicActive43 Members
Working together in Tacoma and Pierce County to improve the well-being of residents by focusing on empowerment and equity, the prevention of ACEs, and the building of resilience. We hope to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments.
PublicActive140 Members
If you're doing ACEs histories, please do a short blog post or contact one of the community managers so that we can do so for you.
PublicActive149 Members
An online platform to foster communication and collaboration across communities and sectors in Texas with the goal of promoting ideas, policies and practices that reduce and prevent childhood adversity, build resilience in individuals and families, and help those affected by trauma to heal and thrive.
PublicActive71 Members
Support the advancement of children's basic human right to be free from all forms of violence in schools and the home (including corporal punishment, spanking, or other forms of violence).
PublicActive16 Members
Increasing our county’s awareness and knowledge of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) while building resiliency and fostering hope in order to offset the cycle of trauma.
PublicActive328 Members
An ITRC Project.
We build human resilience in the face of the encroaching individual, family and community stresses of climate change.
PublicActive6 Members
The EPIC Project uses the ACE survey to identify parents of newborns through age 3 who have a high ACE score. Once identified, through community collaboration in-home services will be implemented to mitigate risk for the child/ren & build resiliency for the whole family.
PublicActive5 Members
A group of committed individuals working collectively towards a community that embraces: Healing; Hope; Empathy; Empowerment; Engagement; Awareness; Action; Resilience; Relationships; Trauma-Informed; Transformation.
PublicActive24 Members
The Ocean State Trauma Informed Community Coalition (OSTICC) is a collaborative group of public and private community stakeholders coming together to provide the vision, organization, training, and leadership needed to actively promote an understanding of trauma informed approaches and how to implement them across service systems and in public/private settings throughout the State of Rhode Island.
PublicActive83 Members
Welcome! This group is for anyone who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ Community or who supports the community.
PrivateActive489 Members
Films have been instrumental in helping us understand individual, generational, and historical trauma - and healing. Documentaries can inspire and inform public policy and system-level change as well and that is why ACEs Connection, CTIPP, and the Relentless School Nurse have come together to stream documentaries from this community site , quarterly, starting in September of 2020.
PublicActive115 Members
Community members, advocates, and professionals who share the goals to reduce trauma and build resilience in Alaska share information and exchange ideas related to adversity, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions. By trauma, we are referring to childhood and developmental trauma, intergenerational trauma, and historic and ongoing systemic trauma.
PublicActive48 Members
A safe place for all to be seen and heard. To connect, to reach out and find. To become trauma-informed. To gain strength and courage through solidarity.
PublicActive23 Members
We develop awareness of trauma and empower pathways to resiliency. We will build a trauma-informed Montcalm County, MI by the year 2021. We will view trauma in the same manner across all sectors — including schools, law enforcement, manufacturing, big and small businesses and the faith-based community.
PublicActive68 Members
Trauma Informed Hampshire County is a newly formed group of individuals and organizations across multiple sectors all committed to educating, promoting policy changes and providing the necessary resources to the people of Hampshire County towards building resilient and trauma-informed communities.
PublicActive176 Members
We are a multidisciplinary group of health professionals working to advance trauma-informed care across the continuum of practice through ground-breaking, transformative interprofessional education and research. We envision all health care professionals and health care systems being trauma-informed.
PublicActive16 Members
Trauma Informed Washington Heights/Inwood aims to build a community of service providers and stakeholders dedicated to spreading information about ACEs and Resilience, developing a support network for service providers, and cultivating holistic healing for those impacted by trauma and vicarious trauma.
PublicActive214 Members
We are a collaborative of library professionals and library supporters who seek to share ACEs Science with our institutions, organizations and communities; explore and implement Trauma-Informed approaches; and build community resilience through our programs, practices and publications.
PublicActive45 Members
The Trauma-Informed Utah page was created in response to requests for support in navigating challenges highlighted due to COVID-19. This page serves as a resource bank and networking opportunity for organizations seeking to implement trauma-informed approaches both in policy and practice. This effort is dedicated to improving the well-being of Utahns and those who serve them.
PublicActive40 Members
Shining a light on the science of ACEs as we move along the path towards hope, health and healing in our community.
PublicActive5 Members
We are committed to building a resilient community. We invite you to join us!
PublicActive16 Members
We are teaching Troy, Alabama and the Wiregrass about ACEs and Resilience. Our goal is for all community members to integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into work, home, school, and community interactions, so that we can heal and grow together to be a stronger community every day.
PublicActive460 Members
We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.
PublicActive106 Members
A collaborative of UC Davis and UC Davis Health community members addressing trauma and building resilience across the lifespan
PublicActive12 Members
GRACE: Globally Reducing Adverse Childhood Experiences. UCSF faculty, students, staff members and affiliates who share a passion for ACEs-related research, education, prevention, treatment, advocacy, and policy. We collaborate with local, national, and international communities to transform, advance, and apply the science of preventing ACEs to improve lives of children and families worldwide.
PublicActive316 Members
A group of University of Florida students, instructors, researchers and community members dedicated to addressing ACEs and promoting evidence-based trauma-informed interventions that build resilience. Students taking our public health courses will display summaries of their assignments that aim to address ACEs and trauma.
PublicActive21 Members
RRCA is a non-profit grassroots volunteer organization in northern Maine. Its mission is to educate our small rural community about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and empower persons from all segments of the community to assess our needs and collaboratively develop, evaluate, and sustain effective resources to promote resiliency and combat ACEs’ negative intergenerational effects.
PublicActive127 Members
Inspired by the science surrounding brain development, the importance of early experiences, impacts of toxic stress and the potential of human resilience, we endeavor to strengthen families and improve outcomes for children through building a trauma-informed Ventura County.
PublicActive227 Members
Welcome to the Vermont PACEs Community, where we are passionate about spreading the word about the prevalence of trauma, its possible negative effects, and what can be done to build resilience in our state and beyond!
PublicActive104 Members
The Virginia ACEs Connection initiative promotes safety and connection to empower self-healing communities in Virginia.
PublicActive153 Members
The Walla Walla Valley's ACEs Connection is a learning community hosted by the Community Resilience Initiative whose goal is to share resilience-based tools and ideas in order to improve community health . Please join our group to share your news as we build resiliency in the Walla Walla Valley! Visit us online at
PublicActive100 Members
The Washington County ACEs Initiative is a multi-sector collaborative of partners who are interested in helping educate the community on the impact of ACEs. We raise awareness of ACEs, resiliency and trauma-informed approaches to services.
PublicActive334 Members
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.
PublicActive87 Members
This group explores issues related to adversity, trauma and resilience in the District of Columbia and surrounding areas. We are advocates, trauma survivors, concerned community members, and professionals who share information and develop practical solutions, to support the Washington, DC metro area to become trauma-informed, address sources of adversity, and promote health and resilience.
PublicActive51 Members
We are a grassroots collaborative whose mission is to promote health and resiliency in our community and to effectively prevent, recognize, and treat trauma by creating safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments. The WCCI hosts an annual educational event as well as additional workshops throughout the year.
PrivateActive3 Members
Watsonville ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware Watsonville, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive107 Members
Vision: Reduce the incidence of child trauma and mental illness in children and youths.
Mission: Engage children and families to promote health, prevent disease and build resilience by using schools and health settings as buffers against toxic stress in a trauma-sensitive manner where children/youths feel safe, welcomed and supported to address trauma impact on development, learning and behavior
PublicActive60 Members
The WV ACES Coalition includes over 400 different organizations and individuals working together to improve the health and well-being of all West Virginians by reducing the impact of ACEs and preventing their occurrence.
PublicActive75 Members
Kansas PACEs Connection is dedicated to connecting and supporting organizations, systems, and communities who are interested in better understanding the prevalence of ACEs and trauma, recognizing the impact that these have on individual and organizational health, and developing policies and practices that promote resiliency and healing.
PublicActive40 Members
Our holistic movement increases the understanding of ACEs across all of our community sectors to integrate trauma-informed practices, build resilience and provide hope for future generations.
PublicActive17 Members
We have a very collaborative community where most of the stakeholders have become aware of ACEs and Resilience. As a result, we are committed to becoming trauma informed, work on resilience and the prevention of ACEs.
PublicActive179 Members
This group is for young professionals — 35 years of age or younger — who are studying and working in the field of adverse childhood experiences. On Twitter? Follow @acestoohigh2
PublicActive106 Members
We are dedicated to support and empower the residents of Yuba and Sutter communities by integrating trauma informed best practices to develop resilience and build stronger families and stronger communities. This inter-agency collaborative project of diverse members strives to better serve the needs for all children, families, and communities in order to heal and thrive.