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QUIZ: The Country That Gives The Most Humanitarian Aid Is ... []

A new report looks at the state of humanitarian aid. The world was generous, says the Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2018 . A record amount of funds went to crises that range from the ongoing Syrian civil war to the drought in the Horn of Africa . Do you know how much the world spent on emergency relief? Which countries gave the most money? And which countries received the most? Take this quiz to test your knowledge. [For more on this story by MALAKA GHARIB, go to...

The Pleasures and Perils of Being too Busy

We’re busy people. Our to do list-wake, prep, eat, email, travel, meetings, calls and deadlines. Then there’s our kids-wake, feed, transport, talk, feed, homework, mini-crisis, hug. Then there’s screen time with CNN, NY Times, The Guardian, LinkedIn, FB and Twitter. Honestly, there’s just not another free minute in the day, right? In an odd way, being so overextended brings you some satisfaction. You did design your lifestyle, right? I get it. When it comes to supporting a progressive cause,...

I'll Cry Later; ACE Scores, Addiction, #MeToo, Prostitution and Statute of Limitation Reform - An Interview with Melanie Blow

Interview with Ms. Melanie Blow of Stop Abuse Campaign, Rochester, N.Y. A woman's body was found last winter in an area of our city known for drug use, prostitution and crime. This time it is personal. This woman and her brother used to play with my own child. I'm not just heartbroken that my nephew, and now my niece, have both died in this opiate crisis that is so severe it has actually lowered America's life expectancy. I want to help. Two years ago I was introduced to Ms. Melanie Blow of...

How Many Teenage Girls Deliberately Harm Themselves? Nearly 1 in 4, Survey Finds. []

Up to 30 percent of teenage girls in some parts of the United States say they have intentionally injured themselves without aiming to commit suicide, researchers have found. About one in four adolescent girls deliberately harmed herself in the previous year, often by cutting or burning, compared to about one in 10 boys. The overall prevalence of self-harm was almost 18 percent. [For more on this story by Emily Baumgaertner, go to...

Responding to the Needs of Foster Parents []

Out-of-home placement is sometimes necessary to meet the developmental needs of infants and young children through safe, stable and nurturing primary caregiving relationships. Foster parents may include caring and committed adults who have been trained to take on the fostering role with or without the possibility of adoption. Some of these parents might also be kinship caregivers (related family members), or fictive kin (individuals who may be close to the family such as friends). Federal...

Medicaid is Not Just for Doctor’s Visits: Innovative Early Childhood Funding Strategies []

If a family has no means of transportation, consistent prenatal care becomes extremely difficult. If a mother is homeless, she is less likely to attend a child wellness visit. If a one-year-old is hungry, brain development is detrimentally impacted. And if a toddler is experiencing trauma at home, he or she cannot focus on learning. While there is significant evidence around the value of investing in early childhood to improve physical, social, and emotional development later in life, more...

Lynn Hensler: For this death row inmate, severe child abuse calls for mercy []

CINCINNATI: If your car was heading for a ditch, would you steer back onto the road or let it crash? As a certified trauma therapist, I have seen how timely intervention in the life of a suffering child can avert a tragedy. Unless Gov. John Kasich intervenes to stop the scheduled execution of Robert Van Hook, all Ohioans may soon participate in the end result of too many missed opportunities. Many studies confirm the detrimental effects on brain formation when children suffer traumatic...

The Trump administration says it's a 'myth' that families that ask for asylum at ports of entry are separated. It happens frequently, records show []

A woman named Mirian and her 18-month-old son reached Brownsville, Texas, early this year after fleeing Honduras, where the military had teargassed their home. She made her way to a port of entry and asked for asylum, according to court records . Mirian had her identification, her son’s birth certificate, which listed her as his mother, his hospital birth record and his vaccination records. Border officers took the records, then told her they would be taking her boy, she said in a sworn...

When mentors do this one thing, it can help reduce teen delinquency []

When educators and coaches make kids feel like they matter, it reduces delinquency and destructive behavior. A new study led by a University of Kansas researcher reveals the importance of non-family adults in mentoring youth. "If you are made to feel useful and important to others, especially in this case by a non-kin and education-based mentor, then you are more likely to have a reduction in delinquency and dangerous behavior," said Margaret Kelley, associate professor of American Studies.

A Big Regional Health Funder Takes on Childhood Trauma and Resilience []

When it comes to funding for children and youth , the bulk of grantmaking dollars tend to go toward things like early learning programs and other education initiatives. But some would argue that many of these grants only offer Band-Aid solutions and don’t get to the root of the problem of children growing up in poverty. That’s why a funding effort targeting childhood trauma caught our attention in the five-county area surrounding Austin, Texas. St. David’s Foundation, a big health conversion...

Why Trauma-Informed Care Matters in Addiction Recovery

Sometimes in addiction treatment, just getting free from using drugs or alcohol can hijack all our attention. I cannot stress enough how important it is to recognize trauma’s role when we talk about addiction treatment and recovery. The article “ The Link Between Trauma and Addiction ” by the Maryland Addiction Recovery Center made this point so well. I want to follow up from a trauma-informed care perspective. There is always a reason someone is using. When a pattern of addiction behavior...

What's Making Our Children Obese? []

Summer is upon us, which means an increase in street crime and ice cream consumption. However, neither one causes the other; they are both highly correlatedwith summer’s heat, which brings more people out of their homes and onto the streets, where some eat ice cream and some get mugged. Correlation is not causality. Here are two more facts to ponder: American children take lots of standardized, machine-scored, multiple-choice tests, and they are getting fatter. Is this just another...

Judge Strikes Down Kentucky’s Medicaid Work Rules []

WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Friday blocked Kentucky’s closely watched plan to require many Medicaid recipients to work, volunteer or train for a job as a condition of coverage. The state had been poised to start carrying out the new rules next week and to phase them in fully by the end of this year. Judge James E. Boasberg of Federal District Court for the District of Columbia, an Obama appointee, ruled that the Trump administration’s approval of the plan had been “arbitrary and...

Serving Up Love in Milwaukee []

On August 5, 2012, six people were gunned down by a white supremacist at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, including Satwant Singh Kaleka, the temple’s president. In the aftermath of the shooting, Singh Kaleka’s son, Pardeep, reached out to Arno Michaelis, a former white supremacist-turned-activist, to help him find answers amidst his confusion and heartbreak. Out of this meeting, Serve 2 Unite was born. The organization works primarily with Milwaukee-based schools, bringing together...

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