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How's the ACEsConnection community handling COVID-19?


Gov. Gavin Newsom announces restrictions for California March 15, 2020

We hope you'll tell us! From now until at least mid-June or so, we'll all be facing some extraordinary challenges.

Luckily, some state governments are instituting strict restrictions. On Sunday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom asked people over the age of 65 and people with chronic conditions to isolate themselves at home to reduce the risk of becoming infected, asked bars, wineries, night clubs and brew pubs to close, and called for restaurants to reduce their occupancy by half. Similar restrictions have been put into place in Ohio, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts. (For Californians, here's a link to state guidance policies; this page will be updated.)

If anyone is thinking that these actions are overkill, please read this β€” "Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now" by Tomas Pueyo. His bio on Medium reads: 2 MSc in Engineering. Stanford MBA. Ex-Consultant. Creator of viral applications with >20M users. Currently leading a billion-dollar business. As he says at the top of his article, it's been read by more than 28 million people (no doubt many more by now), and people who've read it have translated it into 26 languages. Links to the translations are at the bottom of the article.

I won't go into the details; I'll leave those for you to read. Suffice it to say, if we're going to flatten the infection curve and get through this without experiencing what Italians are dealing with now, we all have to do our part.'s part: We won't be covering coronavirus developments as they emerge. News organizations such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and NPR do that quite well. 

What we will be doing is what we do best:

  • provide an ACEs science perspective on developments,
  • provide information about what organizations are doing to integrate trauma-informed and healing-centered practices and policies based on ACEs science into practices and policies instituted as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic,
  • point out the practices and policies that are working, and those that aren't (the hours-long, crowded lines for Americans returning from Europe, e.g....where was the social distancing there? And how many families were stressed AND infected?),
  • encourage people in our community to keep using and spreading this knowledge of healing-centered, trauma-informed practices based on ACEs science. 

We will truly be tested, we in the ACEs movement, to walk the talk when people become depressed and angry, and to help each other figure out creative ways to make it through to the other side of the pandemic with our families, our communities, our humor, and our good natures no doubt bruised, but intact and healing. I worry about the families who don't have resources, and how the stress of this will affect them and their children. That's why we'll do our utmost to spread the word about the best practices that come out of this, and figure out how, together, we can institute ACEs science knowledge in all our communities, families and organizations. Because this won't be the last pandemic we, our children and grandchildren face. 

At ACEs Connection, we're taking a few initial steps. Although all of us already work from home (we're a virtual organization), we know that increasing connections in stressful times is extremely important (so is sleep, good nutrition, and exercise). So, we're opening up a staff "sitting" room on Zoom four days a week for 15 minutes a day β€” apart from our work meetings β€” just to sit with each share inspiring anecdotes, maybe do some short mindfulness practices, or just jump and holler to get the blood moving. If you're interested in doing something like that, let us know, and we'll set one up for our entire community.

Educators, parents and other caregivers are among the people who will be challenged more than some others. As time goes on, we know that ACEs Connection members, because of their lens on the world, will develop approaches that will be important and useful. For example, as colleges and universities were closing their doors and ordering students to go home, some people realized that kids just out of foster care or students from other countries probably don't have a home to go to. They convinced some colleges to accommodate the kids who have no home, or who can't go home because of travel restrictions to keep a dorm open for them. We'd really like you to post the ideas you hear about or you come up with for parents and educators in the Parenting with ACEs and ACEs in Education communities to help. We're sure that communities will come up with great ideas to keep their economies going (e.g., restaurants staying afloat by offering drive-through or home delivery), to keep their spirits up (e.g. Italians in urban areas singing together from their windows), and to keep their kids active (games that kids and parents can play in a park and still keep six feet apart?).  

We have some ideas up our sleeves that our staff is talking about tomorrow, including doing regular webinars and Zoom chats with people in our vast community who can give us good pointers. So far, we're looking at this in three stages: best practices...

  • to keep calm when initial anxiety about the disease threatens β€” or does β€” override our ability to think calmly and optimistically about the future;
  • to develop coping skills for dealing with boredom by exploring creative ways to connect with each other, and assessing skills for dealing with hoaxes and misinformation;
  • and, when we start to recover from this, how to integrate the really good ideas that connect and inspire people, that make organizations more responsive, and that help solve our most intractable problems.  

Because this, my dear ACEs Connection members, this, too, shall pass.  

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Thank you for this and all you do in the ACEs Recovery arena. I have and will continue to host Facebook LIVE interviews on The Healing Place Podcast page and focus on sharing positive calming strategies and coping skills for my audience, many of whom have PTSD, CPTSD, ACEs history and/or trauma related anxiety. My goal is to help others find and utilize calming and grounding resources. 

I invite others to join me on air to offer 15-20 minute healing sessions via Zoom streaming to FB Live. Please reach out at



Thank you for this terrific, proactive response. Looking forward to receiving and giving to one another, our best during these times. Great idea in Sitting Rooms, btw. As one of my other committees grapples with how to best deliver information to others in need outside of our Humanitarian Committee group, these are the kinds of initiatives that are so helpful. Thank you, Jondi

Jane Stevens (ACEs Connection staff) posted:

Mary: Please be sure to send me that link, and we'll post a summary and link in the daily digest.

Becky: Thank you for your thoughts. Shock absorbers, indeed we are. And, if it's OK by you, I'll use that as one way to describe what we'll be doing over the next few months (and attribute the phrase to you). It's interesting that you mention the school meals. Gov. Newsom mentioned today that they aren't closing all schools, because in many communities, schools are the only place that kids get fed. So they're in the process of figuring out a system so that kids will have enough to eat while their schools are closed. 

Thank you both for all of your wonderful work. 

Absolutely Jane!  And knowing you...before long you will have rallied a whole network of shock absorbers around the world πŸ˜ƒ

Mary: Please be sure to send me that link, and we'll post a summary and link in the daily digest.

Becky: Thank you for your thoughts. Shock absorbers, indeed we are. And, if it's OK by you, I'll use that as one way to describe what we'll be doing over the next few months (and attribute the phrase to you). It's interesting that you mention the school meals. Gov. Newsom mentioned today that they aren't closing all schools, because in many communities, schools are the only place that kids get fed. So they're in the process of figuring out a system so that kids will have enough to eat while their schools are closed. 

Thank you both for all of your wonderful work. 

Thank you, Jane. I'm going to repeat what you wrote: "We will truly be tested, we in the ACEs movement, to walk the talk when people become depressed and angry, and to help each other figure out creative ways to make it through to the other side of the pandemic with our families, our communities, our humor, and our good natures no doubt bruised, but intact and healing." And, thank you for mentioning the post by Tomas Pueyo on I too have a blog on medium and will be posting something there about my awareness of ACEs in this very interesting time in our collective history.

Excellent as always Jane!!  Interestingly you ask about viewing these events through the lens of community and individual trauma and resiliency - I’m on the same page!  I’m hopeful that (thanks to ACEs Connection) there’s such a ground swell of folks who understand the need for resiliency that we can be a bit of a shock absorber in communities during this season.  I’ve already observed a few things that have prompted me to question a city manager... who will feed the children now dismissed from public schools for weeks?  Certainly I understand the health need for this but until I started building community resilience I had no idea the number of kids who get all their food through public schools. One district I’ve trained, the Superintendent told me 85% of all the kids in her district get 3 meals a day thanks to the schools. Also there’s families now scrambling to come up with childcare so caregivers can continue to work. There’s first responders who regardless of all the social distancing the rest of us can do - they don’t have the luxury to do so. In healthcare they are limiting patient visitors down to a bare minimum, team members can’t go out of town without prior approval and small local owned businesses who are holding their breath to see if customers keep coming or not. These are just things that come to mind after one week of national response. I’m reminded by things I learned during my visit last summer to provide Trauma Informed Policing training for the Oklahoma City Police Department. The Chief and senior leadership were all working as rookies that dreadful day in 1995 when the federal building downtown was bombed.  These are folks who know first hand what community resilence looks like and while it was nothing they were prepared for - through it all they learned they could find the courage, compassion and grit that were needed to get them to the other side. 

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