Communities Rick Herranz Sr. Belongs To
PublicActive720 Members
This is the dedicated global community of individuals who support or lead PACEs initiatives online & on-the-ground who gather here to discuss the process of utilizing the Growing Resilient Communities framework to start & growing resilient communities, exchange evidence-based practices, and practice-based evidence. Questions, ideas, and shared resources are all welcome!
PublicActive266 Members
The members of Arizona ACE Consortium promote ideas, policies and practices that reduce and prevent childhood adversity and build resilience in individuals, families and communities. ACEs can last a lifetime, but they don't have to.
PublicActive643 Members
Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices.
"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela
PublicActive2,039 Members
A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
PublicActive280 Members
Join in conversations inspired by Donna Jackson Nakazawa's book, Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal. We'll chat about the latest research on how ACEs can affect our health, happiness, and relationships; vent a little; and brainstorm our best ideas for resiliency and healing.
PublicActive158 Members
The First 5 Association Trauma Informed Collaborative aims to build awareness, share information, and knowledge about best practices to improve the ability of First 5 commissions to integrate Trauma Informed Care into our work across the state of California.
PublicActive239 Members
The Greater Richmond (VA) Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) is a diverse group of professionals from a cross sector of organizations and government agencies and community members who are dedicated to supporting and advocating for continuous trauma-informed care for all children and families in the City of Richmond and surrounding counties.
PublicActive136 Members
The Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative is a broad range of multi-sectoral stakeholders committed to expanding the understanding of trauma and ACEs and their impact on the health and well-being of Illinois children, families, communities, and systems. Through advocacy and mobilization efforts, we work to put the issues of ACEs, trauma, and resilience on the forefront of health equity in Illinois.
PublicActive575 Members
Indigenous Wisdom, supported by Western Medicine and ACEs science, will heal all living things, (animal life, plant life, Mother Earth, human beings). The prophecy of Crazy Horse is manifesting. We are the Seventh Generation.
PublicActive161 Members
We share information and exchange ideas related to adverse childhood experiences, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions in Minnesota.
PublicActive62 Members
We raise community awareness about the role of trauma in health - mental, physical and behavioral - and to create an innovative paradigm shift in the medical system. This will be carried out through the creation of warm, accessible and inviting parenting sites that create relationships to help families prevent and intervene early in the trauma affecting their children.
PublicActive1,409 Members
Identify and promote practices that build child caregiver capabilities and improve child outcomes including: the impact of childcare business decisions; building child caregiver skills and resilience; child caregiver turnover; child caregiver ACE histories and healthy boundaries in the workplace.
PublicActive3,058 Members
We share ideas, information and stories about mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in the K-12 environment.
PublicActive807 Members
We advocate for the bio/psycho/social well being of foster children. We recognize, acknowledge and validate the trauma endured by children placed in foster care. We embrace the capacity of healing and ultimate recovery for foster children with family, community and professional support.
PublicActive378 Members
PACEs in Maternal Health is a community of individuals who seek to raise awareness and deepen understanding about the association of adverse childhood experiences and the lifelong impacts on maternal health.
PublicActive561 Members
Discussion and sharing of resources in working with clients involved in the criminal justice system and how screening for and treating ACEs will lead to successful re-entry of prisoners into the community and reduced recidivism for former offenders.
PublicActive750 Members
Connecting and informing the faith community how to integrate PACE concepts into the faith-based community.
PublicActive427 Members
Discussion of Transition and Reentry issues of out of home (treatment, detention, sheltered, etc.) youth back to their families and communities. Frequently these youth have fallen behind in their schooling, have reduced motivation, and lack skills to navigate requirements to successfully re-enter school programs or even to move ahead with their dreams.
PublicActive1,943 Members
How do we honor both lived & learned expertise to break down barriers between parents & professionals? How do PACE-impacted families best access healing, hope & health? How might parent education, training, & support services if co-created with families & in community?
PublicActive1,420 Members
“We have the capacity, within ourselves, to create better health," writes Donna Jackson Nakazawa. We can improve our health no matter what our ACE score. Learn resilience practices that reduce stress hormones in our bodies & brains. Understand how pain, shame & trauma make self-healing harder. Explore research & resources. Share stories, struggles & successes. Practice resilience.
PublicActive545 Members
Resources, posts, discussions, chats about national efforts to build a trauma-informed, resilience-building nation.
PublicActive122 Members
Restorative Integral Support (RIS) is “whole life” recovery for people who face challenges of all kinds. RIS assesses an individual's needs and provides guidance for facilitating recovery. As a comprehensive, “whole person” approach to recovery from trauma, RIS includes powerful somatic therapies and other research-informed interventions.
PublicActive143 Members
A platform for students, academic professionals and university community partners to collaborate across departments to raise awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), integrate trauma informed practices and policies throughout campus, and build a resilient San Diego State University.
PublicActive204 Members
We bring the community together to nurture Positive Childhood Experiences, prevent, heal, and treat ACEs while promoting resiliency.
PublicActive1,294 Members
The State PACEs Action is the go-to location for ACEs activities in U.S. states.
PublicActive140 Members
If you're doing ACEs histories, please do a short blog post or contact one of the community managers so that we can do so for you.
PublicActive115 Members
Community members, advocates, and professionals who share the goals to reduce trauma and build resilience in Alaska share information and exchange ideas related to adversity, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions. By trauma, we are referring to childhood and developmental trauma, intergenerational trauma, and historic and ongoing systemic trauma.
PublicActive334 Members
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.
PublicActive87 Members
This group explores issues related to adversity, trauma and resilience in the District of Columbia and surrounding areas. We are advocates, trauma survivors, concerned community members, and professionals who share information and develop practical solutions, to support the Washington, DC metro area to become trauma-informed, address sources of adversity, and promote health and resilience.