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Shirley Davis

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Posts By Shirley Davis

Change the Language, Change the Conversation

The words we use to describe ourselves have a huge impact on how we are treated. If we call ourselves by a term that means something negative, we will inevitably be treated in a negative fashion. There are terms used to describe those of us who live with mental health conditions. However, those words, including the ones I just used, must be changed. This is the only way to get people looking at diagnoses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia differently and opening an open and honest...

Depression, A Silent Killer

For many who read this blog, speaking about depression may seem redundant. However, an enemy that isn’t acknowledged becomes a silent killer. So, for both those who understand too well what depression is and how it affects our lives and those who don’t know I am writing this post. Every human on planet earth experiences depression. There are no exceptions. When we lose jobs, loved ones, or face a significant negative life change, it is not at all uncommon for human beings to feel out of...

Overcoming Codependency

In this series of articles, we have examined codependency and various types of trauma. We’ve learned that living in a home where there is familial violence and neglect can spark in a child the need to be needed and thus set them up for becoming codependent in later life. This article will focus on how to overcome codependency to live a healthier, happier life. A Reminder of What Codependency Is To talk about the cure for codependence, we must first remind ourselves of what comprises...

Healing from Codependency After Physical and Emotional Abuse

So far, in this series, we have discussed narcissistic and childhood abuse and how codependency can become a problem for survivors. However, physical and emotional abuse is also rampant in our society and tearing the future lives of our children apart. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), emotional abuse is experienced by 11 percent of children and 50 percent of adults, although the exact figures are hard to measure. This article will focus on emotional and...

Codependency After Childhood Sexual Abuse

Codependency causes people to feed off each other’s emotions and to lose their ability to care for themselves. Codependency is a cruel dance where one person needs the other who needs to be needed. Thus, you end up with one adult being the giver and the other the taker. Sexual abuse in childhood can leave people vulnerable to forming codependent relationships and complex post-traumatic stress disorder. Is there a way to heal from codependency after childhood sexual abuse? That is what this...

Codependency and Narcissistic Abuse

Many of us have heard of codependency and narcissism. Codependency is when two people are locked in a life where they feed off on another, causing mental anguish. Narcissism is when one of the pair is self-centered, arrogant, and lacks empathy for their partner. In this article, we shall tackle codependency in more depth. We shall also examine narcissistic abuse, a little talked about syndrome where children and adults are subjected to trauma by a narcissist. What is Codependency?

Building a Better Future for Yourself Today

In this series, we have discussed how to make better memories to lessen the impact of those that are trauma-based and very unpleasant. The holidays are the perfect time to build new memories by beginning new traditions. This article will focus on ways you can build a better tomorrow by using the knowledge and skills you have learned along your healing journey. The Benefits of Making New Experiences Allowing oneself to experience new things is vital to the healing process of overcoming...

Changing Cognitive Distortions to Make Good Memories

Survivors of complex trauma often see the world as a horrendous place where there is only pain and sorrow. It is very difficult for people like us to step back and see the trees for the forest. During this season of the year, the thinking patterns of survivors can turn dark as we consider what happened to us and the way our family of origin behaved during the holidays. To feel better, survivors must change their thinking habits and this article will center on that premise. What are Cognitive...

The Vital Importance of Peer Support Specialists

In the last twenty or so years, a new profession has taken root, one that can ease some of the tremendous workloads of mental health professionals. I’m talking about peer support specialists and the wonderful work they are doing in many settings around the United States. What are peer support specialists? What do they do? What are the credentials and training they must have? This article will delve into answering these questions and much more. What are Peer Support Specialists? There have...

Building Better Memories

If you are a survivor of trauma, you have a ton of terrible memories of what happened to you. These memories are haunting apparitions that have controlled how you handle your life. Currently, your life is probably full of flashbacks, self-loathing, and pain. This new series of articles is dedicated to trauma survivors learning how to create new healthy memories for themselves so they can live in a better future. Tips for Letting Go of the Past Letting go of the past is one of the hardest...


Addictions are becoming one of the leading causes of death in the United States claiming 100,306 lives from April 2020 to April 2021, an increase of 28.5% from the same period one year before (CDC) . Loving those who are addicted may be the only answer to saving countless lives, but first, we must take the time to understand what addiction is and how to treat it. To do this, we must ask the hard questions, “What is addiction?” “Why haven’t we been able to solve or at least successfully treat...

The Choice of Gratitude

The current series, because it is November, has focused on gratitude. We have explored together topics such as toxic positivity and its effect on survivors of complex trauma. We have discovered that gratitude, when experienced without guilt or shame, is healthy and can aid in the healing process. This article will focus on what it means to be grateful and how we can harness its power to overcome obstacles that stand in our way. The Destructive Power of All-or-Nothing Thinking All-or-nothing...

Gratitude and The Trauma-Centered Approach

Thanksgiving is upon us and with it comes people sharing a meal and discussing how grateful they are for their lives and their loved ones. However, it is vital to understand that not everyone is grateful, but they feel pain in its place. This article will explore a different approach to gratitude that is trauma-sensitive. Thanksgiving Rubbish Too often survivors of complex trauma are bombarded during the Thanksgiving season with advertisements and other media about how they should be...

Complex Trauma, False Gratitude, and Letting Go

In the first article of this series, we focused on toxic positivity and gratitude shaming. We spoke about how while gratitude is an important part of our life; it is unnecessary to be grateful for the harmful things that have happened to us such as childhood trauma. This article will cover how false gratitude and letting go affect those of us who live with the aftereffects of complex trauma. Complex Trauma, What Is It? I realize we cover complex trauma quite a bit here in CPTSD Foundation’s...

Complex Trauma and CPTSD in Dysfunctional Homes

Children growing up in an alcoholic or other dysfunctional homes struggle to find their identity in adulthood. They have most likely formed complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) and live with an inner turmoil that matches the instability they are experiencing from parents who are occupied with their own problems. This article will focus on the formation of CPTSD in alcoholic (dysfunctional) homes and how it affects children and the adults they become. Complex Trauma Complex trauma...

Growing Into Adulthood in an Alcoholic or Other Dysfunctional Home

***TRIGGER WARNING*** Being a child in a dysfunctional home has long-lasting effects on their lives clear into adulthood. The secrecy and pain that accompany growing up in such a home leave permanent scars, plus behaviors that can be changed. This article will tackle what it means to be an adult child of an alcoholic with the intention that everything said also covers adults who grew up in other types of dysfunctional families. This article may be triggering for some, but there is no way to...

Suicide Prevention and Advocacy Saves Lives

Although it may seem CPTSD Foundation has been focused on the morbid subject of suicide, remaining silent helps people to die. So, in September, National Suicide Awareness Month, we have concentrated on how loved ones, caregivers, and friends of those experiencing suicidal ideation or have attempted to die by suicide can advocate for themselves to protect their mental health. This article will speak more on different types of suicide and how you can take care of yourself as an advocate.

The Link Between Complex Trauma and Suicidal Ideation

This series of articles in September has focused primarily on advocating and supporting someone who has suicidal ideations or has attempted to die by suicide. As September is National Suicide Awareness Month, we shall continue to address the causes and treatment available to those who are suicidal and their families and friends. In this article, we shall examine together the link between complex trauma and suicidal ideation, examining closely what both are and how to help someone you love...

Self-Advocacy: The Basis of Self-Care

Since September is suicide awareness month, learning about self-advocacy is the basis of all healing from complex trauma and defeating suicidal ideation in oneself and dealing with it in others. When you stand up for yourself and meet your needs, it is easier to meet life on life’s terms and respond better in times of crisis. This article shall explore with you who and what a self-advocate is, plus the advantages self-advocacy brings to the lives of those who practice it who live under the...

It’s Okay to Self-Advocate

Suicide is a topic most folks would rather not speak about. It is frightening that someone they love could decide they do not wish to live any longer and leave them in a cloud of grief and guilt. However, just because we don’t talk about suicide does not mean it will go away . September 2 was complex post-traumatic stress disorder awareness day, and September 10 is suicide awareness day. In this article and those that follow in this series, we shall discover together what complex trauma is...

Tension and Trauma-Releasing Exercises—the Benefits and Challenges

In August, my articles have been centered around Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) and how they can aid in self-regulation and the treatment of trauma. We discovered that TRE is life-changing if done correctly and with a tension-releasing exercise practitioner. In this article, we shall recount former posts about TRE and explore together the benefits and challenges of this unusual form of treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex post-traumatic stress...

International Overdose Awareness Day

Overdoses from illicit and prescription drugs are on the rise in the United States, leaving 92,500 dead and thousands of grieving family members, friends, and communities wondering what could have been done to save their lives. August 31 is International Overdose Day, when all people globally are asked to consider the deadly consequences of drug abuse and the tragedy of those who overdose and die. This article will explore drug overdoses and hopefully bring awareness to this growing cancer...

Tension and Trauma-Releasing Exercises and Self-Regulation

The stress and tension from trauma can kill. We know this fact because of the volumes of research that have been done on the subject. Not only can stress and tension be fatal, but they also can be the root cause of self-deregulation leaving survivors struggling in their relationships and lives. Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) can lower your stress level by inducing the release of the body tension that has built up because of trauma. In this article, we shall examine how TRE®...

Traumatic Stress, and Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises

Traumatic stress causes many problems for survivors and others. We don’t feel well enough to accomplish our life goals or to function in day-to-day routines. There is a new solution to traumatic stress, and it is called Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE). This article and those that follow in August will outline traumatic stress and how TRE can change lives. What is traumatic stress? Traumatic stress is a process by which individual’s resources are lost or threatened beyond individuals’...

Paying for Your Trauma Healthcare Team

Healthcare is one of the highest expenses most people will incur during their lifetimes. The high cost of healthcare has driven many to worry about how they can afford to pay for it, causing some to ignore their mental and physical health problems. This July, our articles have focused on the definition of a trauma healthcare team and how forming one can aid in your healing from complex trauma. In piece four, we shall spend our time together exploring the costs involved in having a trauma...

How Do Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect You Today?

Adults who experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), aka traumatic experiences as children, still pay for what happened to them years, even decades later. But what are adverse childhood experiences? And how do they affect you today? This article shall attempt to explain ACEs and to help you recognize just how much what happened long ago influences your life now. What are ACEs? Many articles have been written about adverse childhood experiences and the study that first identified...

A Trauma-Informed Mental Health Treatment Team

Healing from complex trauma takes time, and having a treatment team that is supportive and well-trained in trauma-informed care can be an enormous help. In this article, we shall discuss together more disciplines you can have on your care team and how they can help you heal. Your Trauma Treatment Team In a former post , we examined what disciplines you might expect on a mental health treatment team: a psychiatrist and a therapist. We also covered some of the forgotten members who can also...

Forming Your Treatment Team

In the first part of this series on treatment planning, we focused on what constitutes a treatment plan. If you remember, “ A treatment plan is a document outlining the proposed goals, plan, and therapy method to be used by you and your professional. This plan directs the steps the mental health professional and you must take to help you heal.” This article will focus on what encompasses a treatment team and how having one can help you heal safely and productively. What is a Treatment Team?

The Importance of a Treatment Plan with Your Mental Health Provider

Upon seeing a mental health specialist, we are often unclear about what brought us there, our purpose for seeing them, and our goals for the future. One method mental health professionals use to help both you and they guide your healing journey is to form a treatment plan. But what is a treatment plan? This article will explore this question and provide information on treatment plans and some of the people involved in your healing. After reading this article, you will see just how vital a...

Hope in the Face of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

This series has focused on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and how it affects those who live with its symptoms. PTSD is, as we have seen, a life-altering disorder that changes the direction of many people’s lives. In this article, we shall focus on healing strategies and the hope that one can find life despite having post-traumatic stress disorder. A Quick Recap of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Scary and dangerous events cause most humans to feel fear, and this fright sets off a...

Co-Occurring Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

In previous posts in this series, we have discussed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as though it occurs alone. Unfortunately, thinking that PTSD acts alone would be incorrect. Many other diagnoses that a person with PTSD can have include complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). This piece will explore what happens when a person suffers from both diagnoses, PTSD and CPTSD, at the same time. The Similarities and the Differences Between PTSD and CPTSD While both PTSD and CPTSD have...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Brain

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a life-altering condition that, according to the National Center for PTSD , affects approximately 8 out of every 100 people at some point in their lives. This article will uncover how, like complex post-traumatic stress disorder, the trauma that causes PTSD changes brain structures and how that affects the lives of those unfortunate enough to form it. A Brief Recap of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Our body cascades many chemical reactions during a...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has become well-known among the public today. However, many do not understand that anyone can form PTSD and ignore the symptoms putting themselves at risk for health and emotional problems. June is post-traumatic stress disorder awareness month , so it seemed an excellent opportunity to write about this acquired disorder in depth. This article will cover a description of what PTSD is and its history as an accepted diagnosis. What is Post-Traumatic Stress...

Changing the Future by Acknowledging the Past

No series on how positive childhood experiences (PCEs) can mitigate the effect of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) would be complete without speaking about the future. Not only the futures of adults who are living with the scars left by ACEs but the future of children being born today. This article will focus on how we can change our prospects by acknowledging and using the past as a jumping board into the future. Learning to Live with ACEs from the Past Adverse childhood experiences...

Positive Childhood Experiences, Resiliency, and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

One might think of negative childhood experiences as intimately linked with complex trauma and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), and you would be correct. CPTSD is caused by a series or numerous traumas, usually in childhood, and can form in adulthood. We have not considered that positive childhood experiences are deeply related to resiliency and can alleviate some of the terrible side effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that cause CPTSD. Positive Childhood...

Research on How Positive Childhood Experiences Change the Outcome of Children Who Experience Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are known to cause multiple types of illnesses and early death later in life (Felitti et al., 1998). ACEs cause untold misery and heartache because they shake the very fundamental foundations of who we believe we are and how we perceive our world. Much research has been done since the ACE study performed by Kaiser Permanente, overseen by Dr. Vincent Felitti, where more than 45,000 people were studied to measure how many adverse childhood experiences they...

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Positive Childhood Experiences: Can One Mitigate the Effects of the Other?

Childhood should be a carefree time full of learning and joy. However, many children aren’t that lucky and grow up in homes that are dysfunctional and abusive. These encounters are known as adverse childhood experiences and change the future of the child forever. One question that burns in the minds of many survivors and researchers alike is how do positive childhood experiences (PCEs) come into play? Can positive childhood experiences help an abused child cope in some way? This article will...

The Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse

This series in April has focused on childhood sexual abuse, what it is, and how it affects its victims long-term. Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is an insidious blight on our world and destroys the future of our country, our children. This article will focus on how to prevent childhood sexual abuse through education and to get involved. Meet the Victims of CSA The term child sexual abuse (CSA) means an event where a child’s physical or emotional self is violated through sexual actions ranging...

The Long-Term Harmful Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse

This April we have been focused on childhood sexual abuse (CSA), a crime that can cause long-term harm even as the child grows into adulthood. 1in 4 women and 1 in 6 men alive in the United States today were molested sexually before the age of 18. This means there are more than 42 million adult survivors in the U.S. Today we will explore together the long-term effects that childhood sexual abuse has on, not only children, but to the adults they become. A Short Recap It would be remiss of me...

Childhood Sexual Abuse During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has been brutal on us all. Rising depression and anxiety plague our world more than any time in recent history, and it is not only adults who are affected. Children have been home from school living with adults who are out of work, out of money, and out of patience. This article will discuss the increase in childhood sexual abuse during the pandemic explaining the underlying causes and some possible solutions. Understanding the Problem The Centers for Disease Control...

Childhood Sexual Abuse and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

***Trigger Warning: this article will address childhood sexual abuse and may not be suitable for all audiences.*** As our readers know by now, CPTSD Foundation is not afraid to tackle tough subjects that have for too long been considered taboo. This month’s articles will be about childhood sexual abuse and the recovery process to achieve a healthy and happy adult life. This article will concentrate on what childhood sexual abuse is and how it relates to complex post-traumatic stress disorder...

Seeking Help for Self-Harming Behavior

Self-harm is one of the most challenging subjects to talk about, but millions of people will continue to suffer in silence if we do not. This series on self-harm has been one of the most difficult I have ever written, and I know it has been challenging to read. This piece is dedicated to examining why people self-harm and the proposed remedies to end the pain. Why Do People Self-Harm? Trying to understand why someone would harm themselves with cutting or some other form is difficult at best.

The Mental Health Disorders Most Associated with Self-Harm

***Trigger Warning: This article will contain self-harm information and may not be suitable for all audiences.*** This series has focused on different types of self-harm, its causes, and a description of those who practice it. In this piece, we continue our open and honest look at self-harm by highlighting some of the mental health conditions most associated with it. First, a Short Recap of What Self-Harm Is Before we examine the various mental health disorders most associated with...

The Importance of Talking About Suicide

This article will tackle active and passive suicide and may not be suitable for sensitive audiences. In our first article about self-harm, we tackled the subject with as much kindness as the topic would allow. Self-harm is a sensitive subject that had to be tackled to bring it out of the shadows and into the light where we can understand it and perhaps, someday, make it possible to end it. Suicide is a topic most people would rather sweep under the rug because we are all afraid of the...

Self-Harm and Complex PTSD

Self-harm, also known as self-injury, happens when a person becomes overwhelmed and deliberately hurts their own body. The injuries inflicted on oneself can be anywhere from minor cuts to severe injuries that are life-threatening.

The Long-Term Effects of Abandonment

One of the most egregious behaviors a parent or other caregiver can do to a child is to abandon them, allowing them to suffer alone. The damages done to the child when grown are significant and should not be ignored. In this article, we shall examine together what childhood abandonment is, how it affects adults, and ways to mitigate the power it has over our lives. What is Abandonment? All children are entirely dependent upon parents or caregivers for their safety in their environment. When...

Growing and Fostering a Resilient Brain

Resiliency, to summarize, is the ability to bounce back from difficult circumstances. People living with mental health challenges often have high resilience to the opposition because they have grown resilient through trial by fire. This piece will focus on what is going on in the brain with resiliency and perhaps a few suggestions on how we can help our brains form it. The Different Aspects of Building Resiliency First, let us discuss what scientists believe are the building blocks of...

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