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Clare Reidy

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Posts By Clare Reidy

Registration Now Open for MARC ATR Network Survey Webinar

Please join us for a presentation of MARC ATR Network Survey findings from the study’s principal investigator, Margaret Hargreaves, PhD, MPP, Senior Fellow with NORC at the University of Chicago. The survey presentation will be followed by a panel discussion featuring network experiences from Fresno County, CA, and New Jersey. Guest Speakers: Amanda Adams , New Jersey Education Association Ingrid Cockhren , PACEs Connection Martha Davis , Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Dave Ellis , New...

National ACEs, Trauma, and Resilience Network Survey Findings Now Available from MARC

In 2020, Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) surveyed hundreds of ACEs, trauma, and resilience (ATR) networks across the country to learn more about their characteristics, goals, and technical assistance needs. Our findings spotlight the power and potential of ATR networks and opportunities to better support the broader movement for creating healthy, equitable, and resilient communities. The Health Federation of Philadelphia collaborated with NORC at the University of Chicago...

New MARC Resources for Network Reflection and Evaluation

Reflection and continuous quality improvement are essential processes for both effective movement building and trauma-informed practice. That’s why the Health Federation of Philadelphia (HFP) is excited to share our latest Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) resources focused on network evaluation. The toolkit, briefs, and journal article featured below were developed in close partnership with our colleagues Debra Rog , Tamara Daley , and Nanmathi Manian at Westat and informed...

New Podcast Series Featuring Network Leaders

Across the United States, communities are coming together to understand the impact that childhood trauma can have in adulthood and to create environments where children are free from harm. The Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) podcast series features leaders from cross-sector networks that are moving this approach forward on a broad scale. “Networks are so effective at addressing trauma in communities because they harness the power of organized people, resources, and ideas.

Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities Year in Review

Also available at: LOOKING FORWARD ... 2020 vision Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) has exciting projects underway, including a national survey of ACEs/trauma/resilience (ATR) networks in partnership with NORC at the University of Chicago and a website redesign to create a searchable digest of resources for networks, by networks. In the new year, we aim to unlock the power of networks to inspire and accelerate trauma-informed change across the...

Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities through Policy and Advocacy: A Toolkit for Trauma-Informed, Cross-Sector Networks

The Health Federation of Philadelphia is excited to launch Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities through Policy and Advocacy: A Toolkit for Trauma-Informed, Cross-Sector Networks . This resource supports network engagement in policy and advocacy efforts that are critical for achieving trauma-informed change and building community resilience. Use it to: Explore what counts as "trauma-related" policy. Think critically about advocacy roles networks can play. Be inspired by examples of...

Burden of Environmental Adversity Associated With Psychopathology, Maturation, and Brain Behavior Parameters in Youths []

Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD; Tyler M. Moore, PhD; Adon F. G. Rosen, BS; et al JAMA Psychiatry . Published online May 29, 2019. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.0943 KEY POINTS Question What is the association of an adverse environment, including low socioeconomic status and traumatic stressful events, with psychopathology, neurocognition, and brain parameters in puberty among children and young adults? Findings In this community-based cohort study of 9498 participants, low socioeconomic status was...

The Case of Juliana v. U.S. — Children and the Health Burdens of Climate Change []

Renee N. Salas, M.D., M.P.H., Wendy Jacobs, J.D., and Frederica Perera, Dr.P.H., Ph.D. On June 4, 2019, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in Juliana v. United States to determine whether the case will proceed to trial in district court in Oregon. Nearly 4 years ago, 21 children and adolescents between 8 and 19 years of age, including Kelsey Juliana from Oregon, filed suit against the federal government, charging that the government’s inaction on addressing climate...

New brief from MARC: Building Stronger Networks

Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities has released a new brief, Building Stronger Networks (May 2019) . Drawing from existing literature and informed by a series of interviews conducted by Dr. Andrea Blanch and Dr. David Shern, this brief explores how a framework recognizing adverse childhood experiences, trauma, and resilience (ATR) can facilitate community collaboration. See what movement builders from across the country have to say about the value-added of the ATR framework in...

From aromatherapy to anger management: How schools are addressing the 'crisis' of childhood trauma []

Schools are experimenting with new ways to address behavior issues and support students who are struggling emotionally. By Elizabeth Chuck and Marshall Crook May 20, 2019, 11:24 AM EDT YAKIMA, Wash. — Instead of going outside for recess on a recent Friday, fifth-grader Thomas Stevenson walked down a hallway in Ridgeview Elementary School and entered a dimly lit room. Inside, lavender aromatherapy filled the air, spa-like music played and a projector broadcast clouds onto a screen. Passing by...

Rising from the Ashes: How Trauma-Informed Care Nurtures Healing in Rural America [The Rural Monitor]

By Jenn Lukens April 17, 2019 It was late July 2018 when the Mendocino Complex wildfire broke out in rural Lake County, California. It burned more than 450,000 acres and destroyed 280 structures before it was contained. Ana Santana managed to fill some storage bins with sentimental items – her kids’ blankets, pictures, and art projects – before fleeing her home. Santana is the facilitator of the Lake County Children’s Council and Program Director for Healthy Start Youth and Family Services ,...

Leaders explore community wide resiliency []

By Emily Thornton | March 10, 2019 Everyone has experienced some kind of trauma, experts say, and people need to know how to work through it to help others also facing traumatic events. That was the message presented to 35 representatives from various local organizations who attended a Community Resilience Initiative training on Friday in the Walla Walla Airport conference room sponsored by United Way of Walla Walla and organized by Walla Walla’s Community Council Speakers discussed...

Actor Rob Lowe: I was my sick mother's caregiver, don't underestimate the stress caregivers face []

Rob Lowe, Opinion contributor Published 7:00 a.m. ET Jan. 13, 2019 | Updated 6:01 a.m. ET Jan. 14, 2019 Forty million Americans work as an unpaid family caregiver. The mental, physical and emotional stress they face is overwhelming. It's time to help. Right now, 40 million Americans are doing truly selfless work by serving as unpaid family caregivers for a loved one. About 25 percent of those caregivers are millennials, who often feel forced to choose between their careers and caring for...

Handle With Care funding is part of federal opioid legislation []

By Shauna Johnson in News | October 17, 2018 at 11:25AM CHARLESTON, W.Va. — President Donald Trump is expected to soon sign into law the 2018 SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, the comprehensive, bipartisan legislation aimed at addressing the opioid epidemic across the United States on many fronts. Included in it is funding to support programs that offer trauma-informed care for young people, specifically programs like Handle With Care which got its start in West Virginia and has...

WEBINAR: How to Use the ‘Pair of ACEs’ to Build Community Resilience

New for You: BCR staff will introduce the new Pair of ACEs Infographic template and how to obtain local data to create a Pair of ACEs infographic with details specific to your community. When : Tuesday, September 18 th from 1pm – 2:30pm EST Register at The Building Community Resilience (BCR) collaborative will host a webinar featuring lessons learned using one of our most potent messaging tools: the ‘Pair of ACEs’ - a dverse c hildhood e xperiences in the context...

Oprah makes surprise appearance in South Jersey town, praises police department []

A small South Jersey town's annual reunion had it all. A centenarian celebrated her 100th birthday, a historic postmark was unveiled, gospel music choirs performed -- and Oprah Winfrey was there to see it. Winfrey's longtime partner, author and podcaster Stedman Graham, is a native of Whitesboro, an unincorporated community within Middle Township. Graham is also the executive director and a founder of the community organization Concerned Citizens of Whitesboro. According to social media...

Trial by Fire: MARC Sites Collaborate on Trauma-Informed Disaster Response

By @Anndee Hochman During a December 2017 convening in Philadelphia, several leaders from Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) realized they had more in common than a passion for building resilience in their communities. They all hailed from places that had recently been scorched or flooded by natural disasters: wildfires in California and the Columbia River Gorge, hurricanes in Florida, the lingering residue of 2012’s post-tropical cyclone Sandy in the Northeast.

7-Part Series on Movement Building Strategies for Cross-Sector Networks

Communities across the country are leveraging the power of cross-sector networks to build momentum for the ACEs and resilience movement. Learn more about their strategies in this seven-part series from the Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities Shared Learnings collection. GETTING ON THE SAME PAGE: DEVELOPING A STRATEGIC PLAN Philadelphia + San Diego County | Strategic Planning Read more THE LEARNING GOES BOTH WAYS: ENGAGING COMMUNITY MEMBERS IN RESILIENCE WORK Boston + Wisconsin |...

WEBINAR Parental Substance Use, Opioid Misuse, and Child Welfare [CTIPP]

Campaign for Trauma Informed Practice and Policy Webinar Tuesday, May 22, 2018 3:00PM - 4:30 PM EDT Parental Substance Use, Opioid Misuse, and Child Welfare In this webinar we will present results from a mixed methods study demonstrating that there is a relationship between substance use and opioid misuse prevalence, and child welfare outcomes. The presenters will discuss the unique challenges the current opioid epidemic is presenting to child welfare systems. Presenters Annette L. Waters ,...

Webinars: Transformational Resilience for climate traumas and toxic stresses [ITRC]

The International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC) is offering 4 free 1-hour introductory webinars next month on methods for helping individuals and groups constructively cope with the traumas and toxic stresses of climate impacts, and use them as catalysts to increase wellbeing. For more information and to register see below. Introduction to Transformational Resilience for Climate Change When : Tuesday March 13 from 12 noon--1 pm Pacific Time To register for this webinar click...

Community Voices: Creating a Just, Healthy and Resilient World

Introducing a new collection from Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC), "Community Voices: Creating a Just, Healthy and Resilient World." These stories, captured by Anndee Hochman, highlight the power of cross-sector collaboration to build community resilience. They were inspired by the conversations we had and the places we visited during our 2016-2017 site visits to all 14 communities participating in MARC.

Program increases awareness of effects of childhood trauma []

Posted January 14, 2018 06:24 am - Updated January 14, 2018 05:44 pm By ALEX McCARTHY Those running CLEAR hope to help students who have suffered from trauma to perform better in school and society. As Natalie Turner walked into a fourth-grade classroom at Glacier Valley Elementary on Friday, the fingers started wiggling. The fourth-graders greeted her silently, holding up their index fingers and bending them up and down. Turner returned the gesture, which they call the “one-finger wave,”...

Survey Tracks Adverse Childhood Experiences []

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently released a national survey of children's health that shows almost half of American kids experience traumatic experiences. The study was produced by CAHMI, the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative . Martha Davis is Senior Program Officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She is disturbed by the compendium in the 2016 edition of the National Survey of Children's Health and an analysis conducted by CAHMI. "What it shows is a state...

Call for Proposals: Building Trust and Mutual Respect to Improve Health Care []

2017 Call for Proposals Release Date: September 12, 2017 | Application Deadline: October 13, 2017, 3:00 p.m. ET Purpose The 2017 Building Trust and Mutual Respect to Improve Health Care call for proposals (CFP) will fund empirical research studies to help us better understand how to build trust and mutual respect to meet vulnerable patients’ health care needs. For this CFP, we would define vulnerable populations in a number of different ways, including the economically disadvantaged, diverse...

MARC Brown Bag Webinar Series: September Sessions & Archives

Join Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) for a series of free, short (45-minute) webinars with national leaders who will share some of their expertise and engage in dialogue with you on key strategies for creating just, healthy and resilient communities. Seats are limited, but recordings will be available after each session. Register at for the following sessions: Thursday, September 7 @ 1pm ET Melissa Merrick, PhD —Preventing Child Abuse and...

ITRC 2018 California Conference: Preparing People for Climate Change in California

To See the Conference Agenda, List of All-Star Speakers, and To Register Click Here Why Should Californians Attend This Unique Conference ? From high levels of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), to job and financial struggles, racism and other forms of inequity and injustice, traumatic stress is epidemic today. Climate change will aggravate all of these existing adversities, and add many new ones as well. Yet, California is leading the U.S. in finding innovative new ways to address...

Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities Brown Bag Webinar Series (Free!)

In each of these free 45-minute sessions, a member of the national advisory committee for Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) will share some of their expertise and engage in dialogue with you on key strategies for creating just, healthy and resilient communities. Seats are limited, but recordings will be available after each session. More information at

Community Organizing: Resistance and Resilience (MARC Brown Bag Webinar, 6/20)

Register for the MARC Brown Bag Webinar with Kathryn Evans Madden , Community Organizing: Resistance and Resilience (June 20th, 12-12:45pm ET). **Only a few seats left** VISIT: While you're there, check out the video and slides from the Brown Bag Webinar on June 14th with Sandra Bloom , Healthy Systems are Trauma-Informed and Trauma-Responsive , and see the line-up for more great sessions! Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) is a learning...

MARC Announces Brown Bag Webinar Series with National Advisors

Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities is pleased to announce a series of webinars featuring our 11 national advisors. In each of these short 45-minute sessions, one of our advisors will share some of their expertise and engage in dialogue with you on key strategies for creating just, healthy and resilient communities. Visit for more information.

Pulse Check on Multi-Sector Partnerships [ReThink Health]

Just Released: Findings from the 2016 Pulse Check Multi-sector partnerships play an increasingly significant role in the movement to improve heath, equity, and economic prosperity. These partnerships recognize that many of our most pressing challenges defy sector boundaries, and cannot be effectively addressed by any one institution alone. Progress Along the Pathway to Health System Transformation: A Pulse Check on Multi-Sector Partnerships is the only survey of its kind to ask leaders...

RWJF Funding Opportunity "Raising Places: Building Child-Centered Communities"

2017 Call for Proposals Release Date: March 6, 2017 Purpose Raising Places catalyzes local momentum for cross-sector collaboration, engaging diverse partners to build healthier communities where all children and their families can thrive. Through Raising Places , Greater Good Studio will offer a catalytic process—bringing together diverse stakeholders in communities primed to move from ideas to action and to create long-term, sustainable change. Through this process, communities will explore...

Webinar on Applying the ACEs Framework to Fatality Review and Prevention

Many thanks to Sonoma County for sharing the following announcement! The National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention announces an upcoming Webinar on: Applying the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Framework to Fatality Review and Prevention WHEN: March 8, 2017, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET Webinar will be recorded and posted with the slides on the NCFRP website: Opening Remarks : Bethany Miller,* M.Ed., MSW, Health Resources and Services Administration Director of Injury...

The Raising of America User Survey

From California Newsreel : Dear Friends and Colleagues, Will you take The Raising of America User Survey? We want to hear from those who have used The Raising of America to broaden the conversation around early childhood! With thousands of events and screenings across the nation, it is time to evaluate how the series is being used -- what's working, what isn't -- and the impact it is having. The survey is 35 questions, will take about 20 minutes to complete, and is anonymous. Please take the...

RWJF Call for Proposals: Coordinating Efforts to Enhance Hospitals' Role in Population Health

SEE MORE HERE: DEADLINE: March 01, 2017, 3:00 p.m. ET Release Date: February 1, 2017 Purpose The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is seeking proposals from organizations who can serve in the role of a coordinating office to enhance hospitals’ role in population health. The Foundation (RWJF) is committed to building a Culture of Health in America, which includes fostering cross-sector collaboration to improve population health, well-being, and equity. We recognize that...

RWJF Call for Applications: Interdisciplinary Research Leaders Program

Interdisciplinary Research Leaders (IRL) is a national leadership development program that brings together teams of researchers and community leaders to: • Connect a community’s pressing needs to health research and policy efforts; • Collaborate and share expertise to build healthier, more equitable communities. • Develop leadership and advanced research skills for building a Culture of Health, enabling all people to live longer, healthier lives now and for generations to come. For this...

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