Posts By Denise Connors

Complex Trauma Symposium: Canadian Perspectives and Initiatives
Montreal Quebec
Finding the True Self: The Enneagram Prison Project
This is a link to a group Zoom interview/discussion moderated by Susan Olesek of the Enneagram Prison Project, based in Santa Clara, California and doing outreach to people who are incarcerated in several prisons in the US and soon to be expanding to other countries (~1 hr. long). The special guests include Dr. Gabor Mate, a physician and author with expertise on addiction. The other guests are people who have been incarcerated and who have lived with addiction. The revelations about who...
The ACEs Wave: Cautions and Considerations
The Public Health Agency of Canada broadcast a presentation in January 2019: The ACEs Wave: Cautions and Considerations. The presentation was given by two of Canada's leading experts on child maltreatment, Dr. Andrea Gonzales and Dr. Harriet MacMillan. They explore cautions and considerations regarding use of ACEs across clinical, policy and research contexts. Below are links to the audio recording and to the Power Point slides in English and French. "In recent years increasing attention has...
All the little fragments: Understanding complex relational trauma [AnnieWrightPsychotherapy.com]
Sharing an excerpt from a post from Annie Wright Psychotherapy. https://anniewrightpsychotherapy.com/all-the-little-fragments-understanding-complex-relational-trauma/ “There is no growth without real feeling. Children not loved for who they are do not learn how to love themselves. Their growth is an exercise in pleasing others, not in expanding through experience. As adults, they must learn to nurture their own lost child.” ― Marion Woodman Two weeks ago, I wrote an article about child abuse...
All the Little Fragments: Understanding complex relational trauma
Fantastic opportunity: Brain Builders Lab
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has launched an initiative to support those who are Brain Story certified in moving their knowledge into action. Since launching the Brain Story Certification course in 2016 over 17,000 Canadians have enrolled, 1,500 from the US and 1,500 internationally, that's over 20,000 people enrolled! To this end, CCSA is organizing a 2-day event in Ottawa in March 2019: the “Brain Builders Lab”. This event will bring together Brain Story alumni...
Merging Brain Science and Trauma Informed Care at Boyle McCauley Health Centre in Edmonton Alberta
Alberta Community Health Centre and Change in Mind initiative
Atlantic Canada ACE and TIP Network: Introduction & Invitation
(Cissy's note: We have over 150 communities on ACEs Connection. This is a global movement with a growing international community. We are thrilled to have two more amazing ACEs Connection Community Managers to work with, learn from, and support. Please meet @Elizabeth Perry, @Denise Connors & welcome them as they launch the Atlantic Canada ACE & TIP Network ). We in Atlantic Canada are interested in advancing ACE Awareness & Trauma Informed Practice...
Investment in a social pediatrics initiative (www.fetenbday.gnb.ca)
(Cissy's note: grateful for all our Atlantic Canada Community is sharing with us all!) Excerpt from News release: Read more.