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How to Have a Great Day (11 Tips For People with Childhood PTSD)

A lot of people who write about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) focus on the damage -- the impact on mental health, the medical problems, the permanent changes to DNA, the behavioral challenges... But in my experience? There's a whole lot of wiggle room in this wonderful life, driven not by our childhood experiences, but by how we approach today. I'm not just being philosophical here. These are my very practical, time tested actions you can take right now to start changing your state of...

Introduction to a Year of Recovery From Sexual Abuse

Happy New Year! I'm very excited to share that I have launched Ambivalent Goddesses, a year long project devoted to recovery from sexual abuse. You can read the first post here . A little bit about the project: Ambivalent Goddesses is written for those who experienced sexual abuse and are struggling with its affects on their psychological and physical well-being, identity formation, relationships, sexuality, and personal empowerment. It is also for anyone who works with women who have...

My brain scan: a look at the organ I have carried in my skull for half a century []

I am lying here on a slab in the Beacon Hospital about to meet my maker. Oh, I don’t mean I’m going to die – it is much more significant than that: I’m going to see my brain for the first time. I’m having a brain scan. Nothing prepared me for the emotional side of this. I’m going to see the organ I have carried inside my skull for half a century. This is the repository of the good and darkest thoughts, shaped by happy days and long dark nights of the soul. This is the innermost director I...

Finding Purpose for a Good Life. But Also a Healthy One. []

My favorite medical diagnosis is “failure to thrive.” Not because patients are failing to thrive — that part makes me sad. But because of the diagnosis’s bold proposition: Humans, in their natural state, are meant to thrive. My patient, however, was not in his natural state. Cancer had claimed nearly every organ in his body. He’d lost a quarter of his body mass. I worried his ribs would crack under the weight of my stethoscope. [For more on this story by Dhruv Khullar, go to...

Can Home Health Visits Help Keep People Out Of The ER? []

Telemedicine isn't just for rural areas without a lot of doctors anymore. In the last few years, urban areas all over the country have been exploring how they can connect to patients virtually to improve access to primary care and keep people from calling 911 for non-urgent problems. In Washington, D.C., Mary's Center, a community health center, is piloting a program to provide primary care virtually to Medicaid patients who can't make it in to any of their clinics. Sometimes there are...

Young, gay and living on the street: LGBT youth face increased odds of homelessness []

Throughout high school and college, Alicia slept in cars, tents, friends’ couches, benches, on the bus, on the train and in group homes. Almost anywhere but a shelter. “My experience with shelters is that you’d go when it was raining. You’d go to San Francisco, wait in line and sleep on the floor, if you slept at all,” the serious, soft-spoken Oakland woman, who’s now 22, said last week. “It’s scary enough to be a young person there. But if you’re queer you just feel a lot more vulnerable.

In Heroin's Heartland []

"I've been arrested 18 times, incarcerated 496 days, and spent 2,556 days addicted to heroin," Nicole Walmsley says before about 70 people at an event center in Lodi, Ohio. It's April of 2017, and Nicole has been sober for over four years. The better part of her recovery was spent in what she calls fight mode, driving all across Ohio to save addicts in the midst of the state's rising opioid epidemic . Since 2015, when the state's opioid epidemic hit record numbers, Nicole has been a major...

Youth Who Help Reformers Must Be Treated As Partners, Not Tokens []

Policymakers, practitioners and advocates seeking to improve the juvenile justice system have increasingly acted on calls from youth and their families to make “no decisions about us, without us.” These well-intentioned efforts have led to the proliferation of youth leadership councils, advisory boards and youth speakers’ bureaus — recognizing that some of the most effective emerging advocates and reform leaders are young people whose personal narratives can serve as a powerful catalyst for...

10 Photos: I Saw What Resilience Looks Like []

By the numbers, Native Americans reliably top lists of violence , poverty , unemployment , and addiction in the United States. Taken alone, the data paint a dismal picture of intractable, inescapable poverty. But on reservations and in communities, the picture was a whole lot more complex in 2017. As I have for several years, I spent most of 2017 traveling through Indian Country for the stories I was covering. An old-school journalist, I travel simply and close to the ground; I keep a loose...

How I Became a Champion for Trauma-Informed Change

I began riding the “trauma-informed care” wave three years prior to realizing I was part of something bigger than my own vision to bust open the conversation on trauma. When my life as a writer, editor, and advocate for parenting survivors of childhood abuse collided with my professional life as a mental health care manager, I knew the universe was trying to tell me something. Having long ago succumbed to the realization that everything really does happen for a reason, I started to see my...

New briefs show impact of intentionally embedding brain science

New briefs show impact of intentionally embedding brain science Briefs feature lessons learned, site-specific examples Through the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities' two-year Change in Mind initiative, a cohort of 10 U.S. and five Canadian organizations have demonstrated the impact of intentionally infusing brain science and evidence into programs and organizations. It also has identified new insights into the longer-term opportunities and challenges of facilitating and...

Is There Any Correcting Going On in "Correction" Facilities For Juveniles?

Tear Down the Juvenile Jails; They Make Bad Situations Worse [] By: Judge Steven Teske| July 10, 2017 Summary and Analysis by: Julius Patterson| July 30, 2017 This article really hits home for me. Judge Steven Teske talks about how Juvenile prisons need to be torn down. This article also focuses on how there’s a difference between being unruly and being a criminal. Jail is not always the answer for these young men and women. Statistics show that youth that have been incarcerated are...

Webinar Learning Series: State Policy Approaches to Addressing Childhood Adversity, January 10, 10am PST (1:00 PM EST)

Please join us for a three -part learning series hosted by the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity and ACEs Connection . We'll hear from states that are making great strides towards adopting trauma-informed policies and practices. Three-Part Learning Series: Webinar 1: Overview of State Level Efforts to Address Childhood Adversity and Highlights from Oregon, Tennessee, and Wisconsin Date: January 10th, 10AM PST (1:00 PM EST) Speakers: Elizabeth Prewitt, Policy Analyst, ACEs...

One New Year’s Resolution That Can Transform Your Life – Forever! (

What if there was one New Year’s Resolution that had the inherent ability to completely transform our lives? Most of us operate in a perpetual state of disconnection to who we really are: aka higher self, source self, true self or whatever you may call it . Many of the challenges and issues in our lives could be resolved by simply getting connected and staying connected. Of course, we wouldn’t be alive if we weren’t connected at some level, but there is a big difference between minimal...

Shedding Light on Sexual Assault: Healing through the #MeToo Movement (

Although, the hashtag gained viral popularity by actress, Alyssa Milano, the campaign was originally created in 1997 by activist, Tarana Burke . The motivation behind this movement was to help survivors in under privileged communities—where rape crisis centers and counseling services were unavailable—heal from one another. The viral sensation of the #MeToo campaign and the continued number of survivors coming forward in the news shows the prevalence of this issue and demands that sexual...

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