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How-To: Insert a Video into a Blog Post

In blog post edit mode:

For a video from YouTube: 

  1. If you're inserting a YouTube video, go to the video on YouTube, click on the Share arrow, Click on Embed and copy the code.

  2. Position cursor where you want the video to appear.

  3. Click on film strip icon (insert/edit video) in toolbar above blog post text box.

  4. When the dialog box opens, click on Embed, and paste in the YouTube code.

  5. Click OK.
  6. Scroll down and click Update.

  7. An image from the video will automatically appear in the clip post.

For video from Vimeo:

  1. If you're inserting a Vimeo video, go to the video on Vimeo, click on the Paper Airplane icon in the upper right of the video (the text Share appears when you mouse over it).

  2. In the pane that appears, scroll down to Embed, click in the text box below it, which highlights the code; copy the code.

  3. Then follow steps 2 through 5, above.

  4. Because an image from Vimeo videos do not automatically appear in the clip post, if you want one, you'll have to add it. Here's how:

  5. Do a screen-grab of an area approximately 600 x 400 pixels on the Vimeo video and copy it to your desktop.

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the text in your blog and see Title Image. Click on the blue text Add Title Image, find the file you saved and add it. (It's best if you convert the .png file to a .jpg first.)  

  7. When you're done with your post, scroll down and click Update.


Images (3)
  • mceclip0
  • mceclip1
  • mceclip2

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