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Jabulile Mutale

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Posts By Jabulile Mutale

Marital Emotional Neglect/Abuse. The Damage it causes.

Emotional neglect. It’s a quiet relationship killer, slowly dimming the light between two people. Before you know it, you feel alone even when your partner is right there. I’ve been there. I remember that gnawing loneliness, the constant ache for a real emotional connection. It’s debilitating. My goal is to help anyone experiencing emotional neglect feel less alone. Consider this a safe space to find hope, gain clarity, and remember your worth. This comes from a place of empathy — not...

Launch of the "Power Of the Mind" Conferences

Launch of the "Power Of the Mind" Conferences. Do join us 💃🏽🥳🎉🥳❤️ Join the Movement by clicking the link below and getting yourself a ticket/s for Conference Launch. Be a part of the work we are doing. God bless you!🥰❤️ #comealivemovement #jointhemovement #shareyourstory #speakupagainstabuse #speakupspeakout #standupforyourself #foryourinspiration #foryouシ


A very huge component of Emotional Neglect in marriages that we must talk about is Sexuality . Emotional neglect refers to the lack of emotional support from your partner, including lack of interest, affection, or validation. Sexual neglect, on the other hand, occurs when your partner is not sexually available to you or does not satisfy your sexual needs. Sex is not just physical. It's emotional and spiritual. Why do you think people cry when it's done really well? It's because it touches...

Never Stop Dreaming!

I 'm a small girl, with Big dreams, and an even bigger God on her side!😍 See that phone in my hands? That's where I restarted my Online Counseling practice. I had to give up on my dreams about 4 years ago, because my husband didn't believe in them and told me to choose between my dreams and our marriage. Eventually, I had to choose myself. I did my second counseling certification course on that phone. Then last year in May 2022, I started offering my Online Counseling Services using that...

Emotional Neglect in Marriages

This is a topic I'm extremely passionate about. Those who know me, know that any form of mistreatment/harm to a human being, especially women and children, I'm deeply passionate about. Unfortunately, going by people's responses when you bring it up and even just what people are taught generally about marriage, it's a topic our global society doesn't see as anything serious, yet it is a HUGE SILENT KILLER! To make it worse, even some professional and Christian counselors dismiss the reality...

Come ALIVE Movement Zambia 2022 ANNUAL REPORT

Greetings Everyone! Jabu here! Founder of Come ALIVE Movement. I hope this report finds you in good health, both in body and mind. Thank you so very much to everyone who encouraged, supported, enquired, and even critiqued the efforts made by the organization this last year. Every's input is greatly valued! Background Let me begin by sharing what Come ALIVE Movement is all about and give a bit of background: Come ALIVE Movement was initially created to bring healing to survivors of Sexual...

Day 5, 16 days of activism against gender-based violence

Today is Giving Tuesday and we emplore you to seriously consider becoming a consistent financial or material partner of Come ALIVE Movement. 99% of the work we do is free, because the majority of the people we serve simply cannot afford to pay for the services they so desperately need. Partner with us, and help us do more. No amount is too small, or too big. You could also consider becoming a volunteer. We will give you the training you need. Our Current Activities: - General Counseling...

Day 4, 16 days of activism against gender-based violence

Today we are challenging beliefs on masculinity and doing some reflection. Toxic masculinity drives violence against women. Evidence shows that women in relationships with men whose beliefs and behaviours reinforce male dominance and gender inequality are more likely to experience intimate partner violence. Traditional concepts of masculinity tend to emphasize traits like aggression, strength and control—while disparaging sensitivity, empathy, vulnerability and other traits traditionally...


Ending violence against women is everyone’s business. You can make a difference, safely and impactfully by: 1. Listening to and believing survivors. When a woman shares her story of violence, she takes the first step to break the cycle of abuse. It’s on all of us to give her the safe space she needs to speak up and be heard. It’s important to remember that when discussing cases of sexual violence, a victim’s sobriety, clothes, and sexuality are irrelevant. The perpetrator is the sole reason...

Building a PACEs Community in Zambia.

Hello Everyone! My name is Jabulile Daka. For the past 5 years, I've been running an organization called Come ALIVE Movement, here in Zambia. I started this organization in order to reach more individuals that have suffered ACEs, and need healing. I have personally dealt with quiet a number of young ladies and some young men, who have suffered the Post Traumatic Stress of Child Sexual Abuse and other ACEs. I've seen first hand how these things take a toll on these individuals. I've seen it...


Hello everyone. I'm jabulile Daka, and I run the PACEs Community here is Zambian. I'm honest at my wit's end right now. I've tried everything in my knowledge to make things work for both my organisation and myself, but nothing is working. I recently asked for a divorce from my husband who has been extremely emotionally neglectful, and even abusive. Now I'm supporting my 3 children on my own, but nothing is working!😩 I have no food in the house, and I've just been evicted from my home and I...

Emotional neglect in marriages, part two

Emotional neglect is a topic that is rarely discussed, even by psychologists, and most people don't recognise it as a problem. Emotional neglect is so easily misunderstood because, unlike emotional or physical abuse that have actual negative actions, emotional neglect is a LACK of action. In other words, emotional neglect refers to a person’s failure or refusal to respond adequately to another’s emotional needs. Dr. Jonice Webb defines it this way: “Emotional neglect is a failure to notice,...

Emotional neglect in marriages

This is a topic I'm extremely passionate about. Those who know me, know that any form of mistreatment/harm to a human being, especially women and children, I'm deeply passionate about. Unfortunately, going by people's responses when you bring it up and even just how women are taught generally about marriage, it's a topic our Zambian society doesn't see as anything serious, yet it is a HUGE SILENT KILLER! To make it worse, even some professional and Christian counselors dismiss the reality of...

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