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Marcella Maggio

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Points: 817
Member Rank: #352

Posts By Marcella Maggio

Showing UP for Sophia: Dear John,

Watching Marriage Story on New Year’s Eve was the ending I needed to witness in order to understand our own. Like Charlie and Nicole, we have history, we share a child, and we both want our child to be raised in an environment where she can thrive. While our similarities don’t stop there, the difference in how their ending started inspired me to follow suit. A mediator encouraged them to write a note of positivity to remember why they got married (together) in the first place. Here is mine:...

CHARM at Work – Strengthening Collaborative Relationships

On October 30th, Alejandra Aguilar (California Partnership to End Domestic Violence) and I (It’s My Life) attended Essentials for Childhood Initiative's (EfCI) Convening and shared C.H.A.R.M. at Work with fellow attendees to influence their collaborative relationships during the day and for the future. Collaboration is a key factor in building business. People thrive in environments which free them to communicate and work together. When the environment is focused on collaboration, team...

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