Posts By Kimberly T Konkel

Suicidologist and Utah Gubernatorial Candidates Discuss Suicide
Rural Communities Opioid Response (Planning) (RCORP) Initiative Grants
The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) plans to award up to 75 grants to rural communities as part of a new Rural Communities Opioid Response (Planning) (RCORP) initiative in FY 18. Successful awardees will receive up to $200,000 for one-year to develop plans to implement opioid use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery interventions designed to reduce opioid overdoses among rural populations. The initiative will focus...
Minority Mental Health Summit: Healing through Peace, Purpose, and Prevention
American Psychological Association
WEBINAR: Cultural Competencies for an Aging LGBTQ Population
Call: Surgeon General Issues Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health
Toll Free Number: (888) 469-0884 PARTICIPANT code: 2266829

3rd Annual TiCong aka Meeting of the Building Resilient Communities Thru Trauma Informed Congregations Community of Practice
Hubert Humphrey Building, Washington DC
#OWHOpioidSummit Webcast September 29-30
POTUS Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity Task Force
White House Discussion with Faith and Community Leaders regarding the events in Dallas, Baton Rouge, and Falcon Heights

Call to Action for Faith Leaders to Highlight the Need for Increased Access to Treatment
TiCong June Meeting
Your Comments Wanted to Align and Modernize Medicare Payments
The Department of Health and Human Services has issued a proposal to align and modernize how Medicare payments are tied to the cost and quality of patient care for hundreds of thousands of doctors and other clinicians. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is a first step in implementing certain provisions of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). This legislation – supported by a bipartisan majority and stakeholders such as patient groups and medical a ssociations –...
TiCong Monthly Meeting
Creating Trauma Informed Systems in AI/AN Communities
Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel
The United State of Women
Grant Announcements and Technical Assistance Webinars: Communities Addressing Childhood Trauma (ACT) & Re-Entry Community Linkages (RE-LINK) Program
Hello all, I wanted to raise your awareness of these two great funding opportunities. I believe there a a few groups here that might be perfect ... Communities Addressing Childhood Trauma (ACT) Estimated Funding Level: $3,000,000 per budget period Expected Number of Awards : 7-9 Range of Awards : $325,000 to $400,000 per budget period Anticipated Start Date : 07/01/2016 Period of Performance : Not to exceed five years Budget Period Length: 12 months Application Deadline: April 18, 2016 by 5...
Trauma Informed Congregations Community of Practice Monthly Meeting
A Call to Action for Faith Based Leaders: Combat Substance Use Disorders in Your Communities
Suicide and Race []
In 2013, there were more than 41,000 deaths as a result of suicide in the U.S. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death, claiming more lives each year than death due to motor vehicle crashes. Especially alarming, it is the second leading...
Human Rights and Policy: Creating a Trauma-informed Policy Agenda
By Andrea Blanch, PhD, Carol Boyer, MA, Mary Blake, CRE While the term “trauma-informed” is relatively new, the concept shares historical roots with ISTSS. As described in detail by Sandy Bloom, ISTSS grew out of a broad social...
Trauma Informed Facebook
Hello ACEs Connection Friends, I wanted to invited you to join a Facebook page created to expand access to trauma informed practices, approaches, and communities. We would love to have you participate. Join us...
Conference Call: Ending Veterans Homelessness in 2015: Doing Your Part To Help Veterans
1 (866) 216-6835 access code 303744
Introduction to EvaluACTION
EvaluACTION is designed for people interested in learning about program evaluation and how to apply it to their work. Evaluation is a process, one dependent on what you’re currently doing and on the direction in which you’d like go....
Funding Opportunity: Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program
Dear Colleagues, The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is announcing the availability of funds for supportive services grants under the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program. The NOFA contains information concerning...
Special Issue of the Journal of Women’s Health on Intimate Partner Violence
January 27, 2015 Dear Colleague, A special issue of the Journal of Women’s Health, released on January 22, details how intimate partner violence (IPV) has a profound impact on the health of our nation’s women and girls. Such violence...
White House Conference Call on Combatting Human Trafficking
Brain recalls old memories via new pathways
NIH-funded researchers have discovered that an old fear memory is recalled by a separate brain pathway from the one originally used to recall it when it was fresh. Uncovering new pathways for old memories could change scientists’ view of...
2015 Healthy Aging Summit: Register Now!
Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC
FREE TRAINING: Trafficking, Trauma & Trauma-Informed Care for Domestic Trafficking Survivors
Suicide Risk & Risk of Death Among Recent Veterans
Among deployed and non-deployed active duty Veterans who served during the Iraq or Afghanistan wars between 2001 and 2007, the rate of suicide was greatest the first three years after leaving service, according to a recent study. Compared to the...