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Teaching LGBT history complicated by historical figures who didn't 'out' themselves []

By next fall, millions of K-8 students in California schools may be learning from history textbooks that astronaut Sally Ride was a lesbian, Walt Whitman was gay, and a Gold Rush era stagecoach driver named Charley Parkhurst was born a woman, but lived as a man. California earlier this month became the first state in the country to adopt textbooks that highlight the contributions of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender to the development of the state and country. As...

Emotions 101: Why Hawaii Schools Are Focusing On Feelings []

Editor’s note: This story was produced in conjunction with On Campus , a Civil Beat podcast series that tracks the first year of a new school in Hawaii and examines big education issues in America. Thanks to ACEs Connection member, Godwin Higa, who retired this year as principal of Cherokee Point Elementary School in San Diego, CA, for being a champion in this article. Nothing about the classroom looked abnormal. Seventh-grade teacher Allison Harkey stood at the front of her Wheeler Middle...

Holocaust survivor families yield new insight into trauma across generations []

Thank you to ACEs Connection members Bea Hollander-Goldfein and Nancy Isserman for this story. In the 1980s, most of the research Bea Hollander-Goldfein was reading about how Holocaust survivors were faring psychologically focused entirely on the damage the Nazis had done. That didn’t ring completely true to Hollander-Goldfein, a psychologist whose parents were both survivors. She saw problems, but also successes. In 1988, she gathered a team of 16 — six were children of survivors — to study...

Obama meets with Dalai Lama in India (

His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with former U.S. President Barack Obama Friday in New Delhi, India. Friday’s meeting marks the sixth time His Holiness and Obama have met, though its the first since Obama left office in January. The two reportedly discussed “compassion and altruism,” Obama was visiting New Delhi amidst a five-day world tour that took him to India, China, and France. Kasur Tempa Tsering, a representative of the Dalai Lama’s office, said that the Dalai Lama told Obama, “You are...

Belleruth Naparstek Live on ACEs Connection Dec. 12th: Guided Imagery & Parenting with ACEs

Guided Imagery & Parenting with ACEs: Chat with Belleruth Naparstek "Trauma isn't even stored in the parts of the brain where language can access it. Instead it's been cached as frozen, primitive, pre-language experience - sensation, perception, emotion, images and motor reactivity - in the survival-based structures of the brain. What does help are tools that target the affected parts of the brain." Belleruth Naparstek Psychotherapist, author and guided imagery pioneer Belleruth...

Experience the Profound Effects Of NTHP

The Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) is a new modality that has the ability to bring trauma to resolution - for good. This is the last chance to join the interactive webinar and experience the profound effects of this simple, safe and powerful way of being able to fully heal from your past. When: Wednesday December 6th from 5:30 - 7:30 (PST) Where: On-line Cost: $49.00 CAN Click Here To Join The Reclaim Your Power Interactive On-line Workshop and Experience The Effectiveness Of The Neuro...

Wisconsin Dept of Health Services — Trauma-Informed Care News & Notes (Nov. 27, 2017)

ACEs, Adversity's Impact Spanking linked to increase in children's behavior problems Report names lasting, traumatic effects of homelessness on young children in L.A. County, first 5 LA calls for trauma-informed approach to help kids Millions of youth are homeless for more than month at a time, new study finds Trauma is an experience, not an event Environmental adversities and psychotic symptoms: The impact of timing of trauma, abuse, and neglect Brain and Biology Holding infants -- or not...

Unlocking Human Potential: Breaking the Cycle of the Story

Hi, my name is Leslie and I, like you, have a story. My story, like yours, began the day my mom’s egg and my dad’s sperm met! You may be wondering why on Earth I would say such a thing. Well, I’m going to tell you why. Here’s my take on my story, your story, all of our stories. For better or for worse, our parent’s stories play a role in our stories. How? Well, if our parents never dealt with their own “emotional baggage” then guess who often inherits it? You got it! Us, their children! My...

Opioid Crisis: Doctor explains risk factors in Shasta County []

REDDING, Calif. - The Northstate is a concentrated area of opioid use, but there have been improvements in Shasta County. "What disturbs me the most, especially in our community is that you see young people who needlessly die tragically," said Shasta County Chief Deputy Coroner Gene Randall. The drug epidemic doesn't just mean illegal drugs. "In 2013, we had about 1,300 to 1,400 opioid prescriptions every 1,000 people here in a year, which means more than one opioid prescription for every...

One Hundred Poems That Capture the Meaning of Joy []

In his new anthology, Joy: 100 Poems, the writer Christian Wiman takes readers through the ostensible ordinariness of life and reveals the extraordinary. “We ate, and talked, and went to bed, / And slept. It was a miracle,” Donald Hall writes in “Summer Kitchen.” Through a luminous array of poetry and prose, Wiman captures joy in contemporary contexts. These works span from the 20th century to the present day, and as a result, the real, the specific, and the familiar shine through: “She’s...

10 Questions: Therese S. Richmond, PhD, CRNP []

Therese S. Richmond, PhD, FAAN, CRNP , associate dean for research and innovation at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, views nursing as "an exquisite opportunity" to help people when they are at their most vulnerable. There is nothing better than being a nurse, she told MedPage Today, explaining that even during her hardest days she reminds herself to "take a deep breath and be thankful for the honor of being a nurse." Richmond received her Masters in Nursing Science from...

Trauma Informed Care e learning modules - open access

From the website: Many of the people we interact with every day have been affected by overwhelming stress or traumatic experiences. Traumatic experiences change a person and can create turmoil within a person and in their life. This is especially true if events and/or conditions happen in childhood. The consequences of trauma are far reaching and can be directly or indirectly linked to mental illness, addictions, chronic disease, suicide, and overall, a failure to thrive. The purpose of the...

Drawing connections, building empathy and resilience in traumatized children

At Intermountain's residential services, we have spent a lot of time this past month focusing on thankfulness, gratitude, and recognizing how richly we have been blessed. This has allowed me, as their chaplain, to encourage empathetic responses to the needs of others while also building a positive self-image as each child recognizes that they have something to give others. Woven into this narrative was a recognition of our interdependence and that it is not a sign of weakness to acknowledge...

How San Diego is Trying to Use a Hepatitis A Outbreak to Solve its Housing Crisis []

When the first patients arrived at Dr. Jeffrey Norris' clinic, they had no idea they were sick. The staff found them sitting in the waiting room, exhausted and queasy—skin a sickly yellow, lids drooping over jaundiced eyes. They came in off the streets for walk-in appointments, battling nausea in the downtown San Diego clinic, at a time when they'd normally be waiting in line for a shelter bed. Many had been treated here before for chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or...

Impact of childhood trauma reaches rural Wisconsin []

MONTELLO – Jodi Williams has just returned from the Marquette County jail, where she met an unemployed 27-year-old man who had been busted after jumping bail on charges of battery, property damage and disorderly conduct. He and his girlfriend used heroin until two years ago when their child was born. Instead of cleaning up, he switched to alcohol, which angered his girlfriend, who left with their child. Now, he’s dangerously depressed, locked up and dealing with his first sustained sobriety...

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