Posts By Robert Olcott
The WHO 18 question ACE questionaire
The World Health Organization (WHO) adopted the ACE screening tool, and used [an apparently modified version of it, in its 2013 Survey of the World's Healthiest Children. But when I briefly looked at it, on the WHO website, I thought it contained a total of eighteen [rather than ten questions in the original ACE screening tool] primary questions. I also didn't know how they scored their WHO 18 primary question ACE survey, or interpreted what someone's score was, and what it means. Is anyone...
The Mental Health Needs of Children in Homes with Domestic Violence
Someone asked me for a copy of this report, in a private dialogue, and I thought I would avail it for anyone's use: from the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence: "The Mental Health Needs of Children in Homes with Domestic...