Posts By Ellen Goldstein

Applications of Trauma-Informed Care in Outpatient Psychiatric Settings: Neuropsychiatric approaches to programs, patients, and providers

Treating Depression With Trauma-Informed Care in Chile

Treating Depression With Trauma-Informed Care in Chile

Strengthening Families Through Protective Factors: Key Findings from the Pediatric Resiliency Collaborative (PeRC) Research Study

Strengthening Families Through Protective Factors: Key Findings from the Pediatric Resiliency Collaborative (PeRC) Research Study

Integrating Trauma-Informed Care: An Educational Intervention on Racial Trauma for Medical Trainees

Integrating Trauma-Informed Care: An Educational Intervention on Racial Trauma for Medical Trainees
Readiness for Trauma-Informed Health Care and uptake of ACEs Screening
Brigid McCaw, MD, MS, MPH, FACP and Edward Machtinger, MD, will be joined by Nicole Eberhart, PhD, for the presentation November 18, 2024, at Noon PDT, 1 pm MT, 2 pm CT and 3 pm ET. Continuing our series from the TIHCER Special Section on TIC in The Permanente Journal… Readiness for Trauma-Informed Health Care and uptake of ACEs Screening: Learnings from the California ACEs Learning and Quality Improvement Collaborative (CALQIC) We will present evaluation data from CALQIC, a 48 clinic and...

Readiness for Trauma-Informed Health Care and uptake of ACEs Screening

Readiness for Trauma-Informed Health Care and uptake of ACEs Screening

Utilizing Trauma Informed Care Principles to Enhance Care for Refugee and Migrant Populations

Utilizing Trauma Informed Care Principles to Enhance Care for Refugee and Migrant Populations
Utilizing Trauma Informed Care Principles to Enhance Care for Refugee and Migrant Populations
The National Collaborative on Trauma-Informed Health Care, Education and Research (TIHCER) presents: Utilizing Trauma Informed Care Principles to Enhance Care for Refugee and Migrant Populations Migrants at the U.S.-Mexican border suffer from some of the most insidious health crises imaginable. This year alone, hundreds have died or been seriously injured from heat-related injuries, wall-falls, drownings, and neglect. Thousands suffer mental health crises because of their experiences;...
Special Section on Innovations in Trauma-Informed Health Care
We are delighted to share that our special section on 'Innovations in Trauma-Informed Health Care' is now available online. Access the special collection: https://www.thepermanentejournal.org/collection-trauma-informed-healthcare Access the full issue: https://www.thepermanentejournal.org/toc/tpj/28/1 Download a pdf of the entire special section (TOC attached): https://tihcer.weebly.com/trauma-informed-health-care.html Please help us to spread the word by sharing the above URLs with your...

Navigating Journeys: Chile Crece Contigo's Integrated Health Approach to Child and Family Well-Being, a Chilean Model for Family Support in the Healthcare System

Navigating Journeys: Chile Crece Contigo's Integrated Health Approach to Child and Family Well-Being, a Chilean Model for Family Support in the Healthcare System
Navigating Journeys: Chile Crece Contigo's Integrated Health Approach to Child and Family Well-Being, a Chilean Model for Family Support in the Healthcare System
The National Collaborative on Trauma-Informed Health Care, Education and Research (TIHCER) presents: Navigating Journeys: Chile Crece Contigo's Integrated Health Approach to Child and Family Well-Being, a Chilean Model for Family Support in the Healthcare System – Dr. Claudia Lara This session offers an exploration of Chile Crece Contigo's integrated health service model. It will begin with an introduction to Chile Crece Contigo and its global objectives, followed by a look at the...
Trauma-Informed Competency Set for Undergraduate Medical Education
The National Collaborative on Trauma-Informed Health Care, Education and Research (TIHCER) presents: Trauma-Informed Competency Set for Undergraduate Medical Education Trauma is nearly universal and a root cause of numerous health and social problems, including 6 of the 10 leading causes of death. Research has substantiated the profound impact of trauma on the brain and body - and why trauma training is critical to the education and practice of health professionals. Yet a critical lag...

Trauma-Informed Competency Set for Undergraduate Medical Education

Trauma-Informed Competency Set for Undergraduate Medical Education

SunnysideFlex: A Web-Based Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder during Pregnancy

SunnysideFlex: A Web-Based Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder during Pregnancy
SunnysideFlex: A Web-Based Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder during Pregnancy
The Trauma Informed Health Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents, SunnysideFlex: A Web-Based Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder during Pregnancy Presentation: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects 4-8% of women in the general population during pregnancy, but up to 33% of women from disadvantaged or minoritized communities. Unfortunately, PTSD is rarely detected or treated in obstetric settings. Further, there is a massive shortage of providers trained in...

Orientation to the Brain Story and Resilience Scale

Orientation to the Brain Story and Resilience Scale
Orientation to the Brain Story and Resilience Scale
The Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents, Orientation to the Brain Story and Resilience Scale The Palix Foundation, through the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative, developed the Resilience Scale Metaphor as a means of communicating the key messages of The Brain Story more effectively. Resilience can be defined as the ability to respond positively in the face of adversity. The metaphor depicts how our positive and negative experiences exist in a...

Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences and Association with Adult Mental and Relational Health in Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows

Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences and Association with Adult Mental and Relational Health in Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows
Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences and Association with Adult Mental and Relational Health in Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows
Hosted by the Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative: Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences and Association with Adult Mental and Relational Health in Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows Presentation Description: We will present the findings of this study, which assessed PACEs and mental and relational health in adulthood in over 1,500 medical trainees from four Academic Institutions across the U.S. Results may help medical educators better target...

Trauma-Informed Workplaces
Trauma-Informed Workplaces
The Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents... Vickie Choitz, Director of Trauma and Resilience at Work Corporation for a Skilled Workforce In this webinar, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) will share information on how to cultivate trauma-informed workplaces to support staff who experience toxic stress and trauma. They will share examples from the Detroit at Work public workforce development system; a pilot with substance use disorder...

Resilience: An Essential Ingredient in Building Health and Well-being

Resilience: An Essential Ingredient in Building Health and Well-being
Resilience: An Essential Ingredient in Building Health and Well-being
The Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents: L aurie Leitch, Ph.D. has been a practicing psychotherapist, clinical trainer, consultant, social entrepreneur, and researcher for over 25 years. She is Director of Threshold GlobalWorks ( www.thresholdglobalworks.com ), dedicated to cultivating and amplifying resilience in individuals and within communities, organizations, and systems. Committed to promoting workplaces and communities in which principled...

TIHCER June Zoom with Jorina Elbers -- HeartMath for Trauma Dysregulation

TIHCER June Zoom with Jorina Elbers -- HeartMath for Trauma Dysregulation
TIHCER June Zoom with Jorina Elbers -- HeartMath for Trauma Dysregulation
The Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents... Dr. Jorina Elbers is a Canadian board-certified pediatric neurologist with a master’s degree in epidemiology from Stanford University. She was as an assistant professor of Neurology and attending physician at Stanford for 6-years where she researched the clinical profiles of children with medically-unexplained symptoms and their relationship to adverse childhood experiences. She is trained in EMDR,...

Building Individual and Community Well-Being: The Community Resiliency Model
Building Individual and Community Well-Being: The Community Resiliency Model
The Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents, Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW, and Dr. Lindy Grabbe, who will share their experiences in cultivating well-being in individuals and communities using the Community Resiliency Model (CRM). They will share the basic tenets of the Community Resiliency Model, which is based on cutting-edge neuroscience and teaches six wellness skills to restore the mind, body, and spirit to well-being during or after a stressful...
Creating Safe and Supportive Environments at University Health
Sarah A. Sebton, MPA, MPH, PMP, LBBP Presentation Description: University Health began its Trauma-Informed Care journey in early 2020, weeks before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. In the last three years, University Health has made great strides in transforming its organizational culture to be more trauma-informed, striving to create a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment where patients and staff are empowered to take part in their own wellbeing. Sarah Sebton earned her Masters of Public...

Creating Safe and Supportive Environments at University Health

Creating Safe and Supportive Environments at University Health
Considerations and Barriers in Implementing TIC: Reflections on Conversations with Industry Leaders
Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative Presenter : Maurice E. Hicks Jr., Medical and MBA Student at U of Minnesota During this session, Mo will briefly introduce some of the novel ways he has approached building trauma-informed care solutions, before using the rest of the hour to facilitate a discussion on considerations and barriers to TIC implementation. Bio: After graduating from Carleton College with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Mo gained...

Considerations and Barriers in Implementing TIC: Reflections on Conversations with Industry Leaders

Considerations and Barriers in Implementing Trauma Informed Care: Reflections on Conversations with Industry Leaders

Epic’s Trauma-Informed Care Workgroup: Could the EMR support trauma-informed care principles and initiatives?