Profile Information
Flagstaff, AZ
United States
Postal Code
What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)
Early Educator - Former preschool teacher completing ABUS to direct.
What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?
I've been a member of organizations like NEAYC, AZEarlyEdRegistry, NHSA, First Things First, Conscious Discipline for 4-12 years.
What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?
As an Early Educator with an exhaustive list of my own ACE's, I have always prioritized the need to continue expanding my knowledge on social/emotional skills at an early age. I also am a c-PTSD patient, a single mother and a vision for a better life for families like us who are resilient in many ways.
If you're part of a community-based PACEs initiative, which one?
I'm not yet!