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Leisa Irwin

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Posts By Leisa Irwin

Hysterectomy Triggers Renewal of Childhood Trauma (CPTSD)

TRIGGER ALERT - CONTENT REFERENCING SEXUAL ASSAULT, CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING, PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL ABUSE. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I don’t think it matters which month it is—when you feel called to share a portion of your story the calendar is irrelevant. In my case, the calendar serendipitously lined up with a surgery that occurred the same month. I had a full hysterectomy because of a large fibroid tumor in the wall of my uterus and multiple tumors in and on my ovaries. The...

Inmates can't afford to communicate with their children or families - Another example of an unjust justice system

In an oddly placed story, the Arts and Entertainment section of the Star Tribune in Minnesota covered the cost of phone calls for inmates after the FCC decided that it would not support caps on cost for inmates to make calls. The article starts out talking about the Netflix series, Orange is the New Black, but this issue isn't fiction, it's impacting families all over the United States. In criminal justice reform this issue could easily get lost when larger issues like mental health are so...

Calming Activity Possibly Helpful for Those Living With Anxiety or PTSD

A few months ago I started watching April the Giraffe, via a live animal camera (cam) at Animal Adventure Park in New York. It had been such a relaxing experience that I missed it when it was turned off. I used to fall asleep watching the giraffes. I was delighted when I found another website,, and realized that they had cameras all over the world, including in Africa where I could watch giraffes, elephants, hippos, zebras, and so many more animals in their natural habitat. For...

A Reflection of Real Life and the Amazing Influence of People: The Saga of C-PTSD Continues

I'd like to believe that part of life is about taking chances, taking risks, and about having a support network that will be there when you fall. I struggle with the last part, because when I fell down the rabbit hole almost two years ago (I had a mental health crisis and was then diagnosed with a mental illness), I felt abandoned by the people who were closest to me. I had built much of my life - maybe all of my life - around my career. I never felt like I had a job like other people seem...

Explaining the symptoms of PTSD or C-PTSD

Author’s Note: It took me over a month to write this because simply describing what it is like to struggle with the symptoms of C-PTSD resulted in triggering fear, anxiety, and flashbacks. I persisted with this narrative because I want people who have never experienced the complexities of this illness to have a better understanding of what someone with PTSD or C-PTSD might be trying to manage. If you personally struggle with anxiety, have PTSD or C-PTSD, or you are triggered by descriptions...

April the Giraffe - An Unplanned Social Experiment and What We Can Learn From It

Viral videos are not new. Every few weeks, something will be posted in a forum such as YouTube or Facebook; a few friends will share the video with one another, and then suddenly, that video is being watched by millions. The most recent viral video takes this to a new level. April the Giraffe was not just a video, it was a live camera streaming online, allowing viewers to watch a pregnant giraffe and ultimately watch the birth of her calf. So, what makes the viral giraffe cam different than...

Integrating ACEs science and trauma-informed practices in your school district - what role does the administrator play?

Schools are the best opportunity to address ACEs on a large scale. Other than time at home, school is the place where children spend the majority of their time. And if a child's home life is full of strife, school might be the only place where the child feels safe. ACEs are common, and yet, it can be difficult to know which students need extra support. And rather than create additional programs that single out anyone or any group of students, and potentially having students fall through the...

Setting the Wheels in Motion - Becoming a Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive School

[Ed. note: This is cross-posted from the ACEs in Education group, where Leisa Irwin is the community editor. If you want more information about trauma-informed schools, please join the ACEs in Education group.] I recently wrote a blog post about how to take the first step in creating a trauma informed care model (TIC) in your school. The first step, Establishing a Baseline, is necessary because it fuels future steps in the process. In the blog post "Is Your School Ready to be Trauma Informed...

Is Your School Ready to be Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive?

If you are like many teachers, social workers, or administrators in schools, you've been reading about the need for trauma informed care and trauma sensitive schools. Odds are you didn't need to read the research to know something that you were already seeing in your classrooms, school hallways, and community. Unfortunately reading about it, seeing the need, wanting to make changes, doesn't make the change happen. Five years ago, as the executive director of a school that needed to change, I...

Inherited Epigenetic and Behavioral Consequences of Trauma Could be Reversed []

by Bailey Kirkpatrick, What is Epigenetics August 16, 2016 It’s possible that the impact of traumatic experiences may be epigenetically inherited via molecular memory that is passed down through generations. Although still controversial, new research takes this concept a step further and demonstrates that traumatic behavior could be reversed when it would otherwise be inherited. A study, published in Neuropsychopharmacology , was conducted by researchers at the University of Zurich and ETH...

When You Can't "Fix" the Problem

Summer 2014   Two weeks ago one of my students ran away from home.  She is 16 years old, and is not typically a student who is on my "radar" as someone I have to "watch." So when she ran away, I was surprised.  My initial thought was,...

Paladin Class of 2014!

My Speech at Paladin's Class of 2014 Commencement Ceremony Congratulations, to all of you who have come so far, and made it to this evening, the celebration of your graduation, the Commencement of the Class of 2014. This past year, these past...

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